SG is a total control freak
Heard we are not getting cars now.
Any one else?
I heard the contract isn't as strong as it was and therefore, they have cancelled car deal.
When does the contract end again? Is it June 2016?
We are getting the Allergy meds (Ragwitek &Grastek) since we call on the allergists anyway and the products' revenue don't justify a costly specialty sales force.
So with those dog drugs there in no way they will renew the contract!
You need to work on your spelling. Can't understand what you are trying to say.
The Contract Will Be renewed til June 2018 they are already in talks we will be getting non respiratory drugs too! dollar per dollar we are valuable and there are many of us happy and many standing in line for the job you can't beat the Flex snd anyone who calls this a Full time job has never had a true Full Time job I do not ever work 40 hours a week ever!!! If you do you need to reaccess how you go your job!
Clearly you are a manager. Hate when trolls get on these boards and justify the corporate position. The fact is WE all worked full time! Duh!! The huge turnover of people leaving going to full time just shows this gig is NOT what worth what corporate wants to believe it is.