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Email about getting doctors to write Medicaid for Onglyza is leaked

There is nothing illegal about a push for formulary inclusion. The leaking of the memo is an embarassment. There are way too many cooks in this kitchen.

No it is not illegal to attempt formulary placement. However, the embarrassment is not the leaking of the memo, it is the purposeful deceit sanctioned by the legal department as so painfully outlined in the memo. It looks bad and it is bad. Spin it anyway you like, but purposeful deceit is not a good thing for the BMS public perception.

Hospital reps are always asked/expected to get a product champion for p & t and formulary approval. This is no different. It is not illegal, deceitful or unethical. It's business. Name a company that does not try to win formulary approval without the help of physicians.

Let someone scrutinize your life and see if you still have this holier-than-thou attitude.

Hospital reps are always asked/expected to get a product champion for p & t and formulary approval. This is no different. It is not illegal, deceitful or unethical. It's business. Name a company that does not try to win formulary approval without the help of physicians.

Let someone scrutinize your life and see if you still have this holier-than-thou attitude.

Read the email. Would you want anyone to deal with you in a similar fashion? That is, present a front that is totally false, but try to say it was 100% truthful? No matter how much you defend BMS, you would not. And please give us your cubicle number in NJ so we can call and talk directly.

No it is not illegal to attempt formulary placement. However, the embarrassment is not the leaking of the memo, it is the purposeful deceit sanctioned by the legal department as so painfully outlined in the memo. It looks bad and it is bad. Spin it anyway you like, but purposeful deceit is not a good thing for the BMS public perception.[/QUOTE

Do you telegraph every personal decision or action you make? Why is it considered "purposeful deceit" to attempt to gain formulary position for your product and not declare to the world how you propose to do it? The company does not think the activity is illegal, and it's up to a states attorney and a judge to decide whether or not they agree.
They probably look at the lobbbying activity leading up to formulary changes anyway as a matter of governmental oversite. Is it embarassing? Yes, but more so for the person who leaked the memo. Shame on them!

No it is not illegal to attempt formulary placement. However, the embarrassment is not the leaking of the memo, it is the purposeful deceit sanctioned by the legal department as so painfully outlined in the memo. It looks bad and it is bad. Spin it anyway you like, but purposeful deceit is not a good thing for the BMS public perception.[/QUOTE

Do you telegraph every personal decision or action you make? Why is it considered "purposeful deceit" to attempt to gain formulary position for your product and not declare to the world how you propose to do it? The company does not think the activity is illegal, and it's up to a states attorney and a judge to decide whether or not they agree.
They probably look at the lobbbying activity leading up to formulary changes anyway as a matter of governmental oversite. Is it embarassing? Yes, but more so for the person who leaked the memo. Shame on them!

Shame on you. If the effort is so noble, as you argue, what is the problem? The shame is the deceit put forth by BMS. Legal? Perhaps. Ethical? No.

Shame on you. If the effort is so noble, as you argue, what is the problem? The shame is the deceit put forth by BMS. Legal? Perhaps. Ethical? No.

There is NO valor in squealing to the media. The result is a circling of the wagons by management with more fear tactics and slippery behavior thrown in to go along with it. Whoever is responsible for the leaking of the memo should have come forward at the time and handled it internally through the legal department. You can't change the culture unless you are willing to do the actual work. If we can agree that the ends never jusitfy the means, then we can agree this whole affair should have been handled differently.

There is NO valor in squealing to the media. The result is a circling of the wagons by management with more fear tactics and slippery behavior thrown in to go along with it. Whoever is responsible for the leaking of the memo should have come forward at the time and handled it internally through the legal department. You can't change the culture unless you are willing to do the actual work. If we can agree that the ends never jusitfy the means, then we can agree this whole affair should have been handled differently.

