Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

Concerned Citizen

I don't work at Dynasplint and never have. I don't know the company that way. I know Dynasplint as one of the most upstanding companies in the area I live in. I see Dynasplint sponsoring local events like the 4th of July Parade, helping the local Severna Park Assistance Network with canned food drives, and donating lots of money to charity and worthy causes like the University of Maryland's School of Medicine.

I know several people that work at Dynasplint, and I grew up knowing the owner and his family as kind, generous, and caring people. At that time I didn't know that there was even a correlation between them and Dynasplint.

So that's where I'm coming from. Anyone that talks about Dynasplint ownership being greedy or selfish, just doesn't know what they are talking about. Those people should look inside themselves for those characteristics, before they plaster Dynasplint with that kind of unwarranted hyperbole.

If you are adept at sales, and have some experience or an interest in phisiology, this is a great place. The product is top notch and sales support getting better all the time. Like any company the top 20% do 80% of the work, but I know one rep who is there in under a year. Give it a shot!

The Dynasplint device actually is quality-and it works. Good rep. with PTs, OTs, and Ortho Surg that know it. Getting new docs on board and prescribing is the sales job. Bottom line-you must be good at sales and like working with patients.

For those on here with knowledge of Dynasplint, can you tell me about the foot/ankle division? The recruiter told me that insurance coverage isn't very good on these products. True? What else can anyone tell me about this division? I have reached out to some current reps but haven't been able to connect with them yet. Thanks for the help!

Answer 1- You do custom-fit patients, but not at their residence- usually at PT or Dr.'s office.
Answer 2- Yes, $50K and up depending on the part of the country is 1st year compensation.
Answer 3- About the Ankle & Foot Division. Insurance contracting is different all over the country in dynamic splinting, but you may want to know that the top sales consultant in the company actually is an A&F guy. You can contact Todd Domangue at Tdomangue@dynasplint.com. He is the Managing Director of the Division and will be glad to talk to you.
Answer 4- Top competition is probably static progressive splinting by Empi. Not nearly as good as dynamic splinting-check out the research on this.

Answer 1- You do custom-fit patients, but not at their residence- usually at PT or Dr.'s office.
Answer 2- Yes, $50K and up depending on the part of the country is 1st year compensation.
Answer 3- About the Ankle & Foot Division. Insurance contracting is different all over the country in dynamic splinting, but you may want to know that the top sales consultant in the company actually is an A&F guy. You can contact Todd Domangue at Tdomangue@dynasplint.com. He is the Managing Director of the Division and will be glad to talk to you.
Answer 4- Top competition is probably static progressive splinting by Empi. Not nearly as good as dynamic splinting-check out the research on this.

It's like a franchise opportunity, but they pay you a salary instead of you having to take out a loan to buy into it yourself - if you are looking for a great long term opportunity Dynasplint is great! Don't think about $50K-$65K the first year ... think about growing the business and creating $100K earings the next 1-2 years, then growing it more from there ... all while helping people. Consider yourself lucky to get such a rare opportunity with out having to dig into your own pockets to get it started. Instead you'll actually get a paycheck that YOU can increase by doing well!

I believe that the poster was making a comparison between running your own territory at Dynasplint and a franchise. You do not have to purchase your inventory, collatoral materials, and you are provided back office support and a base paycheck. Are you crazy for considering Dynasplint? There are always going to be nay-sayers on boards who didn't do well with the company and are bitter. Ask the Regional Manager at interview time for a sales consultant to talk to, and ask your hard questions. You would probably not be looking here if you didn't like sales, and want to be part of helping people restore theor range of motion and improve their lives. Dynasplint is a good company, and you are not crazy!

Everyone who works for DSI is held to the same standard of performance. The President of Dynasplint has placed key people in whom he trusts and believes will do the right thing in leadership positions. Therefore, if a sales consultant (including a daughter) is not performing in the way that they should, and has given PLENTY of coaching and the opportunity to succeed and still does not improve, then they must be terminated. That is just best business practice.
I respect a company that has morals and standards to not “hand-over” success to someone just because they are a family member. Fairness dictates that that’s the way it must be. Most people look for a company where everyone is treated fairly and favoritism is not based on your last name.
Cleary you have heard gossip, but rumor mills are dangerous as you only hear one side. I couldn’t agree more with Concerned Citizen, that it is a shame that you have such a mission to be nasty and try and destroy someone’s reputation. If you REALLY knew who and what you were talking about you would be appalled by how far from the truth your claims appear.