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Eve was a black woman

Some are, some aren't. Everyone needs a code to live by, it doesn't have to be an organized religion. ;)

From your many idiotic, inane, ignorant posts, your code must be to live and remain ignorant and stupid despite the truths revealed to you. Before you can be saved, you must accept your intellectual inferiority, your moral bankruptcy, and lack of mental and emotional fortitude.
You’re facing a long, uphill battle, so you should get started immediately.

From your many idiotic, inane, ignorant posts, your code must be to live and remain ignorant and stupid despite the truths revealed to you. Before you can be saved, you must accept your intellectual inferiority, your moral bankruptcy, and lack of mental and emotional fortitude.
You’re facing a long, uphill battle, so you should get started immediately.

Sad but true and in this case the truth is really going to hurt.

His problem is that he can’t get the easy, straightforward stuff right and then he presumes to have a supportable position when it comes to the important stuff like God and the meaning of life. He’s never willing to pay the freight for the consequences of his belief system. His code placed no binding moral restraint on his behavior. Oh if he wants to be honest and peaceful he will do that but if something doesn’t exactly suit his fancy then he chunks any consideration that it may still have moral authority over his behavior.

From your many idiotic, inane, ignorant posts, your code must be to live and remain ignorant and stupid despite the truths revealed to you. Before you can be saved, you must accept your intellectual inferiority, your moral bankruptcy, and lack of mental and emotional fortitude.
You’re facing a long, uphill battle, so you should get started immediately.
You sound like one of those pompous evangelicals who constantly judge and read your bible and then act like a jerk and support a president who behaves like a criminal. Your type makes me sick. I have been driven away from religion by people like you.
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You sound like one of those pompous evangelicals who constantly judge and read your bible and then act like a jerk and support a president who behaves like a criminal. Your type makes me sick. I have been driven away from religion by people like you.
The best time of my life was when I dropped that monkey called religion off of my back. I was finally free of stupidity and silly superstition.
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Sad but true and in this case the truth is really going to hurt.

His problem is that he can’t get the easy, straightforward stuff right and then he presumes to have a supportable position when it comes to the important stuff like God and the meaning of life. He’s never willing to pay the freight for the consequences of his belief system. His code placed no binding moral restraint on his behavior. Oh if he wants to be honest and peaceful he will do that but if something doesn’t exactly suit his fancy then he chunks any consideration that it may still have moral authority over his behavior.

You two are funny - Pete & Repeat. What are these 'consequences' of my belief system? After I'm cremated some god guy is going to reconstitute my body and put my already burned up feet in a fire for eternity?

And you say I can't get the easy, straightforward stuff?

Bwahahahaaaa :p

You sound like one of those pompous evangelicals who constantly judge and read your bible and then act like a jerk and support a president who behaves like a criminal. Your type makes me sick. I have been driven away from religion by people like you.

No you’ve been driven away from religion by your own foolishness and immaturity.

And I never supported Clinton or Obama so I’ve never supported a president that behaves like a criminal. :D

You two are funny - Pete & Repeat. What are these 'consequences' of my belief system? After I'm cremated some god guy is going to reconstitute my body and put my already burned up feet in a fire for eternity?

And you say I can't get the easy, straightforward stuff?

Bwahahahaaaa :p
These people are terrified of hell and punishment. Honestly think their parents abused them as children and terrified them into ‘believing’ basic BS. My father was normal but my mother was terrified by religion. For whatever reason I was never scared and embraced my own beliefs. My life has turned out pretty good and so have my kids - awesome adults who I allowed to believe whatever they wanted! My son in junior high Used to talk to his friends about ‘the church of the flying spaghetti monster’ I knew then he had it pretty much figured out while he attended private Jesuit schools who were actually very progressive and talked more about ‘ethics’ vs religion. Money well spent - Too bad ethics have been removed from religion in our society. Ethics to me means letting people be who they are and not hurting them as long as they are not hurting anyone. Live and let live.