This post just goes to show that crack is a terrible drug......lol

There is NO valor in squealing to the media. The result is a circling of the wagons by management with more fear tactics and slippery behavior thrown in to go along with it. Whoever is responsible for the leaking of the memo should have come forward at the time and handled it internally through the legal department. You can't change the culture unless you are willing to do the actual work. If we can agree that the ends never jusitfy the means, then we can agree this whole affair should have been handled differently.

Who ever you are, you work inside. This is a concerted effort to blunt the impact of this email. As posted earlier, if the legal department and RBD will pull this shady stuff with state and federal funded programs, imagine what they will do in dealing with an employee, ie a rep. If this were brought to the knowledge of inside compliance, it would black mark the person doing so. If you think otherwise you are totally naive. But as stated, you are inside and assigned to post here to blunt the effect. Good luck, if your child or spouse pulled this same stuff on you, you would not stand for it. I think it was smart to put BMS leaders on notice to watch yourself, eyes are watching. Is your salary and job title really worth your ethics? If so, we have much bigger problems.

Who ever you are, you work inside. This is a concerted effort to blunt the impact of this email. As posted earlier, if the legal department and RBD will pull this shady stuff with state and federal funded programs, imagine what they will do in dealing with an employee, ie a rep. If this were brought to the knowledge of inside compliance, it would black mark the person doing so. If you think otherwise you are totally naive. But as stated, you are inside and assigned to post here to blunt the effect. Good luck, if your child or spouse pulled this same stuff on you, you would not stand for it. I think it was smart to put BMS leaders on notice to watch yourself, eyes are watching. Is your salary and job title really worth your ethics? If so, we have much bigger problems.

Won't give it up will you? The person squealed to the wrong outlet to embarass the company not to enact change. Period. I'm not inside, but I am a realist. Black mark or a red letter day, neither one was realized by squealing to pharmalot. Do you encourage your kids to tattle just to cause trouble or do you encourage them to do something about the problem? My guess is the former not the latter.

Won't give it up will you? The person squealed to the wrong outlet to embarass the company not to enact change. Period. I'm not inside, but I am a realist. Black mark or a red letter day, neither one was realized by squealing to pharmalot. Do you encourage your kids to tattle just to cause trouble or do you encourage them to do something about the problem? My guess is the former not the latter.

Tattle? Give me a break. Drink some more kook ( yea kook not kool) aid, welcome to 2012, whether you like it or not, 300+ million citizen journalists. Aw, too bad everyone won't play by your rules.

Tattle? Give me a break. Drink some more kook ( yea kook not kool) aid, welcome to 2012, whether you like it or not, 300+ million citizen journalists. Aw, too bad everyone won't play by your rules.

B.M.S. = Be My Squealer. The culture of tattling to get a head. Why should management expect a different result? They reinforced the behavior as long as it was rep against rep. You call them citizen journalists and I call them busy bodies who don't have half the questions, but all the answers. You support the behavior because it doesn't affect you. I don't support it, and I didn't ask anybody to play by MY rules. It's not my problem!

Read the email. Would you want anyone to deal with you in a similar fashion? That is, present a front that is totally false, but try to say it was 100% truthful? No matter how much you defend BMS, you would not. And please give us your cubicle number in NJ so we can call and talk directly.

I do deal with this, atleast 9 - 10 offices a day.

B.M.S. = Be My Squealer. The culture of tattling to get a head. Why should management expect a different result? They reinforced the behavior as long as it was rep against rep. You call them citizen journalists and I call them busy bodies who don't have half the questions, but all the answers. You support the behavior because it doesn't affect you. I don't support it, and I didn't ask anybody to play by MY rules. It's not my problem!

BS = bull shit. You sure worry about it alot.

I seriously do not see whats wrong. Doctors sending notes to plans is an important step in ensuring proper medicines are available. BMS is not paying the doctors and at the end of the day, its the doctors decision whether or not to write the letter. BMS does not write the letter for the doc nor do they pay or hold a gun to anyones head. Pharma has crosshairs on it, and misperceptions like this and the hysteria involved add to the target.

