Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

I received a call today from Sam (Samantha) stating that this lawsuit was filed as of this past Friday.

My daughter and I are both on board.

Guess you know who this is :)

This can't be good for DSI or the remaining employees. This is sad indeed. It amazes me how vindictive people, who once made a good living at DSI, can be to want to see a company and it's remaining 200+ employees needlessly suffer. Especially if they were already paid back wages. Like I said before, classy Honey.

An employer who violates the WARN Act notice requirement is liable to
each affected employee for an amount equal to back pay and benefits for the
period of violation up to 60 days. An employer who fails to provide notice as
required to a unit of local government is subject to a civil penalty not to
exceed $500 for each day of violation. The penalty may be avoided if the
employer satisfies the liability to each affected employee within three weeks
after the closing. In any suit, the court, in its discretion, may allow the prevailing
party a reasonable attorney’s fee as part of the costs. These are the
only remedies that WARN provides

This can't be good for DSI or the remaining employees. This is sad indeed. It amazes me how vindictive people, who once made a good living at DSI, can be to want to see a company and it's remaining 200+ employees needlessly suffer. Especially if they were already paid back wages. Like I said before, classy Honey.

An employer who violates the WARN Act notice requirement is liable to
each affected employee for an amount equal to back pay and benefits for the
period of violation up to 60 days. An employer who fails to provide notice as
required to a unit of local government is subject to a civil penalty not to
exceed $500 for each day of violation. The penalty may be avoided if the
employer satisfies the liability to each affected employee within three weeks
after the closing. In any suit, the court, in its discretion, may allow the prevailing
party a reasonable attorney’s fee as part of the costs. These are the
only remedies that WARN provides

Nope, I am not vindictive at all. I do not want to see anyone else lose their job or their livelihood but I do want GH to pay everyone what they are owed.

Call it what you want on my part, but I am not the one who lied, cheated and stole from employees nor am I the one who got greedy by double billing Medicare A & B for patients in nursing homes!!!!

This can't be good for DSI or the remaining employees. This is sad indeed. It amazes me how vindictive people, who once made a good living at DSI, can be to want to see a company and it's remaining 200+ employees needlessly suffer. Especially if they were already paid back wages. Like I said before, classy Honey.

An employer who violates the WARN Act notice requirement is liable to
each affected employee for an amount equal to back pay and benefits for the
period of violation up to 60 days. An employer who fails to provide notice as
required to a unit of local government is subject to a civil penalty not to
exceed $500 for each day of violation. The penalty may be avoided if the
employer satisfies the liability to each affected employee within three weeks
after the closing. In any suit, the court, in its discretion, may allow the prevailing
party a reasonable attorney’s fee as part of the costs. These are the
only remedies that WARN provides

HMMM lets see if I can remember my math lessons.

$500 (fine) x 500 (employees that were laid off)= $250,000 x 60 (days required for the notice)=$15,000,000 in fines alone.

Since I really do not know what everyone else is owed that is just an estimate for NOT doing the right thing by the 500 employees that were laid off.

This can't be good for DSI or the remaining employees. This is sad indeed. It amazes me how vindictive people, who once made a good living at DSI, can be to want to see a company and it's remaining 200+ employees needlessly suffer. Especially if they were already paid back wages. Like I said before, classy Honey.

An employer who violates the WARN Act notice requirement is liable to
each affected employee for an amount equal to back pay and benefits for the
period of violation up to 60 days. An employer who fails to provide notice as
required to a unit of local government is subject to a civil penalty not to
exceed $500 for each day of violation. The penalty may be avoided if the
employer satisfies the liability to each affected employee within three weeks
after the closing. In any suit, the court, in its discretion, may allow the prevailing
party a reasonable attorney’s fee as part of the costs. These are the
only remedies that WARN provides

You cannot seriously be that stupid?

You cannot seriously be that stupid?

Did you expect anything less coming from a crackwhore?

