what about the stock options? I heard it will be between 10,000 and 20,000 shares. That sound a about right for where the stock is currently trading. need at least 10 to cover a territory that big.
what about the stock options? I heard it will be between 10,000 and 20,000 shares. That sound a about right for where the stock is currently trading. need at least 10 to cover a territory that big.
where did you hear something so absurd? sales reps are getting 2500 options.
i heard 5000 to 7500 options for the reps. I think 2500 is light also. They won't get the best of the best for 2500. They will get people to come, but not the best. There needs to be more reward for the risk you take on with a ground floor start than a 7-10% salary bump and a number of stock options(2500) that anyone interviewing could easily buy on their own and not assume the risk of startup.
Damn your dumb. Stick with your big pharma micromanaging and sucking all the profits from you. With small companies, there is the opportunity to cash in. There is no security even in big companies as the last few years have shown. All the big dogs had layoffs, restructuing, etc. There is no loyalty anymore. Bring on the big territory. I will take this job so fast if offered. You sound like you applied and didn't get a callback?
you heard wrong. Reps will be receiving 2500 options. This is not light at all!! Those are a lot of options for a sales rep to get. Regional directors will be receiving 6000 options.
you heard wrong. Reps will be receiving 2500 options. This is not light at all!! Those are a lot of options for a sales rep to get. Regional directors will be receiving 6000 options.
Has there been a more solid answer in terms of number of stock options?
i work for the company...the number of shares is 2500. Some may consider that low, but it is very standard for this type of company. Name one company that has recently given more.
Scios gave 10K, Celgene gave 15k, Imclone 10K, and I just had a friend negotiate 10k shares at Biogen Idec. 2500 shares is nothing - especially at the current price per share.
scios, celgene, and imclone were a long time ago...the industry has changed. Regarding biogen, your friend is lying to you. biogen tops out new ABMs at 1700 on hire. they are eligible for actual stock grants each year afterward.
Are you serious? Just do the math. at $3.50 per share you can buy 2,500 shares for under 9k. Why would you assume the risk of a startup for a 7-10% bump. If they were giving 2,500 options for a stock that was currently trading at 20 or 30 bucks per share, i might agree with you. If you really think that DYAX is a winner, buy the stock yourself. I would go for no salary bump if there was enough stock. Also, i highly doubt the directors went there for only 6,000 shares.
Please elaborate on your interview experience. I will be interviewing next week and would love some insight. Thanks