
Yes , I agree that the reason Esperion had a bad launch and sales are weak is because of Karen. The Esperion way is to shift blame at all costs. Karen has really done us in. At all costs we can't have a clinical discussion as doctors know we're talking out our asses.

Doesn't seem that the NASCAR sponsorship is helping.

Stock continues it's downward spiral.
I feel like it’s a little early to assess how much the NASCAR sponsorship will help. It’s a strong strategic partnership with NASCAR fans being amongst the most brand loyal customers in the nation. Getting the word out and becoming a household name is a huge step forward. It worked for Viagra

Another ingenious comment from the Ann Arbor bleachers. You lead such a pitiful existence. Things not working out at the carwash Karen hater. Can you put a little more shine on the tires next time I come through.

I feel like it’s a little early to assess how much the NASCAR sponsorship will help. It’s a strong strategic partnership with NASCAR fans being amongst the most brand loyal customers in the nation. Getting the word out and becoming a household name is a huge step forward. It worked for Viagra
Love love LOVE the NASCAR deal. We have hooked up with a STRONG team. There will be tremendous exposure as a result. It’s really a win-win-win as more patients are initiated and protected. Very sound move that can reap major ROI, exciting times ahead!