Well, ...this has been enlightening! I take posting boards with a grain of salt, but this sounds like a huge bitter pill! I am looking for a Med Sales position and know they are hiring. I know a bit about the product from a similar position, so wanted more info.
My initial thought was whether I could rep a product that I know is inferior to what I used to sell, but now with all these other issues...
Just some friendly advice not pursue this opportunity, something better will come along. Taking a job with Dynasplint will hinder your job search. Not many med device companies out there take these guy seriously at all. It is the joke of the medical community and you will have an uphill battle trying to tell them why you took the job, and why it has prepared you to take on a new opportunity. Plus you will then have to explain why you left so quickly, because as mentioned turnover is over 70% and most leave inside 6 months. Save yourself the headache and embarrassment that this company will give you.