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EEOC investigating more discrimination charges from Western Regional Director!

equality of opportunity should be your focus HR and if Novo Nordisk is an Equal Opportunity Employer under the law you would know that legally the equality of outcome argument is bunk. One person challenged you to look at company demographics. Ask for a refund on that PhD

Not sure if you’re trying to set a record on ways that you can be wrong, but that post is a great start.

Equal opportunities rarely result in equal outcomes. I guess the NBA is a racist organization against whites, right? The outcome demographics prove it.

Your argument is boring and has already been proven wrong time and time again. You’ll need to do better.

Not sure if you’re trying to set a record on ways that you can be wrong, but that post is a great start.

Equal opportunities rarely result in equal outcomes. I guess the NBA is a racist organization against whites, right? The outcome demographics prove it.

Your argument is boring and has already been proven wrong time and time again. You’ll need to do better.

If you really want to hire the best people for jobs the equality of outcomes theory would be thrown in the garbage. We say we want to hire the best most qualified for the jobs and that rarely Happens at Novo Nordisk. Friends, cronies, ass kissers, and the popular move up the chain at the expense of the talented. Race and gender play into that just look at the the networking cliques here. As a white guy I think that everyone should be given an equal and fair opportunity and not this racist equality of outcomes crap that rooted in white supremacy. I love my God, l love America, I am a conservative White Man, and I will stand up for what’s right and this equality of outcome BS is not right

Not sure if you’re trying to set a record on ways that you can be wrong, but that post is a great start.

Equal opportunities rarely result in equal outcomes. I guess the NBA is a racist organization against whites, right? The outcome demographics prove it.

Your argument is boring and has already been proven wrong time and time again. You’ll need to do better.

Bear Bryant learned quick in Alabama that he needed to change it up if he wanted to compete when he got his butt whipped by USC. Put the best players out on the field and let them decide. However, in Pharma, who decides the best players to add to the “team”...Tom, Steve, and Jimbo? Think people don’t see through that bullshite?

Bear Bryant learned quick in Alabama that he needed to change it up if he wanted to compete when he got his butt whipped by USC. Put the best players out on the field and let them decide. However, in Pharma, who decides the best players to add to the “team”...Tom, Steve, and Jimbo? Think people don’t see through that bullshite?

Got it. You only care about equality of outcomes when it favors you or the rhetoric you’re trying to sell. It’s racism when you don’t like it, but it’s “putting the best players on the field” when you do. Thanks for being predictably boring once again. I feel like I’ve simply found a liberal jukebox and you play the same old tune any time a quarter is dropped in.

Got it. You only care about equality of outcomes when it favors you or the rhetoric you’re trying to sell. It’s racism when you don’t like it, but it’s “putting the best players on the field” when you do. Thanks for being predictably boring once again. I feel like I’ve simply found a liberal jukebox and you play the same old tune any time a quarter is dropped in.

HR spends lots time on CP maybe try doing your job and we wouldn't have to discuss.

If you really want to hire the best people for jobs the equality of outcomes theory would be thrown in the garbage. We say we want to hire the best most qualified for the jobs and that rarely Happens at Novo Nordisk. Friends, cronies, ass kissers, and the popular move up the chain at the expense of the talented. Race and gender play into that just look at the the networking cliques here. As a white guy I think that everyone should be given an equal and fair opportunity and not this racist equality of outcomes crap that rooted in white supremacy. I love my God, l love America, I am a conservative White Man, and I will stand up for what’s right and this equality of outcome BS is not right

Thank you for saying what needed to be said and standing up for what's right. Needs to be rewarded more at this company and recognized when you're the majority.

If you really want to hire the best people for jobs the equality of outcomes theory would be thrown in the garbage. We say we want to hire the best most qualified for the jobs and that rarely Happens at Novo Nordisk. Friends, cronies, ass kissers, and the popular move up the chain at the expense of the talented. Race and gender play into that just look at the the networking cliques here. As a white guy I think that everyone should be given an equal and fair opportunity and not this racist equality of outcomes crap that rooted in white supremacy. I love my God, l love America, I am a conservative White Man, and I will stand up for what’s right and this equality of outcome BS is not right

I don’t think you understand what equality of outcomes means. I see you’re passionate, but uninformed. That’s a bad combination.

