Know this, there are no anonymous posts. Records are kept that will show who posted what. Lawsuits no doubt will bring this up. So your manager claims it wasn't him yet it was posted from a library 5 minutes from his/her house ans cell records show that was the location of the cell calls too. It all adds up to a big ugly for JnJ. Think caps ration is legal? Only if it used for review purposes. Can't be tied to any pay or security issues. Think our calibration passes that? Not.
On to early retirement. Does anyone know what that is here? Didn't think so. It will clear out reps that have qualified for a retirement bu are clicking off the years. Going through the motions if you will. The get an extra year credit or two and that is it. If you aren't at your 55 and 10 you get nothing except a bullseye on your back.
A 5.5.1 is what? No such thing. 55 10 1 is age, service, 1 extra year credit to walk now. If you are 60 get excited. The rest of us will keep working.
Also JnJ has no loyalty to anyone regardless of age. 25-65 they will fire you for any reason. You don't have to the bottom of Ustakinumab to know that.