So we separate sales forces, cut lunch money, programs, and samples. So what your saying is the model is not generating enough sales so we cut expenses. I never thought leadership could have such a negative impact on business. The sales forces does not communicate or strategize to move business forward. I don't blame the reps, it's an inefficient model that is costing our organization sales, hence the reduction in cost. I really want to understand the thought process on changing from last year.

Dazed and confused.[/QUOTE

On the Ask Topher conference call, they specifically said this was what "the reps" wanted. So we got what "we" wanted. Blamed the whole mess on the reps. And as market share drops like a rock for not having access funds to do lunches, etc unless PC pays for them, we are going to be blamed that much more. Makes sense. Somebody needs to knock mgmt. on the heads and remind them they need to be held accountable instead of just blame the low life reps.

It's a shame what is happening to the organization, but it was ill fated from the beginning. Our model was never balanced, the specialty sales force should not exist and our bribe a speaker program will always backfire. This business in not sustainable and the entire organization is collapsing into itself and we still have Crestor for another year. What happens then? The DBM's are afraid to do the right thing for their reps, because they think that being a prick will somehow save their asses in the time of layoffs. News flash, we all go down together. So be nice to the people that put money in your DBM's pocket and stop being an asshole. Better yet, get out before this shit show falls apart. This company has the worst senior leadership in the industry a parade of clowns that become the President of the month club. If we can't get real leaders to run the Diabetes business unit, what do you expect the rank and file to feel good about? CHF, ketoacidosis, no transparency of what is going on with our ESS TEAM. THE WHOLE THING SUCKS!!! I trying to get out ASAP


Sorry i screamed, but it really is right on. I've lost my motivation to work hard for a management team that will not take responsibility for the mistakes they have made.
Everything listed above is really happening, it is a bad environment now in diabetes sales.
Don't forget this crap about budgets. I have never gone 2 months without lunch money.
Who is the one to make some change decisions?

So we separate sales forces, cut lunch money, programs, and samples. So what your saying is the model is not generating enough sales so we cut expenses. I never thought leadership could have such a negative impact on business. The sales forces does not communicate or strategize to move business forward. I don't blame the reps, it's an inefficient model that is costing our organization sales, hence the reduction in cost. I really want to understand the thought process on changing from last year.

Dazed and confused.[/QUOTE

On the Ask Topher conference call, they specifically said this was what "the reps" wanted. So we got what "we" wanted. Blamed the whole mess on the reps. And as market share drops like a rock for not having access funds to do lunches, etc unless PC pays for them, we are going to be blamed that much more. Makes sense. Somebody needs to knock mgmt. on the heads and remind them they need to be held accountable instead of just blame the low life reps.

Who in the hell hired these absolute incompetents!! They are the first ones to blame-Paul? Of course Gopher is going to say that this is what the reps wanted. This is his way of covering up his horrendous decisions. He would never come out and say that I had to try and pretend like I was going to do something different because I replaced a guy that was absolutely kicking ass with his strategy. I wish someone had the balls to him on the conference call what reps he is referring to that thought this was a good idea. On top of all of this, he can't do math. Our budgets are being slashed because he doesn't know how to plan. When my manager asks me how we are doing, wtf am I supposed to tell him. I have no idea because I don't know what my baselines are because everything is so f'cked up. But wait, that's not Gopher's fault. AZ needs to get a grip on this. The diabetes upper management is a absolute joke and is costing this company millions.

So we separate sales forces, cut lunch money, programs, and samples. So what your saying is the model is not generating enough sales so we cut expenses. I never thought leadership could have such a negative impact on business. The sales forces does not communicate or strategize to move business forward. I don't blame the reps, it's an inefficient model that is costing our organization sales, hence the reduction in cost. I really want to understand the thought process on changing from last year.

Dazed and confused.[/QUOTE

On the Ask Topher conference call, they specifically said this was what "the reps" wanted. So we got what "we" wanted. Blamed the whole mess on the reps. And as market share drops like a rock for not having access funds to do lunches, etc unless PC pays for them, we are going to be blamed that much more. Makes sense. Somebody needs to knock mgmt. on the heads and remind them they need to be held accountable instead of just blame the low life reps.

No one I know wanted this change... did they ask more than 10 hand-picked reps to ask?

Who in the hell hired these absolute incompetents!! They are the first ones to blame-Paul? Of course Gopher is going to say that this is what the reps wanted. This is his way of covering up his horrendous decisions. He would never come out and say that I had to try and pretend like I was going to do something different because I replaced a guy that was absolutely kicking ass with his strategy. I wish someone had the balls to him on the conference call what reps he is referring to that thought this was a good idea. On top of all of this, he can't do math. Our budgets are being slashed because he doesn't know how to plan. When my manager asks me how we are doing, wtf am I supposed to tell him. I have no idea because I don't know what my baselines are because everything is so f'cked up. But wait, that's not Gopher's fault. AZ needs to get a grip on this. The diabetes upper management is a absolute joke and is costing this company millions.

