
JS is just the beginning. Imagine how many he will take with him to Horizon. Top two regions in the country are about to be destroyed and it happened under KM’s nose. I bet 5-7 departures are coming and all top performers.

Why Opko Health Stock Sank Today
Disappointing Q1 results weighed on the healthcare stock.
What happened

Shares of Opko Health (NASDAQ:OPK)were sinking 11.2% as of 3:18 p.m. EDT on Wednesday. The drop came after the healthcare company reported first-quarter results Tuesday evening that came in well below Wall Street expectations.

Need a change in management. Definition of insanity.

We have a failure of leadership. KM has ruined the morale and TN has watched it happen from the sidelines. How did KM not know JS was never in the field and never returned his reps phone calls?

So many looking to get out. Quietly interviewing putting on their “I love it here face”. Good luck Amigos,

I agree! Have to look the part and smile so not to bring attention to yourself. Once you are in the light they will destroy you. Unless you rub on KM you are shit to him. HR does nothing to the complaints but uses it against the rep. So stay out of the line of fire and smile.

I agree! Have to look the part and smile so not to bring attention to yourself. Once you are in the light they will destroy you. Unless you rub on KM you are shit to him. HR does nothing to the complaints but uses it against the rep. So stay out of the line of fire and smile.
If you go to HR at any company you better be prepared to do battle. Their function is to protect the company from legal exposure.

If you go to HR at any company you better be prepared to do battle. Their function is to protect the company from legal exposure.

Oh yes you are right. They are not for the grunts doing all the work. If you are a RSS you haven't got a chance with HR unless you have pictures and an attorney. So start taking pictures/videos and your chances go up exponentially. Also if you have several eye witnesses who would be willing to come forward solidifies your case.

Always remember that your RSM is not your friend, no matter how they behave like one. Their job is to trip you up, beat you down and protect the company at all costs against you. They will turn on you in a heartbeat.