Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

George is a joke.. He's lying to keep everyone working and he will continue to keep the cash... Bet he will send another bullshit email excuse regarding
Payroll this week..meanwhile bills are piling up

What on earth is this about ?

WOW!! ok nobody is accused of murder..I was just giving examples why people would need an attorney. I was simply recommending a local attorney to anyone in the local area of HQ who might want to get an attorney involved to help recover the money they are owed. They actually assisted me with a landlord/tenant issue several years back so they do deal with a very wide variety of legal issues. I'm just saying it might be worth a phone call to inquire about your rights to collect the money that is owed.

WOW!! ok nobody is accused of murder..I was just giving examples why people would need an attorney. I was simply recommending a local attorney to anyone in the local area of HQ who might want to get an attorney involved to help recover the money they are owed. They actually assisted me with a landlord/tenant issue several years back so they do deal with a very wide variety of legal issues. I'm just saying it might be worth a phone call to inquire about your rights to collect the money that is owed.
You have no rights, read your contract.

Everyone take a deep breath and slow down. Lets give this fine man and this outstanding company a chance to regroup and make amends before any knee jerk reactions are made. We will prevail and everyone will be called back to work in due time to make the great incomes we are all accustomed to. It's that simple, chill.

Well said
Unfortunately, $100 doesn't buy much loyalty from the trolls who decided to quit and give up rebuilding a GREAT company

Hang in their people
Better times are ahead for you!!!!

Everyone take a deep breath and slow down. Lets give this fine man and this outstanding company a chance to regroup and make amends before any knee jerk reactions are made. We will prevail and everyone will be called back to work in due time to make the great incomes we are all accustomed to. It's that simple, chill.

This is the BEST advice on the entire thread
Calling people back is great news!!!!
It isn't easy finding employment with a tenured company that has good benefits and treats everyone like family. A CEO who cares enough to loan people money when they are down on their luck speaks volumes about character. Nothing has changed except this little business hiccup. Chill people.

Everyone take a deep breath and slow down. Lets give this fine man and this outstanding company a chance to regroup and make amends before any knee jerk reactions are made. We will prevail and everyone will be called back to work in due time to make the great incomes we are all accustomed to. It's that simple, chill.

This is the BEST advice on the entire thread
Calling people back is great news!!!!
It isn't easy finding employment with a tenured company that has good benefits and treats everyone like family. A CEO who cares enough to loan people money when they are down on their luck speaks volumes about character. Nothing has changed except this little business hiccup. Chill people.

I'm sure you think so, because you're the one that wrote it! It's obvious every time you say chill. We're not as stupid as you might think.

This is the BEST advice on the entire thread
Calling people back is great news!!!!
It isn't easy finding employment with a tenured company that has good benefits and treats everyone like family. A CEO who cares enough to loan people money when they are down on their luck speaks volumes about character. Nothing has changed except this little business hiccup. Chill people.

Seriously? Down on their luck? I'm down on my luck right now, think he'd give me the 15k he owes me in back expense, bonuses?? Annnddd my kids need contacts but we can't buy them because he hasn't funded our HSA in over 2 months! It's not like we have the extra cash laying around, since he hasn't paid us expenses lately!

Seriously? Down on their luck? I'm down on my luck right now, think he'd give me the 15k he owes me in back expense, bonuses?? Annnddd my kids need contacts but we can't buy them because he hasn't funded our HSA in over 2 months! It's not like we have the extra cash laying around, since he hasn't paid us expenses lately!
Perhaps if you had worked harder you would not have been let to and could still be making and excellent income with an outstanding company. Quit begging.

Perhaps if you had worked harder you would not have been let to and could still be making and excellent income with an outstanding company. Quit begging.

It's not begging when she is obviously owed that money. But you're too stupid to get that through your head. There were plenty of employees that worked hard and were still let go. For God's sake, there were president's club reps that were let go! How dare you condescendingly state that it's her own fault and that she could still be making excellent income with an outstanding company! First of all, Dynasplint is no longer an outstanding company. Second, she thought she had job security, it's not her fault that George was irresponsible with his finances and the finances of the company!

Perhaps George should have taken the Dave Ramsey financial freedom class at Dynasplint before making an eighteen million dollar mistake.

Until we are repaid, we are allowed to be disgruntled. However, I would recommend that the poster contact an attorney, because at this rate she will not be receiving the money that Dynasplint owes her.