Ecat or New Devices


Does anyone have any information regarding Mednet and/or Medicomp's new wireless devices? What's the word on the street? I did see the Mednet device at the ACC meeting.

Wrong again. It is an MCOT device every bit as much as ours. It does things that ours doesn't. This is NOT and I repeat NOT a device anywhere close to the Ecardio crap that was out there.
If you say so.
They took their event monitor and added blue tooth to work with any cell phone. It is not telemetry, 5 minutes memory, not AF detection, no burden, no heart rates etc. Obviously you will have problems with it in your territory.

If you say so.
They took their event monitor and added blue tooth to work with any cell phone. It is not telemetry, 5 minutes memory, not AF detection, no burden, no heart rates etc. Obviously you will have problems with it in your territory.

You are so wrong, I've seen the reports: AF, AF Burden, Heart Rates with graphs. I work for LW and one of my old accounts has been using it. It is not just an event recorder with Bluetooth. Their service is also good. They provide the service for Transoma who has the implantable loop recorder, they are not a bad company. Certainly way above eCardio by miles. They will become a factor.

Word on the street is that Mednet is now a major player.

I ran into them in the past and in some accounts they were offering low contract pricing. This coupled with a good service, docs like their reports ( event monitors ) was enough to get the opportunity and the service has kept it. If they have an MCOT device and it is equal to what is out there already they could become a major player.

If you say so.
They took their event monitor and added blue tooth to work with any cell phone. It is not telemetry, 5 minutes memory, not AF detection, no burden, no heart rates etc. Obviously you will have problems with it in your territory.

You have no idea what you are talking about. You must be one of our upper level leaders.
Where do you get your information. It is here, it is real and it will have an impact on our business. First to market doesn't guarantee market leader.

You are so wrong, I've seen the reports: AF, AF Burden, Heart Rates with graphs. I work for LW and one of my old accounts has been using it. It is not just an event recorder with Bluetooth. Their service is also good. They provide the service for Transoma who has the implantable loop recorder, they are not a bad company. Certainly way above eCardio by miles. They will become a factor.

Actually, they may still provide good service but the are sill missing many clincally significant arrhythmias! In recent articles, Transoma has recently switched service companies to Medicomp for their monitoring. Not sure what the reasons, but it seems Mednet dropped the ball!

I did hear Transoma and Mednet are no longer working together. However, I heard it was Mednet who walked becasue Transoma product was not working as advertised. I think Transoma was looking for a service company that wouldn't be as detailed. Not really sure, this is just what I heard. My docs have not been happy with Transoma at all. We'll stick with Reveal for the most part, maybe a few Confirm devices or external monitors. I know Mednet,their service has always been really good, gonna start with their ECAT this week and see. It's definetly not just an Event recorder. They sat with a couple of my EP's and its definetly telemetry (reporting is excatly what was mentioned earlier) , that I can guarantee, we wouldn't be using ECAT as a replacement for Cardionet if it wasn't.

I did hear Transoma and Mednet are no longer working together. However, I heard it was Mednet who walked becasue Transoma product was not working as advertised. I think Transoma was looking for a service company that wouldn't be as detailed. Not really sure, this is just what I heard. My docs have not been happy with Transoma at all. We'll stick with Reveal for the most part, maybe a few Confirm devices or external monitors. I know Mednet,their service has always been really good, gonna start with their ECAT this week and see. It's definetly not just an Event recorder. They sat with a couple of my EP's and its definetly telemetry (reporting is excatly what was mentioned earlier) , that I can guarantee, we wouldn't be using ECAT as a replacement for Cardionet if it wasn't.

I can GUARANTEE that it was Transoma who did the walking. Not the other way around. Mednet has issues with any type of "customized" reporting. And by "customized" I mean changing anything other than the pt info.

BTW, the info on the reports from Medicomp is MUCH more detailed.

