ok dr. harvey thanks for your feedback. now go back to kissing up to dr. rich.
An idea.. why don't you ask your boss if you can take a leadership role in putting together a agenda for a staff meeting which will facilate communications and best practices amoungst the team? Ask your peers for input. No manager would say no to this... and they might learn something from the experience based on feedback from the team..
do not have the agenda be just answers from the boss... but lead a discussion on SOPs/process and key issues that support dept objectives that the team thinks need resolution... good luck
so has EMSA headcount increased or decreased over the last several years.. an increase suggests that EMSA Dr management is selling the dept mission and outcomes.. if the headcount has decreased. Just don't get what you mean about support of EMSA management... management style is one aspect but support for the dept mission with headcount is another
the emsa aa non physican group lead by murray and now by shuck is a broken down just going thru the motion of day to day grunt. this team has been poorly managed and preception is that there output is of low value and quality. another wasted company resource.
Such incompetence and all this bull talk about changes. You got Drs. Keane, Schumck and Murray collecting their fact checks and treating their non physician colleagues as crap. And no one is holding them accountable.
What?? the true colors come out! The comment that " the company treats us special" is concerning...because "you know medicine".???. sorry pal there are alot of folks in the company that know medicine and marketing pharmaceuticals and can make decisions to futher the business. You certainly have a contribution based on your perspective and experience but you solely do not and cannot make business decisions based on your knowledge of medicine... you fail to recognize that you need others to help you to be successful in this company and other perspectives matter.
What you fail to recognize, "respectfully'' is that all employees should be treated with dignity and respect and NO one is better or more special than anyone else.. by the way who is the company??? who are they?? who told you were special and suggested that you did not need to respect others and they should respect you? If you were told this when you joined or someone told you you were better than everyone else... you need to reconsider this myth in your mind. Why don't you poll those who work for you? Ask them if they respect you? I trust that they do not and therefore will not listen to you because YOU do not respect them.
You seem to fail to recognize the importance of this value and behave consistently in a way that helps others to respect you... you need to give respect to others in order to receive it. This is not an academic center with chairs and residents and medical students.. it is a business where teamwork and respect for ALL others ( even the folks who empty your trash) is expected. This is how Merck achieves excellence.. everyone contributes and everyone should and will be recognized and feel respected for their contribution. this is what makes Merck great. If you do not behave this way.. YOU will not be respected or be successful in this enviroment.. What would your true friends say to you if you told them that you should be respected because of your knowledge?... knowledge is nothing without respect from others, that is what they would say. By the way... most doctors who practice medicine respect people in business not degrees... if they have to ask you what your degree is and where you got it from to have what you call credibility... you are really missing it. Many marketng folks and non MDs have great relationships with our customers and great insights to medicine... do not think for a second that you are solely the one with your collleagues that brings credibility to Merck because you have a medical degree. If you think this way.. you do not have respect for others and deserve not to be respected or be sucessful at this company.
Lots of jealousy and envy from all those without medical degrees.
The facts are that we the docs know and understand medicine and you the non MDs do not. So show some respect.
We have license from the medical boards to practice and therefore, the company recognizes this and treats us special. We came to Merck with the understanding that we have lot to offer and bring credibility to Merck with our peers.
You are a complete and utter tool. Go pound sand up your ass, you pompous jerk-off.
OK obviously you did not train in any medical school. Perhaps a mouth wash and a new career as a garbage picker is more suited to meet you intellectual capacity.