drug testing policy @ Eli Lilly...

nowadays they do analysis by mass spec method - so dye pigments can be separated from other chemicals. bleaching oxidizes the aminergic drugs so all you get is just a hint -- which could be brothel/bar you'd visited. In forensic testing hair is cut into several pices and then tested to determine time when the chemical was present. So, make sure there is atleast a three month clean history. Also be careful for first 15-18 months after joining. Once established be careful not to use any drug three months prior to your birthdate since they wil collect blood for annual CBC which may include forensic detailing. There are molecular tests coming up which can detect genetic profiling which persists for upto 5 years. This means unless you are in same party as ceo or upper mangement, be careful for what you intake -- e.g. anabolics, hormones, or significant dietary modification. Rather than proving you are using any medical use substance, you may start geting deteriorated ePM..and after two drops (6 months) you are goner

Oh, okay, thanks! I will be sure to party only in the executive suites then.

I hate to be repetitive, but my friend at AZ told me she had to do a hair test and my friend at Novartis did not, so I google "Lilly drug test hair or urine?" and I found this discussion. Very excited to have my interview with Lilly in a few days, but yes- I "smoked" about a month ago, before any interviewing started and now it has just panned out so fast. I am very worried about this, so is this a standard policy? or Will I just be asked as a new hire to do urine testing?

Also, this may be more for general discussion, but I actually got another offer this week to do Allegra sales for sanofi- It's a 2 year fixed duration position...and the Lilly one is a 2 year fixed duration position with Diabetes portfolio. Any feedback on either of these or which would be better? I have been reading reuters and the lilly articles regarding their slow growth until 2013 and high competition now from NN etc in the diabetes market are worrying me! The salaries are similar and I'm new to the Pharm industry after 5 years of media sales... So any imput on BOTH of my concerns would be wonderful!! :) Thanks!

If looking for chemistry position, they will screen every known Scheduled drugs - I, II, III, IV. Marketing will be (imo) I, I, III, and steroids, hair brow sampling -- so do not visit pub or bar where "things" are taken, or kiss good bye to any chance.

Okay, here is an offer you cannot refuse. Give me all of your illegitamite substances. I will keep them safe for you until the interview process is over. Sure you can trust me.

Lilly will test for drugs. They do not want employees under the influence of drugs or alcohol so dont apply if you fall in that category. However, if you are a non-serial killer sociopath, apply immediately for a high level supervisory position. They obviously do not have a test for this disorder.

I don't think anyone has actually answered the question yet.... does Lilly currently require a hair test or just a urine test for new hires? Thanks in advance for any info.

I did an internship with Eli Lilly last summer as a mechanical engineer. I had to do a standard 5-panel urine test. It had been pretty much exactly 30 days I had last smoked and everything went fine. I have since received a full-time job offer, so I've been abstaining from illicit substances for a couple weeks now.

It's possible that I will be asked to do a blood test for the full-time offer, but I don't know.

And yes, Lilly tests their drugs. The FDA requires three phases of clinical trials for any drugs by any company. Since Lilly mostly markets new drugs, they have to make all those millions (yes, millions. I know. It's a lot.) of dollars they spent on testing back before the patent runs out, and other companies can start selling the same drug. Since those companies didn't have to spend gobs of money developing the drug in the first place, they then sell it for cheaper.

Scientists and engineers at Lilly work hard, and have gone through total hell in school to have the privilege of doing what they do. Our biggest fear is that our products may end up hurting someone. Sometimes, there is statistical evidence of technological shortcomings, like with Cymbalta. This is very unfortunate for the company, the developers who worked so hard, and especially the patients.

Keep in mind that Lilly can't sell anyone anything unless doctors prescribe it. If a doctor, who has been though 15 years of total hell in school and knows far more about these matters than anyone who would spend time on this message board (yes, including myself), decides that he/she wants to perscribe Cymbalta, it is because he/she has decided that the benefits outweigh the risks.

Or you just might have a crappy doctor.

Lilly cannot make money selling drugs that make people want to do themselves in. The instances of the Cymbalta suicides are statistically up in the air. People who take this medication are depressed in the first place, so they already have a higher suicide rate. Cymbalta does not fix them, it makes them more functional in society. The statistical P-value for the hypothesis that Cymbalta induces or increases risk of suicide is too low to say there is any actual effect.

There is no "evil" company. Sometimes individuals within the company are just asshats. All companies want to make as much money as possible.

If you really want to cut into Lilly's profit margin, then don't buy oncology medication when you get cancer.

Hi, can anyone tell me what's the latest policy for pre-hire drug screening? Is it still urine at Eli Lilly? I received a job offer and will need to go for testing, and would like to know what to expect. Thank you!

Usually just urine. Hair too expensive for a screen. . In general. Just do not do them. As a stock holder and employee of Lilly, we do not need any reps on illegal drugs. This is a great job, that thousands may have applied for. Be smart Grow up and act like it matters. They'll figure it out somehow. If you are in a car wreck in a company car , you will get tested immediately.