Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

Well, ...this has been enlightening! I take posting boards with a grain of salt, but this sounds like a huge bitter pill! I am looking for a Med Sales position and know they are hiring. I know a bit about the product from a similar position, so wanted more info.
My initial thought was whether I could rep a product that I know is inferior to what I used to sell, but now with all these other issues...

Just some friendly advice bro....do not pursue this opportunity, something better will come along. Taking a job with Dynasplint will hinder your job search. Not many med device companies out there take these guy seriously at all. It is the joke of the medical community and you will have an uphill battle trying to tell them why you took the job, and why it has prepared you to take on a new opportunity. Plus you will then have to explain why you left so quickly, because as mentioned turnover is over 70% and most leave inside 6 months. Save yourself the headache and embarrassment that this company will give you.

Must be something in the industry. Dynasplint sounds worse than Joint Active Systems, but Joint Active Systems is run by probably the single most intellectually deficient person in the entire medical field. Integrity took a pass on that company too; big time. It's really a shame because the products aren't bad. There's better, but some of these companies could easily be a lot better than they are.

Dynasplint is the worst company to work for. They treat their sales reps. like crap! The managers act like it's such a great company when you're interviewing. Their true colors come out when you don't make your numbers...even on the first month when you spend the entire first week in training! If you are interviewing with them, ask the manager why their is such a high turnover. Also, find out what happened to the previous rep. They will most likely tell you "the previous rep just couldn't cut it". If you do one thing before you take the position, ask to see the territory numbers. The will make up some rediculous numbers and never show you the documented paperwork. Finally, ask the person interviewing you what they did before Dynasplint. 99% of the time the answer will be "copier sales" & "personal trainer". The company is now trying to hire therapists and athletic trainers; people who actually have a medical background. Hmmmm, I wonder why? Probably because the copier rep doesn't know his butt from a hole in the ground! Stay away from this company...far, far, away!

I am not in love with that letter either but it does notify the patient that their policy will only cover them for a period of only 4 months and that they must take the responbility to return it within that period or they will be billed. You can appeal your insurance's medical policy but this is to alert you from day one. Would you rather the rep tell you nothing and then u get a bill in 4 months. I do not think it is to difficult to write mail back your splint on your calendar 5 months from the date you received the splint. If you cant then maybe you shouldnt write on this message board. Lastly every time you recieve any medical treatment you are running the risk of insurance not paying, dynasplint basically tells you everything up front. Would you rather them tell you nothing, for example you go to the er and they decide not to pay the entire bill, guess who gets stuck paying= you. Or your insurance for surgery covers 80% but what does surgery cost I guess they didnt give you a quote prior to you getting surgery. If the splint was not authorized then no need to sign the form and if your insurance woundn't cover you then why would you be signing that form at all, this form is for after the 4 month period and if they deny authorization which you would be notified. I am very proud of you for being a lawyer but in the end being truthful upfront is better than not telling you at all.
If you are a patient and the Dynasplint reps comes to your home to give you a splint DO NOT SIGN ANY FORMS. I'm a lawyer and needed a splint that of course my insurance wouldn't cover and the rep wanted me to sign this form. Legally it binds you financially responsible for all costs assocaited with the Dynasplint. A good company would write off what was not collected, medical companies do it all of the time. Don't be scammed into signing this form. I have posted the verbiage so you don't get taken for a ride. Here's the wording:

I understand that the insurance benefit plan under which I have health coverage will only pay for the use of the Dynasplint® System that has been prescribed for me by my physician for a period of up to four (4) months.
Furthermore, I acknowledge that it has been explained to me by Dynasplint Systems, Inc. (DSI) that I may require the use of the Dynasplint® System longer than four (4) months. Therefore I, _________________________, agree to accept financial responsibility for the use of the Dynasplint® System that I have received today for anyperiod of time for which my insurance will not cover its use under the following terms and conditions:
I agree to rent the Dynasplint® System with serial number ___________________ for $__________ per month for any period of time that I utilize the Dynasplint® System for which my insurance will not authorize or pay for its use. For every month or portion thereof until I return the Dynasplint® System to DSI a claim will be submitted to my insurance. If the claim is denied as it is expected to be, I will be billed for the charge that is
not covered. I understand that all billing will occur in accordance with the terms of the contract between DSI and my insurance, if one exists, or in accordance with DSI’s standard practices.
My signature represents understanding and agreement with all terms stated herein.

