drug testing policy @ Eli Lilly...

you will be drug tested when offered the job. It will be a urine test and a blood test. They will test for drugs and do a complete cholesterol check. A random drug test is always possible. I have been with the company for 3 years and never been tested but you never know.

It's not only random. With the redbook policy all anyone has to do is turn your name into HR and you will be tested under the "random" policy. If you turn up positive you're fired.

fuckwads...you are tested when you are hired and that's it, unless you go out on medical for more than six months...company can ask for new screen. you have to be really stupid, like leave your bong in the front passenger seat the day your robot manager is riding with you for there to be cause for subsequent testing. they do not do random testing or follow up on leads...too much liability for it to be viewed harrassment.
best feeling is taking that piss test and then going home and blowing a big tube!!!

fuckwads...you are tested when you are hired and that's it, unless you go out on medical for more than six months...company can ask for new screen. you have to be really stupid, like leave your bong in the front passenger seat the day your robot manager is riding with you for there to be cause for subsequent testing. they do not do random testing or follow up on leads...too much liability for it to be viewed harrassment.
best feeling is taking that piss test and then going home and blowing a big tube!!!

Lilly is inept at predicting where there may be liability. Send an anonymous tip into the redbook ethics hotline on your favorite jerk and see what happens. Lilly is looking to cut head count in any fashion possible.

Lilly is inept at predicting where there may be liability. Send an anonymous tip into the redbook ethics hotline on your favorite jerk and see what happens. Lilly is looking to cut head count in any fashion possible.

What is Redbook Ethics Hotline Number again?
I have a favorite jerk in mind....................................