"Do Not Rehire" list for lawsuit


I will be filing a wrongful termination and discrimination lawsuit in the near future and my attorney would love to have this list referenced on this site for our case and to build a great class action lawsuit. I know PSS's HR and attorneys monitor this board and send threatening letters. Is there a way we can set up a site where these 1500+ people can see their name on it and participate in the class action to expose the corruption and discrimination here?

By posting the names, you are officially making the information public and not just within Publicis. That would mean that not only would other possible employers would see it but also after a class action is paid...would the money you receive be worth exposing yourself or others as well? ... Maybe but doubtful. Honestly, some of those on the list have moved on to better positions with higher pay. Publicis can make all of the lists they want to, but in the end they're just a low rent crack house. Do you want to live there? Hell no. Try movin' on up and don't look back. These people are retarded as hell.

I will be filing a wrongful termination and discrimination lawsuit in the near future and my attorney would love to have this list referenced on this site for our case and to build a great class action lawsuit. I know PSS's HR and attorneys monitor this board and send threatening letters. Is there a way we can set up a site where these 1500+ people can see their name on it and participate in the class action to expose the corruption and discrimination here?

Why were you terminated? I have heard a lot if reps complaining of working more than 24 hours. I will just document all the extra hours. I would advise everyone to do the same.

Why were you terminated? I have heard a lot if reps complaining of working more than 24 hours. I will just document all the extra hours. I would advise everyone to do the same.

I was let go after a contract ended and had great field contact reviews from 3 different projects with PSS over 5 years. I then turned 50 and could no longer even get an interview for a project with PSS. My old manager told me that he had seen the "Do Not Rehire" list and my name was on it and he had no idea why. He said he could not rehire me because I am on the list. He also stated that 2 other reps over 50 that did a great job and he would re-hire in a second were on the list as well. He is thinking seriously about exposing the list and joining the class action lawsuits. This really needs to be investigated and have PSS HR exposed, fired and changed.

Does anyone else think its a bit high school and immature? Kinda reminds me of slam books. It's a bit gay. I mean, managers usually like different reps and one persons opinion varies so much from another persons point of view. I've never heard of any company having "the list". I think that tells you a lot regarding the lack of professional behavior here. These people are kind of trashy.

I was let go after a contract ended and had great field contact reviews from 3 different projects with PSS over 5 years. I then turned 50 and could no longer even get an interview for a project with PSS. My old manager told me that he had seen the "Do Not Rehire" list and my name was on it and he had no idea why. He said he could not rehire me because I am on the list. He also stated that 2 other reps over 50 that did a great job and he would re-hire in a second were on the list as well. He is thinking seriously about exposing the list and joining the class action lawsuits. This really needs to be investigated and have PSS HR exposed, fired and changed.

Did you have any health issues that might have increased their premiums? A friend of mine was let go from a company (they said she was laid off) and they hired someone younger immediately. She had a lot of health problems and was in the hospital a couple of times. She was a hard worker so it wasn't her performance. She is not in pharma. Good luck to you and keep us posted!

This message is to the OP or anyone that has the do not rehire list. I will give you my name(since I have nothing to lose): Paula Warren, Newtown, PA. I was left without a contract in March 2012 and am over 40. I can now no longer get a PSS interviewer to respond to me much less get an interview. Am I on this blackball list? If si please let me know since I would LOVE to be part of a class action lawsuit to have HR exposed at this corrupt place, THANKS!

I will be filing a wrongful termination and discrimination lawsuit in the near future and my attorney would love to have this list referenced on this site for our case and to build a great class action lawsuit. I know PSS's HR and attorneys monitor this board and send threatening letters. Is there a way we can set up a site where these 1500+ people can see their name on it and participate in the class action to expose the corruption and discrimination here?

I don't understand, what exactly illegal about having a do not hire list? If someone was canned for performance reasons, or compliance violations, that seems perfectly legal that a company would choose not to rehire someone.

Employers hire "at will", which means that the employment agreement only occurs if both parties are "willing" to initiate and continue the agreement. If Publicis is not willing to offer a job, that's it.