Don't be taken for a rocky financial ride. My ortho will be getting as copy of this and I believe will cease his ordering of this product with my recommendation.

I am not in love with that letter either but it does notify the patient that their policy will only cover them for a period of only 4 months and that they must take the responbility to return it within that period or they will be billed. You can appeal your insurance's medical policy but this is to alert you from day one. Would you rather the rep tell you nothing and then u get a bill in 4 months. I do not think it is to difficult to write mail back your splint on your calendar 5 months from the date you received the splint. If you cant then maybe you shouldnt write on this message board. Lastly every time you recieve any medical treatment you are running the risk of insurance not paying, dynasplint basically tells you everything up front. Would you rather them tell you nothing, for example you go to the er and they decide not to pay the entire bill, guess who gets stuck paying= you. Or your insurance for surgery covers 80% but what does surgery cost I guess they didnt give you a quote prior to you getting surgery. If the splint was not authorized then no need to sign the form and if your insurance woundn't cover you then why would you be signing that form at all, this form is for after the 4 month period and if they deny authorization which you would be notified. I am very proud of you for being a lawyer but in the end being truthful upfront is better than not telling you at all.
These boards are for the public not coporate stay off!

Must be something in the industry. Dynasplint sounds worse than Joint Active Systems, but Joint Active Systems is run by probably the single most intellectually deficient person in the entire medical field. Integrity took a pass on that company too; big time. It's really a shame because the products aren't bad. There's better, but some of these companies could easily be a lot better than they are.
Its funny that when you type "Dynasplint sucks" into google you get tons of results, complaints, patient issues, unhappy current employees and past employess, etc. When you type in "Joint Active Systems sucks" just a bunch of non company related information shows up. Interesting and it has proven one major point. Sometimes the truth hurts Dynasplint....

Dynasplint is the most poorly managed and operating company out there. They don't have a clue from the bottom up to the top. I currently work for them and I'm trying deperately to get out. I wish I never took this position and I'm hanging around collecting a check until something else comes up. If your thinking about joining this company, DON'T!!

I currently work for Dynasplint. Look at this memo my manager gave me:

As always, we discussed a lot of different situations in our call today. I appreciate the fact that we can talk openly about all that is going on in your territory. (never speak openly with your manager)

The fact that you are not producing at a significant level for you or me, is frustrating. I appreciate the effort you are putting in to improving yourself as a sales consultant so you can better grow your territory. As I told you on the phone, I believe that you are growing as a sales consultant and lately you have really stepped it up! The time is now. You seem to be headed in the right direction, I hope you can continue the momentum and grow your business even more. (I'm better than 80% of my team)

Remember, significant improvement from one month to the next is imperative! Today, I think we came up with some very reasonable goals for you as you progress.

The productivity of your territory is extremely low. At this point in your DSI career, your productivity should be much greater. (I've only been here just under 1 year)
As we discussed, if you do not confirm a minimum amount of contracts, your position as a sales consultant with Dynasplint will be terminated. I keep telling you - I believe in you and your ability to grow your territory. Your position will also be publically posted on carrer builder. (This is really encouraging)

Pretty much this is my 30 day opportunity to look for a new job. Thanks a lot Dynasplint for telling me one thing when you hired me and doing another. Assholes.

I also worked for this company in the neuro division. And as stated above, I also found myself in comp I and comp II surrounded by people with little or no clinical background. I do have clinical, and found that when I would interject with some very basic thoughts such as, when splinting, check for a distal pulse, it was brushed off as unimportant. These were geriatric patients with circulatory issues! It was more important to have a sales background! I thought during the first 3 mo's that I had it made and this was an incredible company to work for. The realization set in shortly after. The pressure is tremendous toward months end. My boyfriend called it "hell week". Fighting with insurance companies, and doctors to get signatures. And the mistakes made in approvals! There were so many times when I got the infamous "ok to fit", so I would fit, only to find out that something was overlooked, and I would recieve a phone call stating "the ins company has now said no coverage, or they are only approving 1 joint now.." so I would basically have to re-po the splint! In the end I had an accident while working, suffered a head injury, and reconstructive ankle surgery, and was let go while on work comp. Dynasplint didnt even back me up. They wanted me to market while I was in PT, and neuro appts for myself. How ironic! I am now with a wonderful company, making more $, and no hell week. Everything for a reason, I guess.

