Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

They probably stay because they are good people who support a good man, with a good heart, that means well. Business just took a bad turn with the banks and the feds. He will prevail in court, despite whatever you may think or post here.

Some people have faith in God and good people.

Others are nothing more than a Judas willing to trade loyalty for some silver and a horse.

We know what kind of person you are, Sweetie.

A horse? WTH?

They probably stay because they are good people who support a good man, with a good heart, that means well. Business just took a bad turn with the banks and the feds. He will prevail in court, despite whatever you may think or post here.

Some people have faith in God and good people.

Others are nothing more than a Judas willing to trade loyalty for some silver and a horse.

We know what kind of person you are, Sweetie.

LOL!! Well now, this person traded her loyalty to GH and DSI after almost 10 years for a career that I love, a company that values their employees and their clients, a company that follows the laws, a steady paycheck that doesn't bounce, pays bonuses and expenses in a timely manner.

I also traded my loyalty for health, dental & vision insurance, pension plan that is actually being paid, vacation time, sick time, personal holidays and paid holidays.

I also traded my loyalty from a DSI sales manager that was a drunk and barely reachable for a manager who goes out of his way to make sure his people have the tools necessary to do their job properly so that they do reach their goals, a manager who is willing to train when training is needed, willing to train so that you can take his job and advance within the company and is genuinely concerned about his sales people.

I have also traded in my "President's Club" for the Millionaire Club" complete with a 10-day trip to Hawaii paid for by the company for myself and my husband.

Guess that makes me a Judas but at least I am a happy Judas and my family isn't sitting out on the street.

Good for you on the new found career and job. Everyone should know that the crazy posts by the GH worshiper on this page is his offspring. Not a single other soul would stick up for GH the way she does through all of this!

Good for you on the new found career and job. Everyone should know that the crazy posts by the GH worshiper on this page is his offspring. Not a single other soul would stick up for GH the way she does through all of this!

im not related in any way, his family has class, unlike you

He's a good person who, falsely accused, has suffered a few setbacks

You people seem to take shameful personal satisfaction in the misery of others

Burn in Hell.

LOL!! Well now, this person traded her loyalty to GH and DSI after almost 10 years for a career that I love, a company that values their employees and their clients, a company that follows the laws, a steady paycheck that doesn't bounce, pays bonuses and expenses in a timely manner.

I also traded my loyalty for health, dental & vision insurance, pension plan that is actually being paid, vacation time, sick time, personal holidays and paid holidays.

I also traded my loyalty from a DSI sales manager that was a drunk and barely reachable for a manager who goes out of his way to make sure his people have the tools necessary to do their job properly so that they do reach their goals, a manager who is willing to train when training is needed, willing to train so that you can take his job and advance within the company and is genuinely concerned about his sales people.

I have also traded in my "President's Club" for the Millionaire Club" complete with a 10-day trip to Hawaii paid for by the company for myself and my husband.

Guess that makes me a Judas but at least I am a happy Judas and my family isn't sitting out on the street.

Says the sel-centered narcissist

Move on, Honey. No one cares.

God answers your prayers
The govt. screwed up despite throwing all the money and resources at this case with no legs
This judge is fair, the end is near
All is good


This is just another step in the process to finish the case. So the govt. has to produce these records. So what? You don't think they had more than enough proof against Dynasplint to bring the case forward? Of course they do! Showing these records is just a formality...

The government will bail out.

It will cost the government too much time and money and consume too many resources to pursue this false claim. It won't look good in the public media shutting down a company and putting hundreds of people out of work. Most importantly, NO LAWS WERE VIOLATED.

You don't live in the real world.

The government will bail out.

It will cost the government too much time and money and consume too many resources to pursue this false claim. It won't look good in the public media shutting down a company and putting hundreds of people out of work. Most importantly, NO LAWS WERE VIOLATED.

You don't live in the real world.

You are such an idiot. Do you think for one minute George doesnt see the writing on the way. Hes cut your pay and not paid your 401K. Where do you think that money is going. Hes putting it offshore for when the fat lady sings. Hes building his nest egg until the house of cards falls over.