HR spends lots time on CP maybe try doing your job and we wouldn't have to discuss.

However many times you want to call me HR is the same number of times you’ll be wrong. I’m in sales. I know it would fit your rhetoric if I were in HR, but I’m not. But, I see your back to trying to attack the person when you can’t make fault with the argument.

If you really want to hire the best people for jobs the equality of outcomes theory would be thrown in the garbage. We say we want to hire the best most qualified for the jobs and that rarely Happens at Novo Nordisk. Friends, cronies, ass kissers, and the popular move up the chain at the expense of the talented. Race and gender play into that just look at the the networking cliques here. As a white guy I think that everyone should be given an equal and fair opportunity and not this racist equality of outcomes crap that rooted in white supremacy. I love my God, l love America, I am a conservative White Man, and I will stand up for what’s right and this equality of outcome BS is not right
You sound like a whining white male trying to redefine racism and make excuses when you have to compete. There are too many mediocre whites and their apologists being recruited and at the top, and better Black candidates being removed or passed over for recruiting and promotions. Bottom line. That is neither equal opportunity nor outcomes. That is called manipulating outcomes for whites, which you consent to, not merit. Real Americans love all of America, not just the white subset. Conserve that and your platitudes. Spare us the tyranny of the majority. Got any more slogans? Companies like GBT, as an example, get it and the stock price and market cap are booming with growth and representative Black leadership with equity for all races based on achievement and being the best qualified. They don’t give a lot of lip about it either, and pretend to support equity, then do the opposite. They just do it. NNI doesn’t get it and has white racial cryonism, not performance-based promotions, until this gets fixed. It’s that simple.

Even previous President’s (Obama) are blatantly racist, sexist, ageist assholes. How can he be so bigoted and get away with it? To claim women, and old white men aren’t good leaders is as biased as you can get, but the media doesn’t call him out. Change a pronoun (her to him), a race (white to black), and old to young and he would have been blasted. Leave it to him and people like him to divide and define by these parameters.

Even previous President’s (Obama) are blatantly racist, sexist, ageist assholes. How can he be so bigoted and get away with it? To claim women, and old white men aren’t good leaders is as biased as you can get, but the media doesn’t call him out. Change a pronoun (her to him), a race (white to black), and old to young and he would have been blasted. Leave it to him and people like him to divide and define by these parameters.

If you aren’t a DM or above, you’ve really fricked up at some point in your life buddy.

You sound like a whining white male trying to redefine racism and make excuses when you have to compete. There are too many mediocre whites and their apologists being recruited and at the top, and better Black candidates being removed or passed over for recruiting and promotions. Bottom line. That is neither equal opportunity nor outcomes. That is called manipulating outcomes for whites, which you consent to, not merit. Real Americans love all of America, not just the white subset. Conserve that and your platitudes. Spare us the tyranny of the majority. Got any more slogans? Companies like GBT, as an example, get it and the stock price and market cap are booming with growth and representative Black leadership with equity for all races based on achievement and being the best qualified. They don’t give a lot of lip about it either, and pretend to support equity, then do the opposite. They just do it. NNI doesn’t get it and has white racial cryonism, not performance-based promotions, until this gets fixed. It’s that simple.

I’m so glad companies have Skype and Video Conferencing early on in the interview process to weed out candidates who think like you. This will save us time on whether we need to waste money bringing you in for a F2F interview.