Here's an awesome one. I was working for one of Dynasplint's competitors. It's a very tough arena, but was steadily heading in the right direction for 9 months. I had just opened up two literally world-class accounts that are almost untouchable. The territory was on the verge of exploding.
My manager called me up to schedule two days of lunches and meeting with my best customers. Had a really good two days - we went everywhere. All seemed well even though she has some quirks that made me hopeful that we wouldn't travel again anytime soon (like spending 30 minutes in the bathroom doing God knows what, chewing gum like a horse and being very distractingly on the phone constantly).
I found out from a customer the next day that I was replaced. I called her up and she said, "Oh yeh, I was going to call you tonight." Then she asked me for my inservice schedule. Wowwie. Not.
Not 100% sure, but it seems like my replacements are already gone. It's a very tough job, but I really enjoyed it and was absolutely doing everything right. I've moved on with great success, but the take-home message is to not ever let anyone define you as a salesperson. I'm good and everyone knows it so I'll not ever waste another second with anyone who doesn't appreciate that.
On a side note, Dynasplint sounds awesome.

Here's an awesome one. I was working for one of Dynasplint's competitors. It's a very tough arena, but was steadily heading in the right direction for 9 months. I had just opened up two literally world-class accounts that are almost untouchable. The territory was on the verge of exploding.
My manager called me up to schedule two days of lunches and meeting with my best customers. Had a really good two days - we went everywhere. All seemed well even though she has some quirks that made me hopeful that we wouldn't travel again anytime soon (like spending 30 minutes in the bathroom doing God knows what, chewing gum like a horse and being very distractingly on the phone constantly).
I found out from a customer the next day that I was replaced. I called her up and she said, "Oh yeh, I was going to call you tonight." Then she asked me for my inservice schedule. Wowwie. Not.
Not 100% sure, but it seems like my replacements are already gone. It's a very tough job, but I really enjoyed it and was absolutely doing everything right. I've moved on with great success, but the take-home message is to not ever let anyone define you as a salesperson. I'm good and everyone knows it so I'll not ever waste another second with anyone who doesn't appreciate that.
On a side note, Dynasplint sounds awesome.
Sounds like you were too focused on those two account and spending all of your time at them. You should have been let go. You don't sound like you have a clue and aren't very professional. Maybe you would be a good fit at Dynasplint based on that criteria. As far as not being defined as a sales person, huh? Get a clue Captain obvious your in...sales....

Sounds like you were too focused on those two account and spending all of your time at them. You should have been let go. You don't sound like you have a clue and aren't very professional. Maybe you would be a good fit at Dynasplint based on that criteria. As far as not being defined as a sales person, huh? Get a clue Captain obvious your in...sales....

You make a good point. Very constructive and I think I've learned my lesson. It's all part of growing.
Just out of curiosity, though, what were you doing in the bathroom?

Congratulate me on the best day of my life. I have resigned from Dynasplint and about to embarq on a real carrer with a real company. I had enough of the lies, deceit, bait and switch and B/S from corporate and managers. Dynasplint really makes you feel worthless and that you can't do any better and are lucky to be working there. This is so far from the truth it's not funny. By leaving I have increased my salary by 1 1/2 times and my bonus will be more than I made at Dynasplint last year. Take my advice if you are thinking of hiring on with this company keep looking you'll be happy you did.

I left Dynasplint to work for a pharmceutical company making double what I was making. And as far as my bonus its like I get my bonus now just for showing up and doing my job. At Dynasplint I had to fight every step of the way to get my bonus and they were never really that great. As far as training there is no comparison at Dynasplint I only trained for a week. My current companys training is 6 weeks then I shadow another rep for a week and then my manager works with me for another week. The company I work for now really wants me to succeed and make money. Dynasplint just threw me out there and if I failed (which most reps do) they fire you and replace you. They don't even care if you are successful and make money. Its like Dynasplint prides itself on you being miserable. Excess conference calls, micro management from regional to divisional, inventory, technology, you name it....misery. At my new company I don't worry about any of these things. They truly want me to be happy and do well. That's more than I can say for Dynasplint. If you are still part of Dynasplint...I'm sorry. But there are better companies out there and once you leave you'll be truly happy.

