Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

How's life in your trailer park today, Loser?
Get a real job, Sweetie and move out of your parent's trailer

You mean a real job like yours? where your paycheck bounces..that is IF you get a paycheck, the owner steals money from the Medicare system, withholds money for taxes, insurance and 401K and then doesn't pay them, lies to employees, creditors and his own family? Be forced to deal with the hypocrites like yourself and then lets not even mention the people that stayed who are miserable...Yea everyone should have a job like that.


Spoken like the welfare queen that you are
Peace out

Queen of welfare and the trailer park? WOW!! I am almost as important as you are. You only wish you could be be me. I don't have to defend myself, my job, the company I work for OR the owner.

I think it's you that is jealous of everyone who has moved on and upward from this shithole of a company and its owner.

The company is just fine, thank you.
With ungrateful, vindictive people like you that were fired it will thrive now.

The drama is over, Honey.

Bye-bye. Don't spend all your food stamps at once, trailer park queen.

The company is just fine, thank you.
With ungrateful, vindictive people like you that were fired it will thrive now.

The drama is over, Honey.

Bye-bye. Don't spend all your food stamps at once, trailer park queen.

Love how you have said bye-bye at least 100, yet you keep coming back. Proves to show that you're just an attention whore.

You also keep referring to me as one of those that were laid off (fired in your own words) but I wasn't part of the lay-off. I saw the writing on the wall when the direct deposits weren't made in February and I found a reputable employer and I left on my own.

As for the drama being over and the company being just fine...honey please take the rose colored glasses off because you look like a complete jackass. The company isn't fine according to the Feds, current and former employees. The lawsuits are moving forward and I doubt GH will prevail or they would have been dismissed by now. Not to mention that he's admitted to being in trouble for tax evasion.

When the caca hits the fan, this Queen of the welfare trailer park will be laughing at you for being such an insensitive, condescending cold-hearted bitch that is out on the street with nothing.

Dynasplint - Great Company, Good People, Best Product!

As I instructed previously, please chill. Just chill out and let the good things come to you. Chilling is the only answer right now and will provide you with some peace of mind until your excellent incomes are restored with this outstanding company. Chill now, chill now. Bless you all!

Praise the Lord, Amen. Chill everyone, everything is under control.

I love how you respond to your own replies, otherwise you would be all alone in that little fairy tale world you live in. Some people just need multiple personalities. Bless you worshipper.

Really, people, the drama is never over at Dynasplint. Whoever is posting on this board is still working there and you can easily see why the drama is not over at Dynasplint.

The Medicare lawsuit is moving forward. It is fair to say that it will probably settle but they will want money. Dynasplint is a company whose days are numbered, for a long list of reasons. Poor financial management is just one of them.

The Feds will settle for pennies on a dollar, if it even gets that far
No drama, life will go on as-is

You ladies keep hoping for the worst, and fail miserably

Take your meds, please

Uh, hello.... he knew exactly what he was doing. Just wait and you shall see. Worshipper already knows this but is just still spitting lies. Have a good weekend and as the worshipper would say, "God bless."

Uh, hello.... he knew exactly what he was doing. Just wait and you shall see. Worshipper already knows this but is just still spitting lies. Have a good weekend and as the worshipper would say, "God bless."

The law is ambiguous at best and subject to interpretation
There is NO criminal complaint
The court will vindicate DSI

God Bless you too, Sweetie, but you are dead wrong in your calculation

We can agree to disagree and move on