Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

It's 3:20am and I just go done doing paperwork for my insane manager. He must be trying to get me to quit but still demands I work until I finish. He has threatened me with my job but at this point I feel like cutting my losses. He did the same thing to another person on our team and she quit that same week. No wonder why Dynasplint has such high turnover and angry employees.

Alright guys, can things really be as bad as you all make it out to be? I am unemployed and am contemplating a position in the Southern region, could Dynasplint really be worse than the expiration of my unemployment benefits? I would greatly appreciate an honest response from a current rep or at least not from a disgruntled ex. Thanks.

Alright guys, can things really be as bad as you all make it out to be? I am unemployed and am contemplating a position in the Southern region, could Dynasplint really be worse than the expiration of my unemployment benefits? I would greatly appreciate an honest response from a current rep or at least not from a disgruntled ex. Thanks.
Dude, read the posts most of the people posting still work for Dynasplint. I do and can't wait to get out. Most of them are true, accurate picture of how the company treats thier employees. If I had to pick I would stay on unemployment if I were you.

Alright guys, can things really be as bad as you all make it out to be? I am unemployed and am contemplating a position in the Southern region, could Dynasplint really be worse than the expiration of my unemployment benefits? I would greatly appreciate an honest response from a current rep or at least not from a disgruntled ex. Thanks.

File for an extension on your unemployment benefits. I am a former Dynasplint employee. The job is a joke...they are not taken seriously in the medical device space. You will not make good money here and you will have to deal with micro-managing sales managers who don't have a clue how to sell anything. A handful of the regional managers there have been promoted to management after only being in the sales field for 12 months with no prior sales experience than that. The blind leading the fucking blind.

I took this job as a filler between jobs and continued to look from day one of my hire there. Putting them on your resume', you better be prepared for your objection handling as you interview with other places...because as I mentioned they are not taken seriously at all. I wound up removing them from my resume' completely and interviewed marketing myself as having an employment gap and I had a much easier time landing a better gig.

Alright guys, can things really be as bad as you all make it out to be? I am unemployed and am contemplating a position in the Southern region, could Dynasplint really be worse than the expiration of my unemployment benefits? I would greatly appreciate an honest response from a current rep or at least not from a disgruntled ex. Thanks.
It's not as bad as these boards describe IT'S WORSE!! There are tons of other avenues you can take in regards to unemployment (extensions, emergency funds, etc). Don't do it I would hate to see you ruin your carrer and screw up your resume.

As crazy as it seems these message boards are right on point. I currently work for Dynasplint and am looking for another opportunites feverishly. I can't get out of here quick enough. The company doesn't care about the sales consultants and will get rid of you at the drop of a hat. Management is clueless and have no idea how to help the sales consultants. Most managers failed as reps and knew someone higher up and became managers. They all micro manage you and ride you like the day is long. Take it from a current employee, look elsewhere when presented with a Dynasplint opportunity.

yes you read correctly Dynasplints turnover is more than 80%. This equates to 8 out of 10 people leave the company. Oh, and another interesting stat is that most or all leave within 6 months. Check the posting boards they aren't expanding they are trying to fill all of thier open positions. Currently there are 25 open sales positions advertised on career builder. Out of the 125 total sales consultants having 25 open is 20% of thier sales force is non-existent. It's been that way for years and years as long as I could remember from working there. They are driving people away in droves and lose quality people all of the time. Once people get started with the company if they are smart they realize that it's twisted culture and screwed up attitude toward the reps isn't how a good company is run. And if you think that Dynasplint is a stepping stone think again. Other repuatable companies want to see real experience from a real company. Other medical equipment companies don't respect Dyansplint and rightfully so it's not a good company. So rather than having to expalin why you worked for Dynasplint it's better just to not have it on your resume. Heck my new manager told me he would have rather had used car salesman, copier sales, rental car salesman than Dynasplint on my resume. I'm glad he gave me a chance but Dynasplint on my resume didn't help one bit it actually hurt. Read the posts about the company and if you're smart you won't make the mistake that 8 out of 10 people did!!

Let's see what patients say:
Carol: "I didn't start using it until Jan.16th. Almost 2 whole months after my knee surgery. I am very unhappy with it. I even had to quit using the straightening splint as it pulled on my hip so bad I couldn't stand it. I feel like the flex slpint is just as bad, and I have not improved at all since I started using them. I am going to quit using the flex as they want me to use it at least 6 hours a day, and I can't sleep with it, and don't have that much time for it. I use it about 4 huors a day, and can hardly walk after I use it"
Jody:"I was advised 2 month out of total knee replacement to use the dynasplint. This was a total insurance scam. Impossible to sleep in, the pain from wearing it was crippling and it did not help my situation at all. I would never recommend using one of these.Dealing with the company regarding billing and insurance is an absolute nightmare.
I highly suggest you discuss the ramifications of using a dynasplint with your surgeon and not your therapist, you will not be sorry you did"
James:"the product is out of date and there are better options out there "

So if you are thinking about working for Dyansplint think again. The consumer is the biggest customer and if they aren't happy you won't be selling many of these devices!

Let me tell you how "shady" this company is , this is what they did to my wife:

1. First, her manager didn't even call to tell her that she was being "let go" due to low numbers and find out when her inside person told her... that's pretty pathetic.

2. Then, since she only worked a half the day on the day they let her go they won't pay your for it at all...what's up with that??

3. Finally, when she brought it up to her divisional manager that her regional manager stated sexually explicit things during a regional meeting like, "you should wear high heels, more jewelry, and definitely flirt with the doctors, her the regional manager didn't do anything about it nor did the HR department! There's definitely something wrong with this company. Other reps. who were at the meeting were just as appalled as my wife and waited for calls from HR that never came. Oh and all of this is documented through emails sent back and forth!

