Ethicon Biosurgery

nope. former full line endo rep here. I never said you don't have to close. I was just making the point that everyone always thinks they are better salespeople than anyone else

"Here is what I have learned after 20 years of sales. Show up consistently, be nice to everyone, know your product, and do what you say. Leave the bravado bs at home"

so you said this right? listen Zig Ziglar either you are a complete moron or do not know how to communicate your thoughts very well. keep up the good work jackass.

"Here is what I have learned after 20 years of sales. Show up consistently, be nice to everyone, know your product, and do what you say. Leave the bravado bs at home"

so you said this right? listen Zig Ziglar either you are a complete moron or do not know how to communicate your thoughts very well. keep up the good work jackass.

How did I not communicate well? By the way, I think zig zigler is a joke as well as all the other self help idiots.

TL here in full disclosure. Why don't all of you shut the f up! Go to any board on this site and you'll read the same bullshit about how nobody can sell. Here is a news flash for you asswipes, you guys saying this must be young in your sales career and still believe your tough. Big shit walking in and challenging customers and closing business. Eat what you kill type of mentality. You guys are so gay. Here is what I have learned after 20 years of sales. Show up consistently, be nice to everyone, know your product, and do what you say. Leave the bravado bs at home

You are clearly advocating that those that "challenge customers", "closing business" and "eat what you kill" are gay. Not the pillow-biting gay but the you're an idiot gay or you have no idea what you are talking about gay. Then you proceed to explain what it takes to get the job done because after all YOU are a TL with 20 years of experience because a young sales rep could never be as good a a 20 year veteran... Your advice says nothing about the sales process and nothing about closing for business. Now that I have broken this down for you take a play out of a 3 year vet in the industry and start finding a need through asking questions, fill the need and close. No bravado just sales 101.

You are clearly advocating that those that "challenge customers", "closing business" and "eat what you kill" are gay. Not the pillow-biting gay but the you're an idiot gay or you have no idea what you are talking about gay. Then you proceed to explain what it takes to get the job done because after all YOU are a TL with 20 years of experience because a young sales rep could never be as good a a 20 year veteran... Your advice says nothing about the sales process and nothing about closing for business. Now that I have broken this down for you take a play out of a 3 year vet in the industry and start finding a need through asking questions, fill the need and close. No bravado just sales 101.

Haha. You proved my point exactly. You are still young which is why you still believe what you do. This job isn't that hard. The younger you are the more complicated you tend to make it. However, it is hard to perform well consistently for yeeeaaars but it has nothing to do with asking questions.

Biosurgery is a joke. I don't understand why there has even been this many comments under this thread. This division was the place to be about 4-5 years ago. For the past 2-3 years they have been completely irrelevant. Once RH came in all the talent quickly departed. The rapid growth and hunter mentality is long gone. He parked his car around an oak tree, but it was too late. This is a contract only gig. Put a fork in it.

Do u guys have an issue with taking a shit in the hospital? The older I get it's like clockwork. As soon as I get to the hospital I gotta go. I do it everyday now but it's so gross!

Haha. You proved my point exactly. You are still young which is why you still believe what you do. This job isn't that hard. The younger you are the more complicated you tend to make it. However, it is hard to perform well consistently for yeeeaaars but it has nothing to do with asking questions.

actually you proved my point exactly by deflecting the main point of the conversation - closing sales - . the debate was whether or not you stated the importance of closing a sale. if you actually would listen (in this case read) you would understand the content of the debate at hand. based on your ability (or lack thereof) to carry on a conversation through a message board I am sure you are amazing in front of your customers (sarcasm). keep up the good work and please make sure the coffee does not get too cold the next time you bring me starbucks.

actually you proved my point exactly by deflecting the main point of the conversation - closing sales - . the debate was whether or not you stated the importance of closing a sale. if you actually would listen (in this case read) you would understand the content of the debate at hand. based on your ability (or lack thereof) to carry on a conversation through a message board I am sure you are amazing in front of your customers (sarcasm). keep up the good work and please make sure the coffee does not get too cold the next time you bring me starbucks.

