Ethicon Biosurgery

Sounds like every j&j manger I've ever had. I've had 3 different ones. Intimidate, bully and put downs are what they teach in J&J manager school. It works so well. (Sarcasm)

I actually met him on EP side years ago in the south. He is a napolean complexed militant asshole that bullied 1 of my friends who was his rep, and he made a comment about how he could kick my ass one time based on a side conversation having nothing to do about him, but yes being able to protect one self, and he wasn't kidding

I am looking at Ethicon biosurgery and Synthes Trauma opportunity. Does anyone have any input on these two opportunities. Seems quality of life is better at Ethicon. I get the impression the trauma guys make a lot of money though. Any feedback is appreciated.

I am looking at Ethicon biosurgery and Synthes Trauma opportunity. Does anyone have any input on these two opportunities. Seems quality of life is better at Ethicon. I get the impression the trauma guys make a lot of money though. Any feedback is appreciated.

Quality of life was better at biosurgery until 2 years ago. Culture has been destroyed by current leadership. Both get you into JNJ, I would ask myself which company will be left standing in the next 2 years. I would also look at who you would be working for.

only take the biosurgery job if you are desperate or unemployed. no supply and awful culture. more than half the sales force have either quit or been forced out. products are me too and Baxter has hands down better products. surgeons have, and always will prefer floseal and tisseal. good luck. selling implants is always better compared to this bs pharma job masked as device. hope this info helps you. I'm part of the 50% still working fit this terrible company, but if I wernt almost 50 I would have quit... have to make it to 55!

run, only go for job if desperate. the manager only got job bc she sucked up to old VP. management at all levels is bad. if management was only problem this place could be tolerable, but there is no supply. Been in back order since June 2011. corporate culture is best described as "The Donner Party" Just not enough to go around. only the tenured reps survive. good luck!

If you are looking at the sales position in LA I would stay far away. DM didn't even interview for the job, she was "appointed". The RSD has been commented on several time through out these comments. It's Andre Fisher and he is a complete dick and he has no idea what he is doing. He is one of those managers that no one wants to take into an account because he talks in circles.

Find a different opportunity

The whole company is a revolving door. Reps will always come in very confident they can/will do it better than those before them. After a few months of rolling backorders and product recalls they start looking. They leave 1-2 years later, new person comes in ready to "make an impact"..........repeat cycle. Not a career, more of a short stop. Even if you have success in your territory the pool of tenured reps is so small that within 2 years they will be herding you into a "leadership" position, then off to another business unit.

Today one of your professional representatives was right up behind the surgeon obviously breaking the sterile field and quizzing him on why he is using floseal instead of surgiflo. Everyone in the room was trying to get the dumbass away from him. i dont compete with you guys but was apalled with what I saw today. Good luck with your thrombin gelfoam thrombin packaged as whatever incredible stuff you say it is ( i really dont understand your market) But please train your reps in sterile technique.

Today one of your professional representatives was right up behind the surgeon obviously breaking the sterile field and quizzing him on why he is using floseal instead of surgiflo. Everyone in the room was trying to get the dumbass away from him. i dont compete with you guys but was apalled with what I saw today. Good luck with your thrombin gelfoam thrombin packaged as whatever incredible stuff you say it is ( i really dont understand your market) But please train your reps in sterile technique.

Your rant is pointless, and your company clearly needs to train their highly professional clinical experts.

1.) only areas that can be seen by the clinician are considered sterile, ie the back of the surgeon is not considered sterile.

2.) gowns are considered sterile only on the front, from chest to waist and from the hands to slightly above the elbow.

3.) You are probably one of the all knowing reps that has a cardboard box of implants, sweet tumi bag, an iPhone/iPad all in the room while wearing your ring, watch, and the same undershirt you walked in with (all while being very concerned about other reps breaking the sterile field).

If the surgeon cared or was concerned in the least he would have let it be known. He would not relied on a hack rep to get on cafepharma to plead for better training.

Assuming the 6:53 post is accurate, this brings up something I have been battling since 2004 with 3 different companies. Why does it seem JNJ reps (regardless of tenure, experience, intelligence, etc.) are given free reign to wander the OR? If not invited by the Md using Floseal, why was the JNJ rep even in the room? It takes an Act of Congress for me to get permission to be in the O/R, and I have the business! Pisses me off. Hospitals complain about doing business with JNJ, but do nothing about it. Pussies.

Your rant is pointless, and your company clearly needs to train their highly professional clinical experts.

1.) only areas that can be seen by the clinician are considered sterile, ie the back of the surgeon is not considered sterile.

2.) gowns are considered sterile only on the front, from chest to waist and from the hands to slightly above the elbow.

3.) You are probably one of the all knowing reps that has a cardboard box of implants, sweet tumi bag, an iPhone/iPad all in the room while wearing your ring, watch, and the same undershirt you walked in with (all while being very concerned about other reps breaking the sterile field).

If the surgeon cared or was concerned in the least he would have let it be known. He would not relied on a hack rep to get on cafepharma to plead for better training.

Someone sure got their panties in a bunch! All you j&j biosurgery reps are a joke.

Assuming the 6:53 post is accurate, this brings up something I have been battling since 2004 with 3 different companies. Why does it seem JNJ reps (regardless of tenure, experience, intelligence, etc.) are given free reign to wander the OR? If not invited by the Md using Floseal, why was the JNJ rep even in the room? It takes an Act of Congress for me to get permission to be in the O/R, and I have the business! Pisses me off. Hospitals complain about doing business with JNJ, but do nothing about it. Pussies.

Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. Grow some and go in the room. Maybe it's because you have been with 3 companies in 9 years. They probably never know what you are there for.

Your rant is pointless, and your company clearly needs to train their highly professional clinical experts.

1.) only areas that can be seen by the clinician are considered sterile, ie the back of the surgeon is not considered sterile.

2.) gowns are considered sterile only on the front, from chest to waist and from the hands to slightly above the elbow.

3.) You are probably one of the all knowing reps that has a cardboard box of implants, sweet tumi bag, an iPhone/iPad all in the room while wearing your ring, watch, and the same undershirt you walked in with (all while being very concerned about other reps breaking the sterile field).

If the surgeon cared or was concerned in the least he would have let it be known. He would not relied on a hack rep to get on cafepharma to plead for better training.

Classic. No wonder ortho cases have some of the highest rates of SSI.

5:50 post- we can all picture you in your
khakis and blue sport coat hanging out
in the office even though you have nothing
to do. Never leave before the boss leaves.
Usually our posts would be at 5:50 am.
We work until we are finished. 3 jobs
in 9 years is good. Maybe it's a person
who didn't want to uproot their family for
a bs 2 year gig in NJ. Maybe their family is
first in their decision making.

5:50 post- we can all picture you in your
khakis and blue sport coat hanging out
in the office even though you have nothing
to do. Never leave before the boss leaves.
Usually our posts would be at 5:50 am.
We work until we are finished. 3 jobs
in 9 years is good. Maybe it's a person
who didn't want to uproot their family for
a bs 2 year gig in NJ. Maybe their family is
first in their decision making.

So your post is at 7:20am? Hit the snooze button a few times this morning? Guess 5:50am is maybe more of a 3 to 4 day a week thing for you.