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This non-sense has gone on for way too long. Senior leadership I am going to whistle blow your ass! WTF are you doing having all these useless reps? Cut them down to 20-30% please. NObody, and I do mean, NOBODY works more than 12-14 hours per day as a representative. You are lying to our shareholders and our HQ crew back in Europe. Enough is enough. Either you layoff 70-80% of reps or I will whistle blow your ass and then watch as you deal with WallStreet! Now do the right thing for once and let the cutting begin! I'm done.

This non-sense has gone on for way too long. Senior leadership I am going to whistle blow your ass! WTF are you doing having all these useless reps? Cut them down to 20-30% please. NObody, and I do mean, NOBODY works more than 12-14 hours per day as a representative. You are lying to our shareholders and our HQ crew back in Europe. Enough is enough. Either you layoff 70-80% of reps or I will whistle blow your ass and then watch as you deal with WallStreet! Now do the right thing for once and let the cutting begin! I'm done.

Correction. 12-14 hours per week.

LOL...what a jerk. You're some rep in some backwater city going to whistleblow on senior management. I'm sure whoever you contact will take a call from some 23 year old PSS with a degree from nowhere state. Look bud...cash your paycheck work your ten hours a week and be sure to have your metrics in order. Now shut the f*ck up.

LOL...what a jerk. You're some rep in some backwater city going to whistleblow on senior management. I'm sure whoever you contact will take a call from some 23 year old PSS with a degree from nowhere state. Look bud...cash your paycheck work your ten hours a week and be sure to have your metrics in order. Now shut the f*ck up.

Good advice we should all heed! I don't know about the 10 hours per week though. I average a lot more than that…at least 15!

Why would anyone ask for layoffs? How stupid are you? How would YOU like to be first in line to lose your job? Some people are morons. Let's face it...this is the best gig on the planet. We make good coin for very very little work. Most of us work less than 20 hours a week. We go to the mall when we want. We can work out when we want. We have incredible freedom. Ok so you have to work with your DM every month. Give the DM what they want!!! They want you to challenge docs then do it. The docs know it's a game when you are with your DM. They want 16 calls a day give it to them. Keep your metrics up. Be positive all the time. Make your DM look good and you will survive. As I said this is the best part time job in America. Now shut the F up about layoffs you douchebag.

I drive more than 15 hours a week, and add in a few minutes each week to actually see a writer.
I rack up huge miles on my 3-4 day extended weekends and then spread them out to cover for Tue through Thurs. I haven't worked more than 11-2, 3 days per week for years.
I hate the conference calls when I have to find a quiet place on the golf course or at the gym. They fuck up my day.