All I can say is...stay away from Dynasplint!

I think the husbands and wives of the reps need to start a hating Dynasplint club. I was at a company meeting with my wife and every single spouse had nothing but horrible experiences with the way Dynasplint treated thier significant other. The emotional distress, frustration, lack of compensation, disregard for family, etc all added to the frustration. Almost all of the reps were on the look out for another position with other companies. I don't blame them I would rather have my wife quit then to be treated like that.

ALL the negative postings are spot on! This company needs to be investigated and shut down. Management is crap as is corporate. How much paperwork do you do for 1 sale? A LOT!! How much are they going to beat you up mentally before they fire you? A LOT!! Really? This job has made me insane and would anybody! Get out when you can or don't even go there! Seriously.

There are Neurological reps in the company fitting 60 or more splints on patients. Neuro patients need constant care for pressure sores, device application, dressing changes, etc. So after a year of doing this a year a Dynasplint rep would fit close to 720 splints. There is no way possible that that rep can follow-up with that patient effectively and sell more splints month after month. Medicare, Medicaid and all other insurances need to take a look at the quality of care that Dynasplint provides. I can personally attest that this level of care doesn't happen. Patients get splints and never see the rep again as the splint sits in thier home as the insurance company is billed for it. As a clinician I find this unethical and the quality of care in non-exsistant. This company needs to be audited by Medicare and Medicaid and then closed!

Hi all! My other Dr gave me a brace for my knee...dynasplint & it sucks! They had a salesperson come to my house & give me this mumble jumble of how the brace does not hurt & I have to keep my ankle on a pillow so the gravity pulls my knee down. The brace is doing NOTHING the pillow is doing all the work! AND THAT'S WHAT HURTS...tricky snake oil salesperson! I am supposed to wear this as much as I can in the day & sleep with it at night. I could be doing the same stretch without this stupid brace by just using a pillow ( which I have done many times before in physical therapy). It hurts so bad keeping a stretch like that for hours & hours. I just want to be able to walk again with out pain & I would LOVE to be able to straighten my knee "leg" once again! Oh well...thanks for listening!

My 80 year old grandmother was taken for a ride by this company. The rep fit her with 6 finger splints and told her they were covered by insurance and not to worry. We found out later on that they weren't covered by insurance and have been battling with Dynasplint and insurance over the issue. Now after my grandmother has worked her whole life to maintain her good credit Dynasplint sent her to collections for not paying the bill in a timely fashion. What a racquet they have going on. They lie to the patients and do nothing to help them with issues. Later we also found out that the 8 splints she was fit with could have been done with 2 max. My grandmothers doctor has vowed to never use the product again. This whole issue has cost my family, doctors office and everyone involved time and money. Why didn't they do the right thing from the start? Because the reps are trained to be unethical and take advantage of the disadvantaged patient. By the looks of these posting boards they are doing a good job of it. At least they are trying to aspire to something...scum bags.

I think any device is better than a Dynasplint. Look around on the internet there are numberous complaints against the company, reps, managers, etc. Why would anyone do business with these people? There are companies that genuinely care about thier patients and Dynasplint isn't one of them. Look elsewhere and don't get sucked into this scam of a company called Dynasplint.

If you are a patient and the Dynasplint reps comes to your home to give you a splint DO NOT SIGN ANY FORMS. I'm a lawyer and needed a splint that of course my insurance wouldn't cover and the rep wanted me to sign this form. Legally it binds you financially responsible for all costs assocaited with the Dynasplint. A good company would write off what was not collected, medical companies do it all of the time. Don't be scammed into signing this form. I have posted the verbiage so you don't get taken for a ride. Here's the wording:

I understand that the insurance benefit plan under which I have health coverage will only pay for the use of the Dynasplint® System that has been prescribed for me by my physician for a period of up to four (4) months.
Furthermore, I acknowledge that it has been explained to me by Dynasplint Systems, Inc. (DSI) that I may require the use of the Dynasplint® System longer than four (4) months. Therefore I, _________________________, agree to accept financial responsibility for the use of the Dynasplint® System that I have received today for anyperiod of time for which my insurance will not cover its use under the following terms and conditions:
I agree to rent the Dynasplint® System with serial number ___________________ for $__________ per month for any period of time that I utilize the Dynasplint® System for which my insurance will not authorize or pay for its use. For every month or portion thereof until I return the Dynasplint® System to DSI a claim will be submitted to my insurance. If the claim is denied as it is expected to be, I will be billed for the charge that is
not covered. I understand that all billing will occur in accordance with the terms of the contract between DSI and my insurance, if one exists, or in accordance with DSI’s standard practices.
My signature represents understanding and agreement with all terms stated herein.

Don't be taken for a rocky financial ride. My ortho will be getting as copy of this and I believe will cease his ordering of this product with my recommendation.

Dynasplint claims to have past and current research that shows the product works. Well 2 observations:
1) All of the early studies on dynamic splinting and Dynasplint were written by George Hepburn which is the owner/president of the company.
2) All of the recent research is done by Buck Willis which works full time for Dynasplint doing research. Most of the data he collects is from the reps in the field.

So unbiased information isn't being given to the public or the clinicians. They continue to manipulate that studeis in thier favor and report favorable results. True research wouldn't be written by a paid employee or owner. Or how accurate can the data be from the reps? Where's the control of that situation? Come on guys get it together. Oh I forgot you can't your Dynasplint!

Well, ...this has been enlightening! I take posting boards with a grain of salt, but this sounds like a huge bitter pill! I am looking for a Med Sales position and know they are hiring. I know a bit about the product from a similar position, so wanted more info.
My initial thought was whether I could rep a product that I know is inferior to what I used to sell, but now with all these other issues...