Exactly, and the numerous emails about losing money just makes me wonder how long till they cut the number of reps?
Or managers, holy crap the guys need more to do!

Paul and T are doing a great job! We have a 4 hour work day, with their blessing! You had better wake up and realize we have it made at AZ, before you find yourself in the unemployment line.

It's Friday! Relax and enjoy our new ALL DAY LIE TRADITION at AZ! It will do wonders for your health and morale!!!

Who in the hell hired these absolute incompetents!! They are the first ones to blame-Paul? Of course Gopher is going to say that this is what the reps wanted. This is his way of covering up his horrendous decisions. He would never come out and say that I had to try and pretend like I was going to do something different because I replaced a guy that was absolutely kicking ass with his strategy. I wish someone had the balls to him on the conference call what reps he is referring to that thought this was a good idea. On top of all of this, he can't do math. Our budgets are being slashed because he doesn't know how to plan. When my manager asks me how we are doing, wtf am I supposed to tell him. I have no idea because I don't know what my baselines are because everything is so f'cked up. But wait, that's not Gopher's fault. AZ needs to get a grip on this. The diabetes upper management is a absolute joke and is costing this company millions.

Spot on. It's a joke that we are pushing June and have no baselines. How much longer will it take for them to tweak the numbers?

What we wanted was to get paid on total dirt and all of it! If we get a rx, we get paid for all of it in our whole territory! Not 20% on non target! Also who asked to split the sales force? Who? I never heard anyone!

What we wanted was to get paid on total dirt and all of it! If we get a rx, we get paid for all of it in our whole territory! Not 20% on non target! Also who asked to split the sales force? Who? I never heard anyone!

Hi Topher. I hope you are reading and listening since you really care about what we want. All of your reps want to work Tuesday through Thursday from 10-2 with an hour break for lunch. Since you guys care so much about what we want, I look forward to watching this happen. Thanks for your concern and hearing us out in the field.

What we wanted was to get paid on total dirt and all of it! If we get a rx, we get paid for all of it in our whole territory! Not 20% on non target! Also who asked to split the sales force? Who? I never heard anyone!

All the changes to the sales force were driven by the sales force. Management listened to the reps and made the changes. That is what Gopher says. The territory changes and structural changes were all driven by the sales force. That is what Paul says

All the changes to the sales force were driven by the sales force. Management listened to the reps and made the changes. That is what Gopher says. The territory changes and structural changes were all driven by the sales force. That is what Paul says

Well, ladies and gentlemen, that statement is pure bullshit. Not one rep wanted this. NOT ONE!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, that statement is pure bullshit. Not one rep wanted this. NOT ONE!

I am sure Topher found a couple to support his cop out comments. "Hey don't blame me, I was simply giving you what you said you wanted." Wait, don't we have a President who does the same thing? It isn't my fault, I am just listening to the polls.

All the changes to the sales force were driven by the sales force. Management listened to the reps and made the changes. That is what Gopher says. The territory changes and structural changes were all driven by the sales force. That is what Paul says

Gopher is still saying you wanted these changes and Paul and I think they will work long term. Be patient

Who in the hell hired these absolute incompetents!! They are the first ones to blame-Paul? Of course Gopher is going to say that this is what the reps wanted. This is his way of covering up his horrendous decisions. He would never come out and say that I had to try and pretend like I was going to do something different because I replaced a guy that was absolutely kicking ass with his strategy. I wish someone had the balls to him on the conference call what reps he is referring to that thought this was a good idea. On top of all of this, he can't do math. Our budgets are being slashed because he doesn't know how to plan. When my manager asks me how we are doing, wtf am I supposed to tell him. I have no idea because I don't know what my baselines are because everything is so f'cked up. But wait, that's not Gopher's fault. AZ needs to get a grip on this. The diabetes upper management is a absolute joke and is costing this company millions.

Great post, but your question around why we don't have baselines is simple. Topher's restructuring plan has been so pathetic that they can't give baselines because they need to be adjusted at the end to save the company money. Furthermore, they couldn't come up with a budget because their sales forecasts were so off based because of their restructuring based on what he thought he heard the reps wanted. Let me guess-AZ's EBD's (or whatever they are called) hand picked a dozen reps that were looking to be promoted to get on a teleconference with you and agree with everything you said. My guess is this is probably close to what happened. If Topher were smart, he would end the ESS mistake and go back to the territories of 2014. Realign the ESS reps into local territories and let the reps get after it again--as a team, not competitors!!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, that statement is pure bullshit. Not one rep wanted this. NOT ONE!

Wait...Sure they did. Gopher had his management team hand pick a bunch of YES reps to agree with everything he wanted to do. They got on a conference call and nobody would challenge him. If they did, their manager would hear about it and they would be fired or their opportunity at promotion would be gone. What a perfect focus group!! Gopher has only been on the job six months and has already figured out the AZ way. The sad thing is that there is no one strong enough under or over him to challenge him on how he has literally f'cked everything up.

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