I was let go and am looking forward to my next adventure. I've been at the company for almost two decades and it has been a great ride. I have no regrets. The severance was very generous and the skills that I acquired while at GNE will serve me well as I embark on the next chapter. I'm going to take some time off and see what else is out there. I think Pharma/Biotech is not going to be as lucrative (or fun) as it once was, so I will be looking outside of industry. I wish you all the best....I've made some lifelong friends and acquaintances at GNE, and for that I'm grateful. Best wishes and Happy New Year everyone!
Well-said and totally agree. Looking forward to my next adventure, too!

Enjoy the good times while they last GNE. Increasing sales by increasing prices is not going to be sustainable long term. The moment that innovation engine stops delivering, the suits from Swissyland are going to head over and give you guys a humbling haircut. GNE today is very different from GNE circa 1 decade ago. All the smart people are gone and the only ones left are the arrogant pricks who have ridden the GNE name (undeservedly) for the last decade...

Enjoy the good times while they last GNE. Increasing sales by increasing prices is not going to be sustainable long term. The moment that innovation engine stops delivering, the suits from Swissyland are going to head over and give you guys a humbling haircut. GNE today is very different from GNE circa 1 decade ago. All the smart people are gone and the only ones left are the arrogant pricks who have ridden the GNE name (undeservedly) for the last decade...
Could not have said it better. Lots of Kool-Aid drinkers and talking heads in management left behind.

You're dreaming if you think you can relive your past. The culture here was one that was unique to only here, too casual for many companies and not conducive to dealing in a highly competitive market which is what this company has had to transition to, and not very successfully according to many. The spoiled DNA'rs of the past better wake up to fact that the past is behind them and they either adapt to a new culture and system (i.e., big pharma 2018) or figure out something else to do, you won't find what you're looking for. Spoiled assholes....

You're dreaming if you think you can relive your past. The culture here was one that was unique to only here, too casual for many companies and not conducive to dealing in a highly competitive market which is what this company has had to transition to, and not very successfully according to many. The spoiled DNA'rs of the past better wake up to fact that the past is behind them and they either adapt to a new culture and system (i.e., big pharma 2018) or figure out something else to do, you won't find what you're looking for. Spoiled assholes....

Very true, especially the "spoiled assholes" part

You're dreaming if you think you can relive your past. The culture here was one that was unique to only here, too casual for many companies and not conducive to dealing in a highly competitive market which is what this company has had to transition to, and not very successfully according to many. The spoiled DNA'rs of the past better wake up to fact that the past is behind them and they either adapt to a new culture and system (i.e., big pharma 2018) or figure out something else to do, you won't find what you're looking for. Spoiled assholes....

The bitter animus of a corporate whip of unexceptional talent and even less imagination. There are plenty of great places to land out there. Little wonder that many of the best and brightest have been doing just that when the alternative is working with or, God forbid, for the likes of you.

The bitter animus of a corporate whip of unexceptional talent and even less imagination. There are plenty of great places to land out there. Little wonder that many of the best and brightest have been doing just that when the alternative is working with or, God forbid, for the likes of you.
Ha Ha - so true!

Haha Church! LOL as if that does anything. Another waste of time, another group of people lying to you like GENE management. All telling you something for an ulterior reason knowing full well its all BS. All have an agenda, all care about themselves.

Sorry you feel that way. I am sure there are people with an agenda and, I hope you don't find that here. All I want is a positive message rather than all the negative that is going on out there. I will admit, I believe in God and I believe He can help with any situation I may have and He brings me strength and comfort when things do not go like I would like. I trust Him and His purpose. I do apologize if anyone has or will have an agenda here. I hope you have a great week.

Sorry you feel that way. I am sure there are people with an agenda and, I hope you don't find that here. All I want is a positive message rather than all the negative that is going on out there. I will admit, I believe in God and I believe He can help with any situation I may have and He brings me strength and comfort when things do not go like I would like. I trust Him and His purpose. I do apologize if anyone has or will have an agenda here. I hope you have a great week.
Agree and thanks!