Does this company only hire Temp workers now


I am constantly getting calls from recruiters for this company and when I ask about the type of position it is always a 1 year temporary one with possible renewal for another year.

Does this company only hire temp's now? and do these positions ever go permanent?

(mostly in the Philly and central NJ areas)


To answer your question, yes. As a former J&J employee that was laid-off, I was hired back as a temporary employee to another J&J operating company. I worked there for a year before finding a permanent position with another company. If you are a good worker, they will probably renew for another year, but by company policy you can only be a temporary worker for 2 years than no J&J company can contract you for 6 months unless they hire you as a permanent employee. Of the many temp workers that I worked with at J&J, I have never heard of that happening. Most worked the maximum 2 year contract than left. They get a lot of good workers without having to pay expensive benefits and are more flexible when times are lean to cut headcount without a lot of fuss with severence, etc. My advice to you is if you need a job while looking for a permanent position, it is great. But if you have a permanent position don't go to a J&J temporary position expecting to get hired permanently, it will probably not happen.


JNJ leadership are targeting to achieve at least 25% contract sales in the near term, and increasing that substantially over the next few years. The concept of a career in field sales as you knew it, is LONG GONE.

Many other functions from HR to media to finance will be outsourced as well.

OP is clearly posting here and saying anything in order to get what they need to fill in a competitor research report. Poster two and three, do you want your take in OP's tens of thousands of dollars MONTHLY fee? Or are you happy just doing their dirty job for free

A permanent position? No such thing. Perform well, and you may have a chance. If you want a "permanent position," try Tenured College Professor or Supreme Court Justice.

JNJ is shifting to contract field and outsourcing

JNJ will look very different in 3 to 4 years.
A LARGE portion of the entire field force will be contract --- probably close to 50%.
The coming changes in benefits will create a highly mobile, less tenured set of employees.
Experience will be push out for younger mobile leaders who will mostly leave JNJ by age 35 after they see their career has capped.
Internal jobs will be outsourced or downgraded to junior positions…lots of turnover will be the goal.
But, with more costly insurance and no pension for new employees (pension will likely be frozen for the rest by then_……JNJ will simply be a undifferentiated large healthcare corp where you get experience and leave.

It will be a good resume builder to start at…. a tough co. to stay at.