Dova Pharmaceuticals

It seems to be a tough market when you're conducting a search on your own. Don't give up. Def set up alerts and routinely scan opps for your geographic area. If you have a lunch/appointment swap group email that you are a part of (with other pharma reps) post that you are looking for a new opportunity. Reps know what territories are open or soon to be. So not looking forward to the Ren and Hank National Harbor shit show.

Pat is still with Sobi because like the vast majority of legacy Sobi employees he is only qualified to work for a pathetic little pharma company that is run by clueless former Amgen execs who were not qualified for anything better.

What are you talking about? Pat was fired from Sobi like 2 years ago. The question was why is he still here on this thread? Anyone still posting here about this company after they don't work here just sounds like a pathetic ex-boyfriend. Move the f(#& on.

I just interview with Sobi. Manager was so weird. Questions were so odd. I have never left an interview and wanted to get back to a manager so fast to say. Thanks but no thanks.

You lucked out as this place likes to say they are Rare disease but more like Rarely used intelligence amongst the mgmt team. The Pro of working at Sobi is you will never feel intimidated by anyone here especially mgmt. Most are mediocre thinkers as evidenced by the fact that they had to bring in consultants during the CTI purchase and they still f'ed it up. Con: This is a primary care run and managed organization. Total lack of respect with physical tracking either by app or by account visited in their mileage app Motus. Also, shit loads of metrics like primary care. This is a shit org and you should count yourself very lucky it didn't work out. Only apply at Sobi if you don't have a job as its one step better than being homeless.

I'll need to pack some post it notes for the meeting as I suspect each day I'm exposed to Sob mgmt that I'll become dumber than the day before. Don't want to be using that toothbrush for anything else

See all you r*****s tomorrow at the National Harbor! Hopefully your minds full of mush are ready for Vonjo Training! Love, Hank and Ren

Word is that 15-20 have received offers and will be leaving mid April. Cant wait to hear Hank and Ren's response to that in a month. Did they actually think they would be able to keep good people with their lousy leadership.

Very happy to be out of the meeting. I would take ten hours of flight delays rather than have to listen to those idiots Hank and Ren again! So funny McCloskey says Vonjo is good to use until another therapy comes along! Admits that vast majority of patients on Rux! These mgmt dipshits aren't ever gonna recoup the CTI purchase!

Very happy to be out of the meeting. I would take ten hours of flight delays rather than have to listen to those idiots Hank and Ren again! So funny McCloskey says Vonjo is good to use until another therapy comes along! Admits that vast majority of patients on Rux! These mgmt dipshits aren't ever gonna recoup the CTI purchase!

What's up with shampoo and soap sample box? The purchase of Vonjo must remind Duane about the time he dropped his soap at the YMCA.

Very happy to be out of the meeting. I would take ten hours of flight delays rather than have to listen to those idiots Hank and Ren again! So funny McCloskey says Vonjo is good to use until another therapy comes along! Admits that vast majority of patients on Rux! These mgmt dipshits aren't ever gonna recoup the CTI purchase!

Those mgmt dipshits had nothing to do with the CTI purchase. They had everything to do with driving a growing asset into the ground with horrible decisions. Vonjo was on pace to triple in growth year over year until these morons decided they knew what was best. Good luck when a third of the sales team leaves in a month for their new start ups.