
So now it's "boots on the ground". Lol! Since when did that ever make a difference. Remember your illustrious "dream team" you hired at launch? You had a ton of boots on the ground who did nothing for 9 months other than play Call to Duty with each other and doing Tic Tocs. The only thing at Esperion that's "unbridled" is the incompetence level.

Ah yes. The Dream Team. The Scientifically Hired, Highly Tenured Custom\mer Facing Team and Lipid trained Experts.

Wow must have been issued ESPR would have " boots on the ground "!

Boots must be helpful when wading in the sh-- strategy incompetence and CLEARS data.

Difficult day for high tech life sciences, there is clearly a rotation going on.Investors mettle has been tested, Those who stay positioned may be rewarded handsomely. Classic catch it
While you can scenario, staying focused
On the vision provides the insights and fortitude required.

What do you know! Another phrase from Sheldon ..( rotational) ,like the rotational shift he referred to months ago. And also now meddle is responsible for the demise of stock value. Classic blame shifting and not taking responsible for such pitiful performance by sales and management. The only people who will be rewarded handsomely will be the Board Of Directors ans senior leaders who will get a golden parachute when this is sold off in pieces to 3rd world generic manufactures in India.

And again today the stock fails to respond. This will be a very bad quarter. The next earnings call will be dismal. Does ESPR really think they can win the lawsuit. They made up their own intereptations of the data for their own benefit. DS is not taking any crap from them.

Only at Esperion would this happen. Contract a sales team with no selling experience in this selling space. Just watch them fumble around in cardiology offices. Which their sales calls were recorded and put on You Tube

We're getting crushed again as stock is down 6% and stumbling at $1.20. So much for the uptick with the huge Currax announcement! Another dud of marketing plan but at least we've got a race car!!!