All physicians see sales people. They buy cars, they buy insurance, they buy refrigerators, etc.

I guess your BA in General Studies doesn’t have credibility and doesn’t provide value to your customers.

And you call yourself a sales professional? You’re clueless.
Cars, insurance, and refrigerators can all be purchased online without ever speaking to a salesperson...

You all act like the sales role was effective. DT makes sense, creates efficiencies, optimizes impact, creates predictability in how we invest, etc… If sales reps did their job this wouldn’t be on the table.


Keep top people who produce results over time. 3 year average.

Cut the slackers! Just like any professional sports team. Get rid of poor performers.

Stop trying to social engineer with sub par candidates for DEI percentages. WHO cares if black white gay whatever. Produce results or get cut!

Stop lowering standards to hire crap. You need sorry as DT Mincro Management when hire idiots based on minority status or gender or sexual preference.

Just hire the best, pay well, cut consistent 2/3 year average poor work without performance.

Meritocracy and competition will raise the bar and performance. Reward winners and they will hustle more!


Keep top people who produce results over time. 3 year average.

Cut the slackers! Just like any professional sports team. Get rid of poor performers.

Stop trying to social engineer with sub par candidates for DEI percentages. WHO cares if black white gay whatever. Produce results or get cut!

Stop lowering standards to hire crap. You need sorry as DT Mincro Management when hire idiots based on minority status or gender or sexual preference.

Just hire the best, pay well, cut consistent 2/3 year average poor work without performance.

Meritocracy and competition will raise the bar and performance. Reward winners and they will hustle more!
I don't disagree. However, Lilly has other ambitions beyond sales performance. We hire young and pay low salaries. We rarely seek tenured proven performers who can sell. We want someone young, cheap and impressionable who will drink the Kool aid, believe in DT ( follow orders) and maybe do something beyond sales. It's not just a DEI thing it's these other things as well.


Keep top people who produce results over time. 3 year average.

Cut the slackers! Just like any professional sports team. Get rid of poor performers.

Stop trying to social engineer with sub par candidates for DEI percentages. WHO cares if black white gay whatever. Produce results or get cut!

Stop lowering standards to hire crap. You need sorry as DT Mincro Management when hire idiots based on minority status or gender or sexual preference.

Just hire the best, pay well, cut consistent 2/3 year average poor work without performance.

Meritocracy and competition will raise the bar and performance. Reward winners and they will hustle more!

Me like that idea! Stop the team bonus structure too!

Let the losers suffer!

I’m interviewing tomorrow for a sales role where the leader help brought DT to life. Yeah my base salary will be $111k and I’ll be transferring from a different non-sales dept, but I want to experience sales and the hustle and bustle and power of influence. I honestly plan to use DT and hit the high value customers and burn myself to a crisp to get that 120% bonus target aka 100% $8k bonus amount each quarter.


Keep top people who produce results over time. 3 year average.

Cut the slackers! Just like any professional sports team. Get rid of poor performers.

Stop trying to social engineer with sub par candidates for DEI percentages. WHO cares if black white gay whatever. Produce results or get cut!

Stop lowering standards to hire crap. You need sorry as DT Mincro Management when hire idiots based on minority status or gender or sexual preference.

Just hire the best, pay well, cut consistent 2/3 year average poor work without performance.

Meritocracy and competition will raise the bar and performance. Reward winners and they will hustle more!
That’s too logical for Lilly nowadays. As somewhat of an ol’ timer here … have seen the degradation in leadership, training, sales hires, work ethic, and processes. At one time it was a real job with real effort, real results - studying the science and having it be a competitive arena. At one time, many of us cared. The integrity of the data has also been an issue in the current times. It’s all by design. They killed the actual sales job and business owner behavior.

The sad reality is work integrity, ethic and performance has been overrun by DEI, useless projects or popularity contests such as “area impact” for those with maybe 2 years in a sales job they want to be promoted to VP lol. Earn your stripes first. The pride in the job used to actual shine bright and over time it has greatly dulled. Many have dressed for success … and in some cases today I can’t tell if it’s a rep or a door dash person walking into an office at this point.

Let’s see what’s next …