Energy Opportunity

Wow! Oh wow! Sean - you are killing it. I mean really killing energy. 5.2 for the month? Are you kidding me??? You have 14 region managers to manage 50 reps generating 5.2 mil? What kind of Japanese justification calculator are you using?? If my math is right, that is 371k per manager/month. You need a manager to manage 370K? My child could manage that amount of business. What exactly do your managers do all month? Seriously, what they could possibly be doing to manage that amount of business? Time to lay off a few managers this time around Sean?? Or, you can reduce territory managers some more. That obviously worked amazingly well. I have to hand it to are the most unimpressive idiot I've ever met in a sales director position. Sayonara idiot! You will be gone soon. Book it!

The managers are all yes men. None of them have the self respect and literally agree with everything Sean says .Tanner says nothing and has no reason to even be in the position he is in . Kevin well nothing needs to be said. The Rvp team is pathetic . They too always agree and never push back . They never stand up for the sales reps This place is toxic ! Way to go dissolving all the territories . Have you ever noticed that none of these people can look you in the eyes . They lack integrity . THIS PLACE IS TOXIC

yeah, but they hired Erin Wood to come save the day now that she is strategic account/physician development person. Sean must have come up with this idea! If you need someone to tell a rep how to “develop “ a physician, you’ve got the wrong rep Sean, you dumb ass!!!

I concur ! Sounds like a BRAND ISSUE !

60 openings in Sales at Olympus as of 3:30pm EST today.
Why would you be excited to attend this years NSM? It will be an empty room.
Save your breath Todd. You and SOD can blow each other in your rooms.

RVP's in Surgical, TM's in GI, Energy TM's all resigned this week.
10 more resignations this week. I think we are going for a record here.

And some big names resigning soon from all divisions. It’s a close race between Cooper Surgical and Olympus as to which company has the worst management team and running off good reps!!

And some big names resigning soon from all divisions. It’s a close race between Cooper Surgical and Olympus as to which company has the worst management team and running off good reps!!

What really irks me, is that in a normal company, there would be a coup and most likely a huge reorganization to get rid of the cancer. They would have to lop off the whole tops of each division all the way down to the AVP & RVP roles to clean this place out. The only ones left would be the ones who do all the work. The reps, and WE take all the bullshit from Management. That makes us friggin retarded. Eat shit management.

Hey there "URO rep" - assuming you actually work for Olympus - Thunderbeat is outstanding - IF (Big If) - you know how to properly explain the nuances of the device to the surgeon and correctly program the generator BEFORE the case. So the "initiation/firing" delay (nice wording by the way) is a strong indication that neither you nor your energy rep have a clue on how to sell the Thunderbeat system.

Furthermore if you are recommending the Gyrus over the Thunderbeat system in the Urology space for bipolar - you are severely limited in your sales and/or thinking abilities. Thank God you're not my Urology rep.

Spoken like a true corporate turd burglar!
The Gyrus is much better than the ESG-400 you fucking moron!
Plug & Play vs. a disaster that nurses get all fucked up.

One year ago today The worse manager ever, was fired. Ryan Freedman thought he was above the law and he didn’t have to follow any compliance initiatives. He bullied his TM’s when he was my RVP in the Southeast and went out of his way to screw anyone he could to make himself look better. He threw all of his TMs under the bus. Olympus HR endorsed his bullying and undermining behavior. Happy anniversary Ryan. I know you will burn out your welcome quickly where ever you go. It doesn’t take long for people to uncover the real jerk you are.

He’s a total piece of shit like all the others he worked with in upper management.
Why hasn’t Nils, Randy, Pierre , SOD, Todd Useless, Crowley, and the rest of the cum stains been fired yet?

Wow Ryan sure made an impression as a leader ! So many people saying the same thing , if it was just one person maybe, but Ryan you really are a BIG POS . Feel sorry for people like you because karma will always be in play .

One year ago today The worse manager ever, was fired. Ryan Freedman thought he was above the law and he didn’t have to follow any compliance initiatives. He bullied his TM’s when he was my RVP in the Southeast and went out of his way to screw anyone he could to make himself look better. He threw all of his TMs under the bus. Olympus HR endorsed his bullying and undermining behavior. Happy anniversary Ryan. I know you will burn out your welcome quickly where ever you go. It doesn’t take long for people to uncover the real jerk you are.

Never had Corky as a manager, but you are one giant bitter p*ssy for taking the time to commemorate the anniversary of your RVP's firing. No wonder Olympus energy sucks, it's filled with soft bellied little whiners like yourself. The only thing gayer than you making this post is CrossFit, and I bet you do that too queerbait.