Does anyone think this part time job is turning into a fulltime one?
Does anyone think this part time job is turning into a fulltime one?
It depends on your DM . They make or break this job.
Does anyone think this part time job is turning into a fulltime one?
Just keep piling on the work. More tests.This job is not part time.
Beware if you are interviewing.
Full time work.part time pay.
I'm looking to get out too.
No samples either ?
I am not a whiner but I will have to say I agree with the above post. I just don't complain in front of anyone. But, this part time job is really becoming more than I planned for when I took the job.
I will do my best and keep my eye open for a part time job as that is what I need with small kids.
I am not a whiner but I will have to say I agree with the above post. I just don't complain in front of anyone. But, this part time job is really becoming more than I planned for when I took the job.
I will do my best and keep my eye open for a part time job as that is what I need with small kids.
Agreed. A lot of people are feeling this way, but not voicing it. Been here since the beginning of the contract and it was NOTHING like this in 2010/2011. Before the trolls start saying leave, don't worry, I'm planning my exit strategy as we speak.
Agreed. A lot of people are feeling this way, but not voicing it. Been here since the beginning of the contract and it was NOTHING like this in 2010/2011. Before the trolls start saying leave, don't worry, I'm planning my exit strategy as we speak.
The DM can make this job part time and respect your time.
Our DM is wonderful and has hardly any turnover. She is supportive, a leader and always makes you feel good about what you do.
I have heard about the other nightmare DM's . The one who had reps leave on disability and quit.
Wish all the managers were like ours.
Any word on new products?