Come on now, remember all 500 people laid off were greedy, underachieving welfare/unemployment sucking, lazy non-christian bad people.

SMH at the stupidity of the GH/DSI cult.

Fair is Fair..pay these people every dime that is owed to them. It has been 6 months that they have been waiting for GH to do the right thing for the first time in years.

I received a call today from Sam (Samantha) stating that this lawsuit was filed as of this past Friday.

My daughter and I are both on board.

Guess you know who this is :)

Good for you! I hope that more of the past employees hop on board. GH has not kept any of his "promises", he has done nothing but lie since last February. GH deserves everything that is coming his way. I feel for those that are still employed by him and wish they would open their eyes and realize that the grass is greener. Good luck to you and your daughter!

Amen to this - nothing has changed.
They are good people.

Funny, this post is from years ago. I think at one point in time GH was a good man or that is what he wanted people to believe. He knew what he was doing all of these years and he just kept digging his hole deeper. Trust me when I tell you that he is not the man that you think he is.

Funny, this post is from years ago. I think at one point in time GH was a good man or that is what he wanted people to believe. He knew what he was doing all of these years and he just kept digging his hole deeper. Trust me when I tell you that he is not the man that you think he is.

Does he show is face in the office much anymore? Meetings? Memos?

Did the auction take place at 10am yesterday as originally scheduled?????

Substitute Trustee’s Sale: Office Building in “Severna Park”

601 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd., Severna Park, MD 21146

Everyone who works for DSI is held to the same standard of performance. The President of Dynasplint has placed key people in whom he trusts and believes will do the right thing in leadership positions. Therefore, if a sales consultant (including a daughter) is not performing in the way that they should, and has given PLENTY of coaching and the opportunity to succeed and still does not improve, then they must be terminated. That is just best business practice.
I respect a company that has morals and standards to not “hand-over” success to someone just because they are a family member. Fairness dictates that that’s the way it must be. Most people look for a company where everyone is treated fairly and favoritism is not based on your last name.

Clearly you have heard gossip, but rumor mills are dangerous as you only hear one side. I couldn’t agree more with Concerned Citizen, that it is a shame that you have such a mission to be nasty and try and destroy someone’s reputation. If you REALLY knew who and what you were talking about you would be appalled by how far from the truth your claims appear.



This is a message board and place where truth and accurate facts are supposed to be found. Unfortunately, much of what is written is completely skewed and extremely far from the reality that Dynasplint Systems is and stands for as a company. Many people are wasting their time blasting a company for actions and claims that are false and downright slanderous. Before spewing stories it’s usually a good idea to gather all the facts and make sure they are true, as many of the postings are extremely mislead.
For those wanting to REALLY know about Dynasplint, I would start talking to people that work for the company and let them share their experience. You will more than likely get an honest answer of what they like and don’t like rather than asking a disgruntled and miserable person on their one sided view.

Best post ever!

This is a message board and place where truth and accurate facts are supposed to be found. Unfortunately, much of what is written is completely skewed and extremely far from the reality that Dynasplint Systems is and stands for as a company. Many people are wasting their time blasting a company for actions and claims that are false and downright slanderous. Before spewing stories it’s usually a good idea to gather all the facts and make sure they are true, as many of the postings are extremely mislead.
For those wanting to REALLY know about Dynasplint, I would start talking to people that work for the company and let them share their experience. You will more than likely get an honest answer of what they like and don’t like rather than asking a disgruntled and miserable person on their one sided view.

This was originally posted in 2009. Much has changed since then. Whatever "we are family" spirit that existed at Dynasplint went by the wayside a long time ago, probably starting when MP was made Director of Operations ( his management style being much less then effective), and a big part of the "family" got booted out when the company took such a drastic financial turn.
I take my hat off to the current employees; it can't be easy to hang in.

I think those employees that were laid off in August have waited long enough and need to be paid in full NOW for everything that is owed to them.

Nobody cares about the drama GH needs to do the right thing and get these employees paid.

End of discussion.