Hahaha so typical. Starbucks reference and all. That joke is old. The whole coffee reference wasn't that funny 10 years ago. Again, typical young sales guy, bright eyed and bushy tailed that think he's gonna conquer it all. Closing sales was not my main point but I will respond. Yes, it is important never said it wasn't. What I'm talking about is how everyone comes on this board and wants to pretend that all other sales jobs and reps are inferior to them. Then they act tough like they know how to close etc suggesting that everyone else is a dumbass, scared, or whatever.

My point is all that is bullshit. To have any success year in and year out you can't go into these same account guns blazing and closing every two seconds. You may have some short term success but your career will be short lived. Sales isn't some formula u can teach anyone. Identify needs, ask questions, close...that shit is good in theory but any good sales rep is born. You waltzing in being the tough guy and eating what you kill won't get you but a 3-5 year career. Your customers will quickly grow to hate your ass. Sales is more about the intangibles. Being perceptive, pushing when appropriate, likability, credibility. If you think otherwise then you are young in your sales career. Look around at the 40 year old sales guys that have tenure. They aren't going out there like some nutjob eating what they kill hahahaha.

Haha. You proved my point exactly. You are still young which is why you still believe what you do. This job isn't that hard. The younger you are the more complicated you tend to make it. However, it is hard to perform well consistently for yeeeaaars but it has nothing to do with asking questions.

Actually 16 years at the former EES and almost two as TL, executive rep, probably won trip more than you hit quota. So the great master has more career making advice for all you "youngsters" out there:

First - closing is not important and in fact gay.
Second - asking questions has nothing to do with the sales process
Can't wait to hear what is next! Maybe that showing new product will not help, or perhaps going over features and benefits is a waste of time, maybe it could be that you have so much experience because you are the sales Czar that giving accounts new product codes is a waste of time.

You are a true jackass.

Actually 16 years at the former EES and almost two as TL, executive rep, probably won trip more than you hit quota. So the great master has more career making advice for all you "youngsters" out there:

First - closing is not important and in fact gay.
Second - asking questions has nothing to do with the sales process
Can't wait to hear what is next! Maybe that showing new product will not help, or perhaps going over features and benefits is a waste of time, maybe it could be that you have so much experience because you are the sales Czar that giving accounts new product codes is a waste of time.

You are a true jackass.

Some people are just too stubborn. No point in arguing. Reread my original post. I never said closing is gay and asking questions has nothing to do with the sales process. Your missing the whole concept of my original post. Once again the typical bravado..."I've won trips" then name calling....I'm a jackass apparently.

I'm not gonna take the time to explain my original post. You take it too literal

Some people are just too stubborn. No point in arguing. Reread my original post. I never said closing is gay and asking questions has nothing to do with the sales process. Your missing the whole concept of my original post. Once again the typical bravado..."I've won trips" then name calling....I'm a jackass apparently.

I'm not gonna take the time to explain my original post. You take it too literal

just bustin' your balls ya queer. one rule we never talked about... don't take yourself too seriously...especially on cafepharma!

I agree that a solid TL that has the business acumen, product knowledge and relationships is key for the long term success of this current model. Where leadership needs to re-evaluate is who they are hiring for this role. TL's need to be tenured seasoned sales reps that have a solid understanding of their market and the industry.

Kip was right when he initially said the TL "would be the quarterback" on the team (we all know he has pulled back on that thought). They need to further define the role of the TL and they really should treat the role the same across the entire country.


Explain how Ethicon is going to recruit "tenured seasoned reps", everyone knows Ethicon is a joke and wouldn't/shouldn't take a job here unless it was really a last resort.

Explain how Ethicon is going to recruit "tenured seasoned reps", everyone knows Ethicon is a joke and wouldn't/shouldn't take a job here unless it was really a last resort.

Increase pay Einstein and stop hiring new college grads for the position. Another idea is that an ASR cannot take that position straight way from being an ASR. You get what you pay for.