You sound like a whining white male trying to redefine racism and make excuses when you have to compete. There are too many mediocre whites and their apologists being recruited and at the top, and better Black candidates being removed or passed over for recruiting and promotions. Bottom line. That is neither equal opportunity nor outcomes. That is called manipulating outcomes for whites, which you consent to, not merit. Real Americans love all of America, not just the white subset. Conserve that and your platitudes. Spare us the tyranny of the majority. Got any more slogans? Companies like GBT, as an example, get it and the stock price and market cap are booming with growth and representative Black leadership with equity for all races based on achievement and being the best qualified. They don’t give a lot of lip about it either, and pretend to support equity, then do the opposite. They just do it. NNI doesn’t get it and has white racial cryonism, not performance-based promotions, until this gets fixed. It’s that simple.

This is just more rhetoric. You’ve yet to provide a single example of a more qualified black candidate being passed over. You’re simply looking at white leaders at the top and assuming it must be driven by racism. If it is, surely you can provide an example of when it happened. If you can’t, then it didn’t happen.

You talk about loving all of America in the same breath as you call someone a “whining white male.” It’s pretty clear that you don’t really practice what you’re trying to preach. Save your pseudo moralistic posturing for someone else.

This is just more rhetoric. You’ve yet to provide a single example of a more qualified black candidate being passed over. You’re simply looking at white leaders at the top and assuming it must be driven by racism. If it is, surely you can provide an example of when it happened. If you can’t, then it didn’t happen.

You talk about loving all of America in the same breath as you call someone a “whining white male.” It’s pretty clear that you don’t really practice what you’re trying to preach. Save your pseudo moralistic posturing for someone else.

Tom, Steve, and Brad “don’t see color” and “hire the best fit” for the job...You can say that again.

This is just more rhetoric. You’ve yet to provide a single example of a more qualified black candidate being passed over. You’re simply looking at white leaders at the top and assuming it must be driven by racism. If it is, surely you can provide an example of when it happened. If you can’t, then it didn’t happen.

You talk about loving all of America in the same breath as you call someone a “whining white male.” It’s pretty clear that you don’t really practice what you’re trying to preach. Save your pseudo moralistic posturing for someone else.

Hit a nerve with someone. Why does Novo Nordisk have a “interview 1 minority candidate” rule in place? Guilty of something. Why is the 1 minority rarely hired? Why does Novo Nordisk recycle the same 1 minority candidateS across district DCS openings when we said we didn’t want them? Politically correct we said they weren’t a “good fit”. Why have the few talented few minorities left Novo Nordisk? I know a number of them who were highly respected here and said adios.

Hit a nerve with someone. Why does Novo Nordisk have a “interview 1 minority candidate” rule in place? Guilty of something. Why is the 1 minority rarely hired? Why does Novo Nordisk recycle the same 1 minority candidateS across district DCS openings when we said we didn’t want them? Politically correct we said they weren’t a “good fit”. Why have the few talented few minorities left Novo Nordisk? I know a number of them who were highly respected here and said adios.

Did you hit a nerve? Maybe. I guess I’m tired of people like you crying racism every time things don’t work out their way. Add in, you can’t actually provide a single example of it happening. I guess people who aren’t racist don’t like being called racists. It’s a nasty accusation and irresponsible to say the least.

And Novo has no such policy that requires the interviewing of a minority candidate. I know this because I’ve hired several people here, and nothing like that has ever been required. I interview whomever I want, regardless of age, sex, race, etc.

But, if you want to provide an actual example of a better qualified minority candidate who was passed over due to their race, then let’s hear it. Seems like you could eventually come up with something.

Did you hit a nerve? Maybe. I guess I’m tired of people like you crying racism every time things don’t work out their way. Add in, you can’t actually provide a single example of it happening. I guess people who aren’t racist don’t like being called racists. It’s a nasty accusation and irresponsible to say the least.

And Novo has no such policy that requires the interviewing of a minority candidate. I know this because I’ve hired several people here, and nothing like that has ever been required. I interview whomever I want, regardless of age, sex, race, etc.

But, if you want to provide an actual example of a better qualified minority candidate who was passed over due to their race, then let’s hear it. Seems like you could eventually come up with something.

“I interview whoever I want”. We know you do

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