These people are terrified of hell and punishment. Honestly think their parents abused them as children and terrified them into ‘believing’ basic BS. My father was normal but my mother was terrified by religion. For whatever reason I was never scared and embraced my own beliefs. My life has turned out pretty good and so have my kids - awesome adults who I allowed to believe whatever they wanted! My son in junior high Used to talk to his friends about ‘the church of the flying spaghetti monster’ I knew then he had it pretty much figured out while he attended private Jesuit schools who were actually very progressive and talked more about ‘ethics’ vs religion. Money well spent - Too bad ethics have been removed from religion in our society. Ethics to me means letting people be who they are and not hurting them as long as they are not hurting anyone. Live and let live.

In general, people claim the religion of those that live where they live. If you live in America – most likely Christian, China – Buddhist, Israel - Jewish, Japan – Shinto, Middle East – Muslim, Romania – Eastern Orthodox. Not a lot of thought process, just a lot of 'following the herd' behavior. :rolleyes:

In general, people claim the religion of those that live where they live. If you live in America – most likely Christian, China – Buddhist, Israel - Jewish, Japan – Shinto, Middle East – Muslim, Romania – Eastern Orthodox. Not a lot of thought process, just a lot of 'following the herd' behavior. :rolleyes:
And as Sinclair Lewis is purported to have said:' When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross". It appears that he has been proven correct.
Why blindly following religious "leaders" is very dangerous. QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!

In general, people claim the religion of those that live where they live. If you live in America – most likely Christian, China – Buddhist, Israel - Jewish, Japan – Shinto, Middle East – Muslim, Romania – Eastern Orthodox. Not a lot of thought process, just a lot of 'following the herd' behavior. :rolleyes:

True but unimportant. You miss the profound points. :rolleyes:

And as Sinclair Lewis is purported to have said:' When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross". It appears that he has been proven correct.
Why blindly following religious "leaders" is very dangerous. QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!

Sinclair Lewis? Hmmmmm, don’t know that I’d rely upon him as an authority on fascism seeing as how I’m pretty sure he was a Godless commie, but as to your questioning point, good advice, if you’re smart and follow it, you’ll wind up a Christian!

Just out of idle curiosity have you questioned such things as the following?

Man made climate change
The gay rights agenda and gay marriage
Gun control

These people are terrified of hell and punishment. Honestly think their parents abused them as children and terrified them into ‘believing’ basic BS. My father was normal but my mother was terrified by religion. For whatever reason I was never scared and embraced my own beliefs. My life has turned out pretty good and so have my kids - awesome adults who I allowed to believe whatever they wanted! My son in junior high Used to talk to his friends about ‘the church of the flying spaghetti monster’ I knew then he had it pretty much figured out while he attended private Jesuit schools who were actually very progressive and talked more about ‘ethics’ vs religion. Money well spent - Too bad ethics have been removed from religion in our society. Ethics to me means letting people be who they are and not hurting them as long as they are not hurting anyone. Live and let live.

People who do wrong should be afraid of Hell and punishment, unless they’re just incredibly stupid and we definitely have some of those here.

What you’re missing is that without internal restraints, you can’t have a big enough or corruption free enough police force to have a decent society.

Morality isn’t up to individual choice. It’s not even up to group choice. If you want to contend that there is no God, then that’s your perogative but you sound silly even talking about ethics because if God doesn’t exist, then ethics don’t exist. There’s just what you like and what I like and if those conflict then too bad for you.

People who do wrong should be afraid of Hell and punishment, unless they’re just incredibly stupid and we definitely have some of those here.

What you’re missing is that without internal restraints, you can’t have a big enough or corruption free enough police force to have a decent society.

Morality isn’t up to individual choice. It’s not even up to group choice. If you want to contend that there is no God, then that’s your perogative but you sound silly even talking about ethics because if God doesn’t exist, then ethics don’t exist. There’s just what you like and what I like and if those conflict then too bad for you.

Did not say there is no god but said I don't believe in any man made religion. Perhaps a universal creator I really don't know but certainly don't believe in books written by men to claim they have the answer to the universe.
By the way our police force here in the US seems corrupt as hell to me--- some good human beings but very quick to draw the guns. Would trust the British or Dutch police a lot more than here cause they aren't trigger happy. Have often wondered who really monitors our police. Here in my city the police chief tried to get rid of a few bad apples then got hit by the police union. Sounds a bit fascist to me. So not god running the police but very imperfect people.