I did hear Transoma and Mednet are no longer working together. However, I heard it was Mednet who walked becasue Transoma product was not working as advertised. I think Transoma was looking for a service company that wouldn't be as detailed. Not really sure, this is just what I heard. My docs have not been happy with Transoma at all. We'll stick with Reveal for the most part, maybe a few Confirm devices or external monitors. I know Mednet,their service has always been really good, gonna start with their ECAT this week and see. It's definetly not just an Event recorder. They sat with a couple of my EP's and its definetly telemetry (reporting is excatly what was mentioned earlier) , that I can guarantee, we wouldn't be using ECAT as a replacement for Cardionet if it wasn't.

Are you sure? I also can confirm that Transoma is the one who walked. They were unable to meet the expectations of Transoma. I have heard from numerous pacer reps that Mednet misses many notifications! They also stated their customer service was terrible when calling into monitoring center. Mednet's core algorithms are not consistent in catching arrhythmias regardless of their new technology.

I can GUARANTEE that it was Transoma who did the walking. Not the other way around. Mednet has issues with any type of "customized" reporting. And by "customized" I mean changing anything other than the pt info.

BTW, the info on the reports from Medicomp is MUCH more detailed.

Not sure how accurate your info is. I have a large, a very large teaching institution who purchased the CardioStation software for some internal work and the reason they chose this over PaceArt was because it was able to be customized in more detail. They have mentioned they wished we used the CardioStation instead of PaceArt for our traditional loop recorders. MedNet has a very good rep in my area and the accounts using them have mentioned no problems with any missed notifications. Everyone better pay close attention to them and do not be so quick to bash them. FYI- the CardioStation is the platform their new ECAT uses in reporting.

Not sure how accurate your info is. I have a large, a very large teaching institution who purchased the CardioStation software for some internal work and the reason they chose this over PaceArt was because it was able to be customized in more detail. They have mentioned they wished we used the CardioStation instead of PaceArt for our traditional loop recorders. MedNet has a very good rep in my area and the accounts using them have mentioned no problems with any missed notifications. Everyone better pay close attention to them and do not be so quick to bash them. FYI- the CardioStation is the platform their new ECAT uses in reporting.

My info is accurate enough that I used the work GUARANTEE. I have worked with both companies and have seen the reports produced by both companies. You say that MedNet has a "very good rep in my area"? Maybe he was one of the few who could do his job and he SOLD you on it??? I don't work for MedNet, Medicomp, or Cardionet. And yes, the reason that Transoma walked is because Mednet missed several notifications. Transoma still uses Mednet for their first generation Sleuth device (which is rumored to EOL sometime this fall/winter), but is using Medicomp for the second generation device. Transoma mgmt flew to visit Mednet execs the week before ACC to inform them of the change because their booth at ACC was going to have major co-branding with Medicomp. If your very good rep tells you differently, he is lying to you.

My info is accurate enough that I used the work GUARANTEE. I have worked with both companies and have seen the reports produced by both companies. You say that MedNet has a "very good rep in my area"? Maybe he was one of the few who could do his job and he SOLD you on it??? I don't work for MedNet, Medicomp, or Cardionet. And yes, the reason that Transoma walked is because Mednet missed several notifications. Transoma still uses Mednet for their first generation Sleuth device (which is rumored to EOL sometime this fall/winter), but is using Medicomp for the second generation device. Transoma mgmt flew to visit Mednet execs the week before ACC to inform them of the change because their booth at ACC was going to have major co-branding with Medicomp. If your very good rep tells you differently, he is lying to you.

The rep has not told me anything regarding the Transoma relationship, in fact never mentioned it when it first happened. I am saying that they (MN) have done well in our area and their reporting software/reports are well received. All service companies miss notifications from time to time. All have their good/bad qualities and it is varied from area to area depending on the rep and service. MedNet should be viewed as a ligit competitor. We all know that LW and CN have had their share and speak of lying I can not tell you how many times the LW rep has changed the story on reimbursement and interps and even offering to pay for hook ups of ACT devices. Is that be ethical? We can go point by point all day if you like on every company.