Lord knows there is no shortage of former pharma reps out there, complete with a resume full of worthless "awards" which are meaningless outside of the reps own ego. Sounds like you have an axe to grind because no one cares about you and your resume. Take the hint, move on, you are a dime a dozen, or less.

The only true problem is if this list actually does exist and is circulated outside of Publicis. There are issues regarding defamation of character and slander possibly. I mean...I'd have to actually see the damn thing to examine what and how much information is being released and to whom exactly. It's not rocket science, but more about common sense. If it's being circulated the way they've stated above...they're could be serious issues. I think Publicis would know that. Just curious... Has anyone contacted HR and actually asked about it? I'm sure they will claim they know nothing, but Im curious to know what the "official" statement would be regarding this list.

The only true problem is if this list actually does exist and is circulated outside of Publicis. There are issues regarding defamation of character and slander possibly. I mean...I'd have to actually see the damn thing to examine what and how much information is being released and to whom exactly. It's not rocket science, but more about common sense. If it's being circulated the way they've stated above...they're could be serious issues. I think Publicis would know that. Just curious... Has anyone contacted HR and actually asked about it? I'm sure they will claim they know nothing, but Im curious to know what the "official" statement would be regarding this list.

There is no list. But if you were terminated for stealing, falsifying, or any other cause, you will not be rehired.
Su them for that.

There is no list. But if you were terminated for stealing, falsifying, or any other cause, you will not be rehired.
Su them for that.

If you were let go because of a false claim or because a manager had a personslity conflict with you...That is should not be placed in the same category as stealing, falsifying...etc. You guys could be f**ked. A lot of freelance journalists work closely with major law firms to expose. I'll reach out to some of these journalists and get something going to assist in helping to expedite the process.

I have NO IDEA if there is such a "list". I would guess there is not.
However, if there was, and I were a hiring manager, I would "look" at the list but take it with a grain of salt. Obviously, no two mangers are going to view a rep exactly the same. Maybe one loves the rep and the other hates the rep. I've seen it happen. Kinda hard to understand, but it DOES happen.
I seriously doubt there is such a list, however.

I have NO IDEA if there is such a "list". I would guess there is not.
However, if there was, and I were a hiring manager, I would "look" at the list but take it with a grain of salt. Obviously, no two mangers are going to view a rep exactly the same. Maybe one loves the rep and the other hates the rep. I've seen it happen. Kinda hard to understand, but it DOES happen.
I seriously doubt there is such a list, however.

Hey dimwitted asshole. Yes, there is a list. I have it and PSS is squirming to try to figure out what to do about this. I would bet you anything their HR dept. and attorneys are all over this board looking at posts about it. The hiring managers cannot "take it with a grain of salt" since they are directed NOT TO HIRE OR INTERVIEW ANYONE ON THE LIST. Can you you process that through your uniformed little brain? I was a DM here and got the list via email from on of PSS's recruiters. Yes there are 1698 people on it and yes there are people black balled from employment with no stated reason and yes many are over 40 and/or other protected classes. So yes it does exist idiot and yes PSS is at great legal exposure when it gets made public.

From now on when you have no idea waht you are talking about keep your moth shut moron.

Laws officially on blacklisting in most states are similar to the following statutes. This was obtained by my attorney to post for others to view showing what is prohibited....

Blacklisting or causing to be blacklisted.
Preventing or attempting to prevent by word, printing, sign, list, or other means, directly or indirectly, a former employee from obtaining other work.
Communicating, directly or indirectly, information about an applicant without giving the applicant a copy of the communication, and the names and addresses of those to whom it was made, within ten days of demand.
Receiving a request, notice, or communication preventing, or calculated to prevent, the employment of an applicant without giving a copy of the communication to the applicant, and the names and addresses of those to whom it was made, within ten days of demand.

