
Children please, it Christmas. Play nice or no presents from Santa. Just a stocking full of Corona virus with no vaccine.
We already know our foundation co-pay support stocking will be empty (Funny how Santa knew this but failed to share it with the children. An elf in the workshop knew and told us before he left but most of us wrongly put our faith in Mrs. Claus). As for presents under the tree a lump of coal would be an improvement over what 40% of the sales force is getting.

We already know our foundation co-pay support stocking will be empty (Funny how Santa knew this but failed to share it with the children. An elf in the workshop knew and told us before he left but most of us wrongly put our faith in Mrs. Claus). As for presents under the tree a lump of coal would be an improvement over what 40% of the sales force is getting.

Start working like the other 60%. Hope this helps son.

Agreed. If everyone focused more on their job instead of whining all the time our numbers would be good. I think 2021 will be a good year, at least for those of us that work hard.

Not to diminish anyone’s hard work, but what does that have to do with the patients that have been lost as a result of foundation funding drying up? The definition of insanity does fit this scenario. And to keep working hard... now that is a new strategy.

Not to diminish anyone’s hard work, but what does that have to do with the patients that have been lost as a result of foundation funding drying up? The definition of insanity does fit this scenario. And to keep working hard... now that is a new strategy.
There’s nothing any of us can do about the foundation funding. Some things are within our control and some are not. When we focus on what we can control, our thoughts empower us and then trigger positive emotions.

There’s nothing any of us can do about the foundation funding. Some things are within our control and some are not. When we focus on what we can control, our thoughts empower us and then trigger positive emotions.
With that approach we are soon to have 66 people doing cartwheels of joy while not hitting goals and 1/2 making zero bonus. Oh joy!