No one is leaving. People ARE grateful and happy to working.
Keep focus people. In 90 days this will all be history.
Yeah didn't someone else resign ?
No one is leaving. People ARE grateful and happy to working.
Keep focus people. In 90 days this will all be history.
Everyone has to make their own choice as to whether to stay or go....the bashing of George, the employees who choose to stay and the company is petty...Are you all really that bored that all you have time to do is bad mouth a man and a company that has provided you with excellent wages...Yes ..what has happened and where we are is sad...I believe that you support and stand by people in good and bad times....Make your choice and move on ...Let those of us who have chosen to stay, to work, to rebuild do the tasks at hand ...let us work in peace ..No hard feelings for those who choose to leave....George is a good man he has an excellent product and we will survive this...
Are you fucking kidding me?! Live within my means? How about George run his fucking business within his means?
Save up at least six months of salary before we buy things? How about George save at least six months of funds to pay employees incase this shit happens?
This is our own fault? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! This is George's fault for putting hundreds of families in jeopardy. ACCEPT SOME FUCKING RESPONSIBILITY!
Either her or Kathy T. That's the only two left still drinking the kool aid.
Either her or Kathy T. That's the only two left still drinking the kool aid.
Well actually he does owe me..Your choice in words tells me what type of character you have..which speaks volumes ...someone needs to speak up for George and that's going to be me...I don't know how all this will end but I trust and believe that Dynasplint will survive this and George will honor every commitment to everyone....You are obviously one bitter individual must make for a lonely world up there on that holier than thou pedestal you are on....To each his own opinion....I trust and believe in George
Well actually he does owe me..Your choice in words tells me what type of character you have..which speaks volumes ...someone needs to speak up for George and that's going to be me...I don't know how all this will end but I trust and believe that Dynasplint will survive this and George will honor every commitment to everyone....You are obviously one bitter individual must make for a lonely world up there on that holier than thou pedestal you are on....To each his own opinion....I trust and believe in George
Thank you for posting the kind, much needed and sincere words.
DSI will survive! Keep the faith people. All commitment will be honored and your loyalty will be rewarded. Where else can you find such a dedicated group of employees who are treated like family? Stick together and ignore the drivel on this site. DSI is family. God bless.
Oh shut your pie hole you fat cow.
Well actually he does owe me..Your choice in words tells me what type of character you have..which speaks volumes ...someone needs to speak up for George and that's going to be me...I don't know how all this will end but I trust and believe that Dynasplint will survive this and George will honor every commitment to everyone....You are obviously one bitter individual must make for a lonely world up there on that holier than thou pedestal you are on....To each his own opinion....I trust and believe in George
Did you read all the bible beating posts where they called the people that were laid off the underachievers & that they deserved to be let go? And to call someone honey in the tone you did is both condescending & patronizing. Truly your post reflects that the only person you care about is yourself. I think why people are angry is because George told us time & time again that everything was fine when it wasn't ! We believed him & had the rug yanked out from under us . There were hints such as long time workers suddenly being fired for performance issues when in reality they were layoffs but again we were assured that everything was fine so imagine how upsetting it was to find out the truth . Sure George has done good over the years but for 500 employees we got screwed!Not everyone are underachievers, and that was never stated
Laying off people has always resulted in trimming the fat at every company that has done so
Even the government and military has had RIFs over the years
It's rather common, especially with M&As
Get real and move on
Leave the current employees alone
They are very happy to have a job, a bonus, and company provided healthcare
You should focus your anger elsewhere honey
Damn, you are some ungrateful people. The company is trying to come back and all you can do is bitch? The $100 bonus was a kind gesture to thank everyone for their hard work and loyalty.
You don't want it? Give it to charity.
PR will be made as GH stated in the memo. Cut them some slack and get back to work. The company will be what you make of it. It's in your hands and you have the opportunity to do something great and get the ship back on course.
Raises come with growth and profitability. Remember when Apple lost Steve Jobs when he was fired and Apple began sinking? Now look at its valuation? DSI can be an Apple success story, but it needs and values committed and loyal employees. In tough times, the tough get going.
The people posting negative comments here are jealous and must be mental cases.
Hang in there people!
I am a former Dynasplint employee who is a lurker on this board. I was gone from Dynasplint by choice shortly before the layoff happened, but I did work there for six years. It was an awful place to work, and the way people are treated is something that GH should be ashamed of. The favoritism and cliques, the drunkenness of the managerial staffers, the lack of honesty, the financial mismanagement, lousy morale, skating around the edges on billing practices, accounting practices that are, at best, questionable..... this is all day, every day, at Dynasplint. It's a company that had tremendous opportunity to do good for more than the occasional patient and it was all squandered. What is happening now is the result of all those things, and GH has earned every bit of it. The sad part is that so many others have had to live with the consequences. Whether you work there now or are waiting for a call back : GH has shown himself, repeatedly, to be dishonest and deceptive. To expect that to suddenly change is not realistic.
My turn to stand on the soap box. First of all, there is so much inaccurate information on this board. The people who are posting the most really don't have their facts straight. Rhonda. Who by the way is owed less than the cost of a burrito bowl. If you're hurting that bad for cash, come see me. I'll pay you out of my daycare budget.
It just amazes me how quickly people can turn on one another. But I guess that's what differentiates us from the animals. Animals are loyal. Have you already forgotten how George would loan substantial amounts of money to anyone who came to him? HVAC went out? George would loan ya money. Going through a nasty divorce? George would loan ya money. Oop! Car engine blew up? George would loan ya money. It started to get out of control for a while. The man is generous to a fault. And now that he has hit on hard times, you turn your back on him. This layoff has been horrific for everyone. But why kick the man while he's down? He is trying. We are trying! Those of us who are still working to save the company; are we not your friends? We have families to feed as well, and we are busting our tails to keep this place afloat and hopefully call you back. We want you back! Believe it or not, we miss you. Even though you're stinkers. I remember you. The ones who were the first in line to get your free turkey. Or load up the entire family to feast on all you can eat crabs and beer. Thanks to George's generosity. For anyone whose been around the corporate world a while, you know that the DSI environment is rare find now days. It's a place I had hoped to retire from, and still hopeful. Nervous as hell, but hopeful. Anyway, you have worked for the man long enough to know that he's not cheating you out of anything. You will be paid every dime owed to you. Gawd, I can't imagine being neighbors with some of y'all. If my house were to catch on fire and we lost all our belongings, you'd probably close your blinds and turn off the porch light like we were pesty trick-o-treaters. Cut us some slack, please. And remember, when you're stoning George, you're stoning us, too.
Oh, and one more thing before I hop down. Dental insurance. Woo. So we don't have dental insurance for the time being. Isn't it more important to have health insurance? It is to me. Finding a lump in a pertinent part is a helluva lot more important than needing to have a cavity filled. And George is making sure we do not lose this coverage. Some of you bellyachers... Man.
In closing, I'm going to ask you to please show some grace. Your words are hurtful. Not just to George. To all of us.
Now if you read this and it pissed you off, well, that kinda speaks for your character. It wasn't my intention to tick anyone off. Again, we miss you. Neighbor.
Very truly yours.
Jennie B. Slack