Embarrassed to be in pharma

Don't you question the ambition of your "min wage friend"? Who would be happy to stay in a min wage position?

Not everyone is filled with ambition. Someone happy in a minimum wage position is someone who is not trapped by material things. I know quite a few myself. It's not my lifestyle, but they're happy people. They don't think about the future, only today, and they just go day to day without another thought about anything. If they don't have the $$ in their pocket for something, then, gee, they really didn't need it. And probably won't either.

There's more to life than making a ton of money. The more money one makes, the more one spends; it's a cycle.

Not everyone is filled with ambition. Someone happy in a minimum wage position is someone who is not trapped by material things. I know quite a few myself. It's not my lifestyle, but they're happy people. They don't think about the future, only today, and they just go day to day without another thought about anything. If they don't have the $$ in their pocket for something, then, gee, they really didn't need it. And probably won't either.

There's more to life than making a ton of money. The more money one makes, the more one spends; it's a cycle.

I agree to a point here with you. The more money I make the more I save actually. I am up to saving about 30 cents on the take home dollar right now and it feels pretty damn good.

Not everyone is filled with ambition. Someone happy in a minimum wage position is someone who is not trapped by material things. I know quite a few myself. It's not my lifestyle, but they're happy people. They don't think about the future, only today, and they just go day to day without another thought about anything. If they don't have the $$ in their pocket for something, then, gee, they really didn't need it. And probably won't either.

There's more to life than making a ton of money. The more money one makes, the more one spends; it's a cycle.

Spoken like a lazy pharma rep with no ambition

At the end of the day, if all that I've accomplished is getting medication to a patient who genuinely needs and benefits from it, then I've done my job.

I'm hoping to go back to school.

Happy to read that I am not the only self-lothing drug rep in the industry. For while I was working for a cosmetics company before the recession and then landed back in pharma. Before accpeting another pharma role, I actually felt bad enough about myself to ask my new love interest if she'd be embarassed by being with me. She's a pharmacist. A hospital pharmacist. Her answer was that if she thought I was a schlocky aggressive drug rep that believed all the hype, she wouldn't be with me. She knew that I had no respect for the skewed ethics of this industry.

So, look at it this way. It's a job. It's not who you are, but I know how you feel. You have to be "on", "play the game" etc, etc. Do it the way everyone does it....tow the line when your manager is with you, and make up the rest when he/she isn't!

Your self-loathing friend,

Like this Survivor contestant? Typically an ex cheerleader who had to be trained to spell "pharmaceutical",lol. This post from another link:



Krista's Bio speaks volumes to the reasons why the pharmaceutical sales profession has gone to the proverbial "SHITTER" :

Name (Age): Krista Klumpp (25)
Tribe Designation: Zapatera
Current Residence: Columbia, S.C.
Occupation: Pharmaceutical Rep
Personal Claim to Fame: Being elected head cheerleader at Auburn University is my personal claim to fame. I then became a second generation Auburn University head cheerleader.
Inspiration in Life: My grandparents who were married for 67 years.
Hobbies: Water sports, traveling and running.
Pet Peeves: When people wear sunglasses inside.
3 Words to Describe You: Driven, competitive and approachable.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: I thought I was most like Natalie White because we had such similar backgrounds, but I expect to play the game with a little more edge.

Reason for being on SURVIVOR: To prove that a former cheerleader and pageant girl can win the hardest game ever.

Also, the money! If anyone says anything different, they are lying!

Like this Survivor contestant? Typically an ex cheerleader who had to be trained to spell "pharmaceutical",lol. This post from another link:

Anonymous Posts: n/a


Krista's Bio speaks volumes to the reasons why the pharmaceutical sales profession has gone to the proverbial "SHITTER" :

Name (Age): Krista Klumpp (25)
Tribe Designation: Zapatera
Current Residence: Columbia, S.C.
Occupation: Pharmaceutical Rep
Personal Claim to Fame: Being elected head cheerleader at Auburn University is my personal claim to fame. I then became a second generation Auburn University head cheerleader.
Inspiration in Life: My grandparents who were married for 67 years.
Hobbies: Water sports, traveling and running.
Pet Peeves: When people wear sunglasses inside.
3 Words to Describe You: Driven, competitive and approachable.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: I thought I was most like Natalie White because we had such similar backgrounds, but I expect to play the game with a little more edge.

Reason for being on SURVIVOR: To prove that a former cheerleader and pageant girl can win the hardest game ever.

Also, the money! If anyone says anything different, they are lying![/QUOTE]

This is the type of chick that beats out people with great sales experience, and even with advanced degrees!

Its all who you know anyway in life. Its sucks, but its true.

Also, blame the small dick managers that hire the hot chicks to get laid.

Anonymous Posts: n/a


Krista's Bio speaks volumes to the reasons why the pharmaceutical sales profession has gone to the proverbial "SHITTER" :

Name (Age): Krista Klumpp (25)
Tribe Designation: Zapatera
Current Residence: Columbia, S.C.
Occupation: Pharmaceutical Rep
Personal Claim to Fame: Being elected head cheerleader at Auburn University is my personal claim to fame. I then became a second generation Auburn University head cheerleader.
Inspiration in Life: My grandparents who were married for 67 years.
Hobbies: Water sports, traveling and running.
Pet Peeves: When people wear sunglasses inside.
3 Words to Describe You: Driven, competitive and approachable.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: I thought I was most like Natalie White because we had such similar backgrounds, but I expect to play the game with a little more edge.