I have been a therapist at the same clinic for 7 years and have seen 10 Dyansplint reps. You read it correctly 10!! It seems like a revolving door and it's the big joke in our clinic. We actually collect all of the cards and have them up in our staff meeting room on the bulletin board. We stopped using the product after several of our patients were burned by the company and reps. Also the product is inferior and there are several different options out there for getting your patient results without using a Dynasplint. So if your looking to join Dynasplint and start your career know that your card too will be added to the humiliating pile of previous reps.

I worked for Dynasplint and left after 6 months for the following reasons:

Salary is 40k/year base your 1st year with only a $450/month car allowance (be prepared to drive the tires off your car). They pay for cell phone up to a certain point, but do not re-imburse for fax or internet in spite of requiring you to have both to do your job. They will tell you that you can make $100k + your second year primarily from splints on rent, but you will never see that. You will have either already left or your patients will have died or could not tolerate the splint (the geriatric patient is your primary sale). Only managers will see the rent commission from the splints you sold, so in essence, it is a glorified Ponzi scheme.

Dynasplint emphasizes high pressure sales strategies. They call it being "pleasantly pushy". They require you to call on 8 -12 accounts a day, everyday and to talk with as many decision makers as possible. You are to walk in un-announced or without an appointment and attempt to speak with therapists, nurses, business office personel, and doctors. I personally know of reps who are not allowed in certain facilities because they were seen as harassing the therapists while they were treating patients. I now work for an othotics company and call on the same facilities that I did with Dynasplint and the majority of Rehab Managers have confided to me that they think Dynasplint is one of the most un-professional vendors out there.

The sales quotas are unrealistic and unattainable for all but a few Reps, so be prepared to be put on "Probation". My one time on probation, they started listing my job on Monster. Every person in my training class had by the third month either quit or were put on probation. That is why there is a 70% turnover rate at Dynasplint.

Finally, if you have a clinical background, I strongly encourage you to stay away. There are far better sales opportunities out there where you do not have to leave your professional ethics at the door. I am a therapist and my main concern has always been my patients. Dynasplint cares nothing about the patient, only the sale. My manager once questioned me on why the majority of my patients were only getting one splint. When I explained that the Therapist usually only requested one or the clinical condition warranted only one, I was told "all patients should be getting more than one splint" and "that was the only way I was going to get my numbers up". They have the ethics of a Used-Car Dealer. This may sound like a bitter rant from a disgruntled ex-employee, but I assure you it is not. You only have to speak with someone who has worked at Dynasplint or read other posts in this forum to see that this is a pretty accurate discription of the working environment at Dynasplint. I do not want anyone to make the same mistake that hundreds of others and myself have made.

I also worked for this company in the neuro division. And as stated above, I also found myself in comp I and compII surrounded by people with little or no clinical background. I do have clinical, and found that when I would interject with some very basic thoughts such as, when splinting, check for a distal pulse, it was brushed off as unimportant. These were geriatric patients with circulatory issues! It was more important to have a sales background! I thought during the first 3 mo's that I had it made and this was an incredible company to work for. The realization set in shortly after. The pressure is tremendous toward months end. My boyfriend called it "hell week". Fighting with insurance companies, and doctors to get signatures. And the mistakes made in approvals! There were so many times when I got the infamous "ok to fit", so I would fit, only to find out that something was overlooked, and I would recieve a phone call stating "the ins company has now said no coverage, or they are only approving 1 joint now.." so I would basically have to re-po the splint! In the end I had an accident while working, suffered a head injury, and reconstructive ankle surgery, and was let go while on work comp. Dynasplint didnt even back me up. They wanted me to market while I was in PT, and neuro appts for myself. How ironic! I am now with a wonderful company, making more $, and no hell week. Everything for a reason, I guess.

Dynasplint offers the most bent working atmosphere in the industry and management, don't get me started! They hand pick the biggest menches on the sales force and promote them despite anything other than nice ties and shiny shoes!