DSS Total Dirt


Think about it...one team selling injectables and the other orals...the diabetes oral team will merge with the primary care team and there will be a downsizing of DS2 and possibly DS3. Remember the contract when AZ bought the portfolio...no layoffs to former BMS for one year...

Think about it...one team selling injectables and the other orals...the diabetes oral team will merge with the primary care team and there will be a downsizing of DS2 and possibly DS3. Remember the contract when AZ bought the portfolio...no layoffs to former BMS for one year...

There won't be any layoffs in Diabetes, quite the contrary. Diabetes is a good place to be. Can't say that about other areas.

Think about it...one team selling injectables and the other orals...the diabetes oral team will merge with the primary care team and there will be a downsizing of DS2 and possibly DS3. Remember the contract when AZ bought the portfolio...no layoffs to former BMS for one year...

I remember that...who knows whats up but a few things to ponder....

PC is trained on FAR
Crestor will soon be generic and they will have to adjust losing so much revenue
We've been told to spend like crazy
All the sudden we can role over vacation
Daly was unceremoniously let go
AZ has kept their word with many statements

OK - I am all confused. My manager tells me nothing. I know re-org is imminent. What specifically are you folks hearing? What will AZ field force look like going into 2015?

Think about it...one team selling injectables and the other orals...the diabetes oral team will merge with the primary care team and there will be a downsizing of DS2 and possibly DS3. Remember the contract when AZ bought the portfolio...no layoffs to former BMS for one year...

I remember that...who knows whats up but a few things to ponder....

PC is trained on FAR
Crestor will soon be generic and they will have to adjust losing so much revenue
We've been told to spend like crazy
All the sudden we can role over vacation
Daly was unceremoniously let go
AZ has kept their word with many statements

And we all had to re-do our Onglyza/KXR training.
DS4 contract was renewed for not just one, but two years.

So, somebody please fill in the blanks with possible meanings. Obviously they know what the plan is already. It would be nice if they would let us know so we can plan accordingly.

Gee...what a novel idea. You mean 3-4 teams in the same geography isn't going to be optimal anymore? You're kidding...
Remember this: The ones at the top will always play with alignments, strategies, & selling models EVERY YEAR.
The reason: Self preservation. It's in their best interest to always be a little broken so they have something to "fix". This shifts blame and focus onto the "problems" instead of their own failed strategies.
As long as BJ is atop the pyramid, it's never going to be a good place to work.

And we all had to re-do our Onglyza/KXR training.
DS4 contract was renewed for not just one, but two years.

So, somebody please fill in the blanks with possible meanings. Obviously they know what the plan is already. It would be nice if they would let us know so we can plan accordingly.
They are reducing the number of DBMs and Regionals, decreasing DBM travel but increasing the number of PSSs they will manage.

And we all had to re-do our Onglyza/KXR training.
DS4 contract was renewed for not just one, but two years.

So, somebody please fill in the blanks with possible meanings. Obviously they know what the plan is already. It would be nice if they would let us know so we can plan accordingly.

We'll , First off DS4 can be let go at anytime , the contract has no penalties if they are let go early. And second the right hand doesn't always know what the other is doing , so hold on for the ride!

Gee...what a novel idea. You mean 3-4 teams in the same geography isn't going to be optimal anymore? You're kidding...
Remember this: The ones at the top will always play with alignments, strategies, & selling models EVERY YEAR.
The reason: Self preservation. It's in their best interest to always be a little broken so they have something to "fix". This shifts blame and focus onto the "problems" instead of their own failed strategies.
As long as BJ is atop the pyramid, it's never going to be a good place to work.

You dumb shit did you not read the e-mail? BJ was moved down.