I think the RBD actions should be applauded. She has responsibility to sell a drug and utilized resources available to her to ensure legally compliant dierction.

Her team is lucky to have her, and that is not sarcasm. Stop the hysteria, read the email and face reality. Good clear, legally and ethically sound direction.

I seriously do not see whats wrong. Doctors sending notes to plans is an important step in ensuring proper medicines are available. BMS is not paying the doctors and at the end of the day, its the doctors decision whether or not to write the letter. BMS does not write the letter for the doc nor do they pay or hold a gun to anyones head. Pharma has crosshairs on it, and misperceptions like this and the hysteria involved add to the target.

I think the RBD actions should be applauded. She has responsibility to sell a drug and utilized resources available to her to ensure legally compliant dierction.

Her team is lucky to have her, and that is not sarcasm. Stop the hysteria, read the email and face reality. Good clear, legally and ethically sound direction.

Too laughable to even respond to

I seriously do not see whats wrong. Doctors sending notes to plans is an important step in ensuring proper medicines are available. BMS is not paying the doctors and at the end of the day, its the doctors decision whether or not to write the letter. BMS does not write the letter for the doc nor do they pay or hold a gun to anyones head. Pharma has crosshairs on it, and misperceptions like this and the hysteria involved add to the target.

I think the RBD actions should be applauded. She has responsibility to sell a drug and utilized resources available to her to ensure legally compliant dierction.

Her team is lucky to have her, and that is not sarcasm. Stop the hysteria, read the email and face reality. Good clear, legally and ethically sound direction.

To be clear. The reason that Pharma has crosshairs on it is because of initiatives like this. Initiatives that give the impression of manipulation combined with a distinct lack of transparency.

The company has only just received a subpoena from the SEC for sales and marketing practices that sits alongside an ongoing investigation into German practices.

All added to a very checkered history that includes channel stuffing, off label promotion and FTC transgressions.

Its a pattern of behaviour that has persisted over decades.

I disagree, the email was not to get a specific RBD, because she has legal's approval on these tactics. The email goes to a much bigger problem than any one RBD. It speaks to the corporation's intent to deliberately deceive the P&T committees to get business. If it were to target Jennifer, it would be clear cut. The company gave the direction so now they must back her. She is not going anywhere, I believe she will get a promotion from this.

If the docs like it, it is approved by FDA and we want medicare coverage, why is that deceiptful? Get over yourself

To be clear. The reason that Pharma has crosshairs on it is because of initiatives like this. Initiatives that give the impression of manipulation combined with a distinct lack of transparency.

The company has only just received a subpoena from the SEC for sales and marketing practices that sits alongside an ongoing investigation into German practices.

All added to a very checkered history that includes channel stuffing, off label promotion and FTC transgressions.

Its a pattern of behaviour that has persisted over decades.

This post is a joke. BMS and pharma in general is no worse than all industries and all of government. The only separation is that the government pays for our innovative products. SEC, thats funny. There are congress men and women that not only hold stock in companies, the also vote on congressional initiatives that effect the performance of those compnies. Amount of disclosure???? None.

Channel stuffing? Rick Lane? What about Elliot Spitzer? For every tit there is a tat. BMS is no better no worse. When pissants like you get on a soapbox to broadcast the wrongs of this industry, we all suffer. So many reps working 3 hours a day then sue the companies for overtime.

This RBD did nothing wrong. Its business. You want Transparency? Where is that idealistic industry? Banking? Where was the SEC then? All those bullshit loans and executives made millions. Where was congress? where was the SEC?

What about the history of life saving, innovative drugs that put the US in the forefront of development? Focus on that and your 4 hour days. Maybe then and only then you will realize this is an industry scorned for the wrong reasons.

Until you prove otherwise, I support this leaders direction to her team, and applaud the ethics applied.