Did not say there is no god but said I don't believe in any man made religion. Perhaps a universal creator I really don't know but certainly don't believe in books written by men to claim they have the answer to the universe.
By the way our police force here in the US seems corrupt as hell to me--- some good human beings but very quick to draw the guns. Would trust the British or Dutch police a lot more than here cause they aren't trigger happy. Have often wondered who really monitors our police. Here in my city the police chief tried to get rid of a few bad apples then got hit by the police union. Sounds a bit fascist to me. So not god running the police but very imperfect people.

Bingo! Obviously there is a creative 'process' and we do not know the details. Some call it god, some call it the Universe, some call it Mother Nature - whatever - we do not know. Funny how this country was founded by those persecuted and they became persecutors.
I do NOT want religious expression banned but then again, I do NOT want it required. I grew up in Catholic neighborhood and was continually badgered/ bullied as a child that I was going to hell after a place called purgatory if I wasn’t Catholic. How could parents let a religion teach their kids this crap. We were Presbyterian. After college my best friend, who is Jewish, was told if he wanted to buy a house in the nicest neighborhood, he would have to change his name. They would not allow his father to join the local country club. Eventually, his uncle bought the printing press that printed the local paper and a few years later bought the paper itself so much of the bigotry got exposed. The only reason I will go into a church or temple these days is for a funeral or a wedding. I’m sure they mean well but I'm NOT a fan of organized religion being how the 3 biggest religions in our country can be so hateful to each other. God needs to get his religion in order and start running the show - if he can - and I don't think he can. The creative process created and then left us to figure it out - the Deist view and Deists founded our country. Sorry but that Holy Threesome business (father, son, Holy Ghost) is nonsense.

Totally agree and so sorry you were bullied as a child but you were intelligent enough to learn the real lesson of religion!! My mom was a evangelical but
my dad a normal Episcopalian so I was able to figure what I thought was truth and believe me it was not my moms crazy stuff. Religion divided my family and caused resentment between believers and those who did not believe. I see religion as a bad thing which divides families. I would never chose to love my children or not based on their beliefs. Kind of hard right now with families though because of divisive politics. Thanks a lot Donald!!! A real divider and certainly no ‘christian’ whatever theF that is!!!

Bingo! Obviously there is a creative 'process' and we do not know the details. Some call it god, some call it the Universe, some call it Mother Nature - whatever - we do not know. Funny how this country was founded by those persecuted and they became persecutors.
I do NOT want religious expression banned but then again, I do NOT want it required. I grew up in Catholic neighborhood and was continually badgered/ bullied as a child that I was going to hell after a place called purgatory if I wasn’t Catholic. How could parents let a religion teach their kids this crap. We were Presbyterian. After college my best friend, who is Jewish, was told if he wanted to buy a house in the nicest neighborhood, he would have to change his name. They would not allow his father to join the local country club. Eventually, his uncle bought the printing press that printed the local paper and a few years later bought the paper itself so much of the bigotry got exposed. The only reason I will go into a church or temple these days is for a funeral or a wedding. I’m sure they mean well but I'm NOT a fan of organized religion being how the 3 biggest religions in our country can be so hateful to each other. God needs to get his religion in order and start running the show - if he can - and I don't think he can. The creative process created and then left us to figure it out - the Deist view and Deists founded our country. Sorry but that Holy Threesome business (father, son, Holy Ghost) is nonsense.

Church attendance is diminishing. You seem to have pointed out why. It just doesn’t seem relevant any more much less believable.

Church attendance is diminishing. You seem to have pointed out why. It just doesn’t seem relevant any more much less believable.

Yes, church attendance is diminishing and an army of social ills is increasing. And it’s no coincidence. The suicide rate is the highest it’s been since 1938! That’s hardly coincidence. Divorce, child abuse, substance abuse etc. etc.

Church is always relevant and imminently believable to those who are wise enough to be rational and evidence based in their decision making.

Yes, church attendance is diminishing and an army of social ills is increasing. And it’s no coincidence. The suicide rate is the highest it’s been since 1938! That’s hardly coincidence. Divorce, child abuse, substance abuse etc. etc.

Church is always relevant and imminently believable to those who are wise enough to be rational and evidence based in their decision making.

Exactly, the movement towards 'evidence-based' eliminates the relevance of church and organized religion.