Dova Pharmaceuticals

The fact that someone is responding like this is obviously MM. No one can stand him. No one. Cti leadership had to deal with him.

It’s so pathetic that we all know it’s you. Yes you are interviewing we know it and you want to be a VP. Good tell your next employer all about you. Good

Once the real behind the scenes references are called at Amgen Seattle etc game over.

The guy still goes around and tells peope he can not pay his bills and how he loses money in investments
You Be Talkin About PAT!

Same idiots running the Socialist Democratic party must be employed here at Sobi. Whenever someone points out the truth of how bad the mgt team is here and their idiotic approach to Vonjo immediately change the subject to Pat Pat must stand for Perverse Alternative Theory.

Mass exodus from all around the US, mostly CTI. Lots of MSL's have resigned as well recently. Smart rats know when to get off a sinking ship!

LOL! Did anyone really expect us to stay with the way we were treated? Hank's decision making has destroyed the culture as well as the brand. Some people called it on day one.

Im now sure, but the Vonjo sales were awful. There is no way they can do more than $30M a quarter. It probably goes down too. I'd like to know what conversations are happening at home office LOL

It’s a giant scramble. Hematology was supposed to be growth driver but Vonjo was over forecasted and now there’s panic. Why do you think the live broadcast is being tracked so closely.

How many CTI CAMS are still here? There are none left in our region now! We heard that they are not backfilling many of these which means layoff #2 is coming soon

One left in ours (for now) and RH and HK just ignored a huge elephant in the room and said absolutely nothing about this. Never seen turnover like this, get off this sinking boat now while you can!

One left in ours (for now) and RH and HK just ignored a huge elephant in the room and said absolutely nothing about this. Never seen turnover like this, get off this sinking boat now while you can!

I know! This was bad management 101!, where did they find these idiots?! With these mass resignations at multiple levels, everyone is obviously anxious about falling sales and layoffs, most are looking, and they did nothing!

Our guess is that those 2 already have their next jobs lined up and are getting out before they get fired!

I know! This was bad management 101!, where did they find these idiots?! With these mass resignations at multiple levels, everyone is obviously anxious about falling sales and layoffs, most are looking, and they did nothing!

Our guess is that those 2 already have their next jobs lined up and are getting out before they get fired!

There’s no way. They have the thickest blinders on I’ve ever seen. They are blindly walking over the cliff.

I know! This was bad management 101!, where did they find these idiots?! With these mass resignations at multiple levels, everyone is obviously anxious about falling sales and layoffs, most are looking, and they did nothing!

Our guess is that those 2 already have their next jobs lined up and are getting out before they get fired!

Has anyone else heard anything about Sweden divesting most of the North America business unit, since it has become a huge drain on profits, to save $$$ and meet the demands of the stockholders?

Has anyone else heard anything about Sweden divesting most of the North America business unit, since it has become a huge drain on profits, to save $$$ and meet the demands of the stockholders?

The biggest issue they are facing is paying back their debt. I have not heard how they will address this. But I would not be surprised if they file for bankruptcy. Not sure how that works in home land