Hey dimwitted asshole. Yes, there is a list. I have it and PSS is squirming to try to figure out what to do about this. I would bet you anything their HR dept. and attorneys are all over this board looking at posts about it. The hiring managers cannot "take it with a grain of salt" since they are directed NOT TO HIRE OR INTERVIEW ANYONE ON THE LIST. Can you you process that through your uniformed little brain? I was a DM here and got the list via email from on of PSS's recruiters. Yes there are 1698 people on it and yes there are people black balled from employment with no stated reason and yes many are over 40 and/or other protected classes. So yes it does exist idiot and yes PSS is at great legal exposure when it gets made public.

From now on when you have no idea waht you are talking about keep your moth shut moron.

Aren't you a tough guy....as you type on your keyboard hiding behind an anonymous discussion board.

I'll guarantee you would never say the things you just said directly to my face in person.
You talk the way you do on this board, because you are really a coward and this is your opportunity to throw words around like you're a tough guy.
And your "list" is another part of your little fantasy world. Did you not get enough attention from your Daddy we you were younger?

The only true problem is if this list actually does exist and is circulated outside of Publicis. There are issues regarding defamation of character and slander possibly. I mean...I'd have to actually see the damn thing to examine what and how much information is being released and to whom exactly. It's not rocket science, but more about common sense. If it's being circulated the way they've stated above...they're could be serious issues. I think Publicis would know that. Just curious... Has anyone contacted HR and actually asked about it? I'm sure they will claim they know nothing, but Im curious to know what the "official" statement would be regarding this list.

I don't think you understand how the law work.

If I start tellinng people that you are a theif, and you have no convictions for theft, that might be slanderous. But if you actually do have a prior conviction for stealing a car, its not slander, it's a fact.

So back to my point, if the put people on this list because they simply don't like you, maybe you have a weak case. But unless you are a federaly protected status (minority, veteran, etc..) it's still an up hill fight.

Now, if they actually have documented issues with performance or fraud, forget about it. In that case, you have no shot.

If you are on this list consider yourself lucky. Who would want a job that gains you no respect, people despise the industry and job. Plus the future for your job no matter how hard you work is determined by someone who you will never meet. The company moto and this stands for most of them is "fake it to make it". From the fake calls to the kissing up to the manger. This job has become a rent a rep who drops samples and checks boxes. Soon it will become that all reps are customer service associates. Actually that has already happened. Do you really think you are paid bonus on the business that you generate? It fixed and they make up the numbers how ever they want. Bonus was once a reward for those that did a great job and therefore earned extra. Now it is just a motovation tool that is used for if you would have only done this you could have made that. This song remains the same throughout the industry. If you challange them on bonus you will get the story of " Well you do get a salary and bonus should not be expected." The balance of paying for a 30 second add on tv vs hiring a contract sales force to fill the doctors ear with the product message is a balancing act.

I don't think you understand how the law work.

If I start tellinng people that you are a theif, and you have no convictions for theft, that might be slanderous. But if you actually do have a prior conviction for stealing a car, its not slander, it's a fact.

So back to my point, if the put people on this list because they simply don't like you, maybe you have a weak case. But unless you are a federaly protected status (minority, veteran, etc..) it's still an up hill fight.

Now, if they actually have documented issues with performance or fraud, forget about it. In that case, you have no shot.

Actually I know more than you think. Did you not see the previous post regarding the statutes regarding black listing? Also... It's said that the list contains names where no reasons for being fired are provided. In many cases the claims being made against employees are false and used to get rid of someone who is a threat or is not liked personally. There are minorities and protected classes on this list. As cocky and as confident Publicis may be, there are much stronger organizations who have had to pay huge punitive and compensatory damages for much less. Also... If it's ok and well to circulate a list of "do not hire" with names, addresses, and reasons for being fired, why have HR laws period? If someone has stolen from the company, despite I have not heard of an employee doing so here, an HR or hiring manager could freely give out that information. It would actually be much less damning than than actually putting it in written word and I guarantee that the reasons for not hiring and the evidence or documentation that supposedly supports these reasons, would be pretty flimsy and disorganized judging by how unprofessional management is here. Yes, this could be challenged and I think Publicis has put themselves in a bad situation. They can deny it all they want. It won't change the holes in their story and excuse for coming up with a high school slam book.