Dova Pharmaceuticals

Nightmare in the west with a toxic nsm, 2 managers fired last week and she said nothing on the call. Classic karen who doesn't concern herself with us "little people" who actually need their jobs so at least you have JM in the east, who has been a good rbd.
the first thing this karen did was fire our excellent manager and put many cams on pips. we've all seen this toxic type before, you have to report their abusive behavior to higher managers and hr because they always brown nose those above them.

the first thing this karen did was fire our excellent manager and put many cams on pips. we've all seen this toxic type before, you have to report their abusive behavior to higher managers and hr because they always brown nose those above them.
People seem to be complaining about her to other managers. Not sure what will happen

the first thing this karen did was fire our excellent manager and put many cams on pips. we've all seen this toxic type before, you have to report their abusive behavior to higher managers and hr because they always brown nose those above them.
Wow you called this right! Did you see her with HK on the call? This sure didn't look or sound like the karen who rode with me and threatened to fire me!

Don't count on hanging on since they are in desperation mode, could care less about how many careers they ruin, and they are targeting many more scapegoats to fire. It was the CEO's stupid, arrogant error that caused all this but the blame is being placed (as always!) on the field.
we are hearing that with the CTI disaster and vonjo sales still far below target after over a year. (and with dual therapies with jak just a few months away) that they are ready to cut their losses in hem. has anyone heard anything specific?

we are hearing that with the CTI disaster and vonjo sales still far below target after over a year. (and with dual therapies with jak just a few months away) that they are ready to cut their losses in hem. has anyone heard anything specific?
This sounds accurate with the walls closing in on the Hematology division from all sides, including Doptelet going generic. Gout is the next big thing in the US and Hematology will either be sold off or reduced to a small fraction of its size, like with Synagis. Months not years.

This could be totally polishing a turd but hearing hematology is still important. Think of all the new resources and people they are throwing into the mix. Heard they are also looking for another acquisition