No matter where you are, It's a great day. Be thankful for your family and friends, home and the position at Genentech you have or wherever. Some aren't lucky enough to have a job, home, family or friends.

Have you read these post? It's sad so many people are unhappy and dissatisfied.
Have a grreat and relaxing Labor day weekend. If you can, try going to Church this weekend.

I hope you all have a great week. Today, We are lucky to be at a company with a good pipeline.

Uh really? Pipeline SUCKS compared to the past.

2015 is the ONLY year in GNE history of NO LIP for new molecules. 4 out of 5 molecules under LIP were from outside. So for Roche GNE spends about $1 bil a year for P and GRed - these scientists can only make claim to 1 lipped molecule.

SSF is bloated beyond with FTEs hiring contractors to do their job so they can spend time on special project to water down the convoluted as hell quality system and biz processes created by OE aholes.

Thus ripe for nasty RIF in 2016 as it began with roaches from Basel announcing that 4 small molecule plants in Ireland, Italy, Spain and one here (only remaining in NA) in SC are closing. Heck roaches also closed Toluca last year and shuttered NUTley too next up is Basel clean houses in left coastie SSFs.

Remember, you have a job that sends you a pay check ever 2 weeks. As for the pipe-line, you sound like a spoiled child. The pipe line is full, it just takes time. Be happy and proud of what you do. This company is not perfect but, they have done a pretty good job managing through this administration and, are still making it.

So thankful I'm here! Great company, great people! Be thankful for all you have :)
Don't get caught up in the - "we need more" with the Christmas rush. Say a prayer and hold up your glass at the Thanksgiving table and reflect on how truly fortunate we are. Happy Thanksgiving!