ESS/DSS layoffs

I disagree with that contact Reps going first. I actually think contract reps are cheaper and they would stick around longer. They have been doing the job cheaper all this time why would they leave and why would the left them go!! I think lay offs will happened to direct AZ employees and the contract reps stay and bring on even more with no severance to be paid!!

I’m a “contract rep” and have been with Big Pharma for many years. I’ve made my money. Yes, I agree we’re safe.

My HR contact tells me that in a couple of weeks that the sales force will be furloughed meaning we will all be retained as inactive employees. Paychecks will cease being issued. At that point, determinations will be made as to the value and contribution of each individual territory. Expect a 30-40% headcount reduction.

Exact same post on many Company threads. I’m confused, are you HR at all the Pharma companies??

My HR contact tells me that in a couple of weeks that the sales force will be furloughed meaning we will all be retained as inactive employees. Paychecks will cease being issued. At that point, determinations will be made as to the value and contribution of each individual territory. Expect a 30-40% headcount reduction.

Evidently, you have not done a good job in developing strong professional relationships with your key doctors. As a salesperson, you MUST be viewed as a solutions mentor.
Give me a break. How the hell are you going to be a solution to a doctor with your BS degree? The docs don't need sales reps. Anything they need, they hire done. It's called "their staff".

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