Ethicon Biosurgery

You guys are miserable human beings to trash someone the way you are. No matter how much you dislike someone it is not necessary to say such horrible things about ANYONE. Check yourselves, you obviously are unhappy people that feel the need to put others down. You are going strait to hell. have fun there

Hard to forgive people like andre that negatively impact people's lives.. glad to hear it's so easy for you. By the way, the people who work for andre have families and it affects them too.

You guys are miserable human beings to trash someone the way you are. No matter how much you dislike someone it is not necessary to say such horrible things about ANYONE. Check yourselves, you obviously are unhappy people that feel the need to put others down. You are going strait to hell. have fun there

So when RH and AF got together and trashed reps in the same fashion, that was ok?

I'm assuming by Hell you mean either another jnj business unit? Or maybe you're just one of those simple-minded types that takes literally a made up place from the same story book that gave us a flood with a boat(Russell Crowe nailed it btw), talking snakes, and no evolution?

So when RH and AF got together and trashed reps in the same fashion, that was ok?

I'm assuming by Hell you mean either another jnj business unit? Or maybe you're just one of those simple-minded types that takes literally a made up place from the same story book that gave us a flood with a boat(Russell Crowe nailed it btw), talking snakes, and no evolution?

I know, life is tough. My heart goes out to you.

You guys are miserable human beings to trash someone the way you are. No matter how much you dislike someone it is not necessary to say such horrible things about ANYONE. Check yourselves, you obviously are unhappy people that feel the need to put others down. You are going strait to hell. have fun there

Well when you get there tell Rohinish hello and save a seat for Andre

Hercules aka marginally better tachosil, that took almost 5 years longer to come to market. End of the day its just another overpriced hemostasis product that hospitals will fight to keep out.

Are back orders still happening?

Backorders are irrevelant at this point. If you're asking because you are looking at a job, this place is only going to be around for another 6-12 months before folding into Ethicon 1. They are already in the process of realigning accounts to eliminate positions and transition to new format. If you are asking because you are a competitor, you'll have a few less reps to worry about, and the ones that remain will be too swamped with other product lines to pose any threat to current business or resistance to taking new business.