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Email about getting doctors to write Medicaid for Onglyza is leaked

I've waited days to read all the comments on this before making my comment. The email is very clear that it is important to be deceptive in this effort. Call it whatever you want, but business should not be conducted this way.

For kicks my 16 year old honors student daughter read this email. Her take? BMS is deceitful and should be fined or something.

When legal and a RBD state that they need to deceive in order to assure they don't create "risk" it tells you that they are deliberately doing something to hide intention, you think that is compliant? Let's see what PA, MD and DE Medicaid think of this email, they may have a different take.

I do not believe that legal approved this type of verbiage. They are pain in the asses and generally are a cluster fuck and stopping things from happening (both good and bad). She may have gone out on her own or mislead the legal team.

I do not believe that legal approved this type of verbiage. They are pain in the asses and generally are a cluster fuck and stopping things from happening (both good and bad). She may have gone out on her own or mislead the legal team.

This RBD will be fine, RBDs don't get fired unless they are screwing the bosses wife, and then only some. It looks like the lawyers thought through how to make it legal. Ethical? Apparently that doesn't matter if it's legal.

What does this email really show?

A corporate character/culture that will do things "legally", but with the contortions and legal manuverings of a Cirque de Sole act. If BMS legal and RBDs will go to these lengths with the state and federal government, who have bottomless money to pursue the company if needed, what kind of deceptive methods do they use when dealing with a rep?

The next time you hear that HR, legal, compliance or employee relations is working on something to do with you, remember the corporate character behind the effort.

No matter the defense mounted for the company, this clearly shows they will do whatever is necessary to further their agenda.

Oh sure, it was "legal", and there is no law against picking your nose in a job interview, but it looks horrible.

What does this email really show?

A corporate character/culture that will do things "legally", but with the contortions and legal manuverings of a Cirque de Sole act. If BMS legal and RBDs will go to these lengths with the state and federal government, who have bottomless money to pursue the company if needed, what kind of deceptive methods do they use when dealing with a rep?

The next time you hear that HR, legal, compliance or employee relations is working on something to do with you, remember the corporate character behind the effort.

No matter the defense mounted for the company, this clearly shows they will do whatever is necessary to further their agenda.

Oh sure, it was "legal", and there is no law against picking your nose in a job interview, but it looks horrible.

This Email is so slimy and greasy it makes me sick to work for BMS.

It is hard to believe that our legal department gave this deceitful scheme to an RBD to carry out. What is next? Causing cancer to boost sales?

Lets hope we begin to see more internal emails exposed that show the shady, ethically skewed, deceitful methods this company uses on many fronts. The CIA means nothing to legal, just pull shady shit that is technically legal.

The BMS mission statement and ethical code are a joke.

Lets hope we begin to see more internal emails exposed that show the shady, ethically skewed, deceitful methods this company uses on many fronts. The CIA means nothing to legal, just pull shady shit that is technically legal.

The BMS mission statement and ethical code are a joke.

It is so true. The compliance requirements are totally seen as a roadblock to be circumnavigated by marketing, sales admin and legal. You would not believe a marketing meeting conversation. Ethics is a word up here, nothing more.

It is so true. The compliance requirements are totally seen as a roadblock to be circumnavigated by marketing, sales admin and legal. You would not believe a marketing meeting conversation. Ethics is a word up here, nothing more.

Pretty sad commentary on our so called leadership, but totally believable. Still amazed that our lawyers thought this deceitful approach was ok and that it would pass the publicity test. I guess when your absolute # 1 priority is profit above all else it becomes easy to rationalize any behavior. BMS lawyers seem to have the same misplaced loyalty as most other employees, but they know better than most how fast BMS will slit your throat to protect the corporation.

I work in NJ for the company but live in PA. I printed the email and sent it to Dr. Avila, Secretary of Health for PA to protest this crap and let our state Medicaid P&T know what the company is trying to pull.

This makes me furious, legality be damned!

I work in NJ for the company but live in PA. I printed the email and sent it to Dr. Avila, Secretary of Health for PA to protest this crap and let our state Medicaid P&T know what the company is trying to pull.

This makes me furious, legality be damned!

There is nothing illegal about a push for formulary inclusion. The leaking of the memo is an embarassment. There are way too many cooks in this kitchen.