Reason for being on SURVIVOR: To prove that a former cheerleader and pageant girl can win the hardest game ever.

Also, the money! If anyone says anything different, they are lying!

This is the type of chick that beats out people with great sales experience, and even with advanced degrees!

Its all who you know anyway in life. Its sucks, but its true.

Also, blame the small dick managers that hire the hot chicks to get laid.[/QUOTE]

Guys, Doctors aren't listening to you anyways. So why not have a good looking woman talk to a Doctor about a drug rather than someone who actually takes the job seriously?

I have plenty of good Doctor friends (drinking buddies) that say they just don't listen, they hear "bla blah blah blah...how many sample...blah blah, sign here."

If you take your job too seriously, you will get frustrated to no end.

When you go to get your haircut, wouldn't you rather have a good looking girl cutting it versus a sea hag? let's be honest.

This is the type of chick that beats out people with great sales experience, and even with advanced degrees!

Its all who you know anyway in life. Its sucks, but its true.

Also, blame the small dick managers that hire the hot chicks to get laid.

Guys, Doctors aren't listening to you anyways. So why not have a good looking woman talk to a Doctor about a drug rather than someone who actually takes the job seriously?

I have plenty of good Doctor friends (drinking buddies) that say they just don't listen, they hear "bla blah blah blah...how many sample...blah blah, sign here."

If you take your job too seriously, you will get frustrated to no end.

When you go to get your haircut, wouldn't you rather have a good looking girl cutting it versus a sea hag? let's be honest.[/QUOTE]

I would rather have someone who knows how to cut the hair the best.

But, you are probably a sales manager, and would go for the whore to cut it.

Guys, Doctors aren't listening to you anyways. So why not have a good looking woman talk to a Doctor about a drug rather than someone who actually takes the job seriously?

I have plenty of good Doctor friends (drinking buddies) that say they just don't listen, they hear "bla blah blah blah...how many sample...blah blah, sign here."

If you take your job too seriously, you will get frustrated to no end.

When you go to get your haircut, wouldn't you rather have a good looking girl cutting it versus a sea hag? let's be honest.

I would rather have someone who knows how to cut the hair the best.

But, you are probably a sales manager, and would go for the whore to cut it.[/QUOTE]

The argument should have been

Two women, one is hot, the other isn't, both with the same skill level.

I'll take the hot chick every time. I love good looking women, that can I say.

It is just like in drug sales, I have never really been blown away by one rep being that much better than the next. So, if drug rep A is hot and drug rep B isn't, wouldn't you rather "listen" to the hotter one?

Come on now...you know those catchy opening phrases that tell you in training to get a Doctors interest don't work...

Think about it this way, when you are on a plane and they are doing a safety announcement before the flight, don't you notice how many more people pay attention to the young attractive flight attendant versus the 50 year old male one?

I would rather have someone who knows how to cut the hair the best.

But, you are probably a sales manager, and would go for the whore to cut it.

The argument should have been

Two women, one is hot, the other isn't, both with the same skill level.

I'll take the hot chick every time. I love good looking women, that can I say.

It is just like in drug sales, I have never really been blown away by one rep being that much better than the next. So, if drug rep A is hot and drug rep B isn't, wouldn't you rather "listen" to the hotter one?

Come on now...you know those catchy opening phrases that tell you in training to get a Doctors interest don't work...

Think about it this way, when you are on a plane and they are doing a safety announcement before the flight, don't you notice how many more people pay attention to the young attractive flight attendant versus the 50 year old male one?[/QUOTE]

Yep, explains why a once respected profession has sunk lower than used car sales!

I am good friends with one of my doctors and we spent a couple of hours last week talking. She absolutely hears blah, blah, blah when the reps come in to talk about an older drug. (Where to sign is all she cares about.) In fact, she hates the detail and the close. There is no value there for her. She will do lunch but the canned close pisses her off. Now, even she is thinking of cutting out the rep lunches because nothing is new. Reps are not really helping her manage patients better and formularies dictate what drug the patient gets anyway. Does she really care what ARB or ACE she writes? No. She will let the side effects ON the patient decide what they can take and she will write the one that has the easiest dosing with the least side effects. With very few new products and a lack of trust in the new ones, there isn't much left of the industry. We can all do our best, but our best is not going to keep our jobs alive much longer. JMTC

I was told the same thing, GG. A doctor once pulled me aside and told me "You know, after you say Hi Doctor, all I hear is blah, blah, blah" After he told me that, I never tried to detail him again.

I am good friends with one of my doctors and we spent a couple of hours last week talking. She absolutely hears blah, blah, blah when the reps come in to talk about an older drug. (Where to sign is all she cares about.) In fact, she hates the detail and the close. There is no value there for her. She will do lunch but the canned close pisses her off. Now, even she is thinking of cutting out the rep lunches because nothing is new. Reps are not really helping her manage patients better and formularies dictate what drug the patient gets anyway. Does she really care what ARB or ACE she writes? No. She will let the side effects ON the patient decide what they can take and she will write the one that has the easiest dosing with the least side effects. With very few new products and a lack of trust in the new ones, there isn't much left of the industry. We can all do our best, but our best is not going to keep our jobs alive much longer. JMTC

Appreciate your post.

Its funny to see how dramatic all of you are about losing your jobs in an industry that is corrupt and so full of it.

the job ONLY pays good, and...

it is not far off from being a male whore or female stripper.