Diversity! Diversity!

Well I sure hope I’m still in my director role in the next four years. I actually do check off some of the diversity criteria for characteristics, but I would like to think the reason I left rare disease to join here was the company culture and pipeline. I never openly tell anyone I’m gay, originally born in Alaska, and have one of the borderline disability markers just so I may get a job offer? I hope we can progress as a nation that coming out, being gay, and married to the same sex will be viewed just like opposite sex couples. These things should not matter and we shouldn’t feel intimidated to not share these details for fear of not being accepted by others.

Well I sure hope I’m still in my director role in the next four years. I actually do check off some of the diversity criteria for characteristics, but I would like to think the reason I left rare disease to join here was the company culture and pipeline. I never openly tell anyone I’m gay, originally born in Alaska, and have one of the borderline disability markers just so I may get a job offer? I hope we can progress as a nation that coming out, being gay, and married to the same sex will be viewed just like opposite sex couples. These things should not matter and we shouldn’t feel intimidated to not share these details for fear of not being accepted by others.

Sorry, but not sorry. This is the main reason why Genentech fell from grace.

Well I sure hope I’m still in my director role in the next four years. I actually do check off some of the diversity criteria for characteristics, but I would like to think the reason I left rare disease to join here was the company culture and pipeline. I never openly tell anyone I’m gay, originally born in Alaska, and have one of the borderline disability markers just so I may get a job offer? I hope we can progress as a nation that coming out, being gay, and married to the same sex will be viewed just like opposite sex couples. These things should not matter and we shouldn’t feel intimidated to not share these details for fear of not being accepted by others.
Congrats - you're the new face of Genentech

Get this my friends who meet the inclusion parameters have turned down interviewing for a spot in the new Genentech. They have received a handful of calls to reconsider from HR. None of the want to be patronize

I will implode if I ever hear again...
Plus one
Customer Engagement
(Fucking) Mindset!

Mindset! Did you mean the cult qualification?

The current leaders and ZS honestly believe that you have to be an idiot with a lapdog mindset to be able to get along with other lapdogs in this psychotic ecosystem scheme. They really cannot afford to have any intelligent and independent thinkers to question and challenge their moronic scheme. You have no idea how pathetic the whole thing sounds until you step outside of this doomed organization.

Get this my friends who meet the inclusion parameters have turned down interviewing for a spot in the new Genentech. They have received a handful of calls to reconsider from HR. None of the want to be patronize

I was told from a reliable source that our management teams didn’t anticipate so many minorities would “take the package” when restructuring. Expected more would have had a desire to stay but chose to run far away with the $. This post above is true. This company has lost all respect from the industry. Look at companies like Amgen, Regeneron and Gilead... it’s clear Roche/Genentech has missed the boat.

When you chopped off your own legs and bit off your own fingers because someone told you that you needed to be someone else, perhaps you deserve to be in this position. DNA marginalized and then kicked the high performance people that got the company where it is. This act of corporate suicide will be a cautionary tale for years to come. I am sure the management had a good intention. But the pathetic execution and inept leaders simply killed the company and its culture.

I was told from a reliable source that our management teams didn’t anticipate so many minorities would “take the package” when restructuring. Expected more would have had a desire to stay but chose to run far away with the $. This post above is true. This company has lost all respect from the industry. Look at companies like Amgen, Regeneron and Gilead... it’s clear Roche/Genentech has missed the boat.

OMG. "People are saying..." "I heard that some say..." "I heard from a reliable source that..."
Seriously? Go back to your employer and ask them for better training on spreading their talking points on our site. You're too obvious!

I was told from a reliable source that our management teams didn’t anticipate so many minorities would “take the package” when restructuring. Expected more would have had a desire to stay but chose to run far away with the $. This post above is true. This company has lost all respect from the industry. Look at companies like Amgen, Regeneron and Gilead... it’s clear Roche/Genentech has missed the boat.

OMG. REALLY? "People are saying..." "I heard that some say..." "I heard from a reliable source that..."
Seriously? Go back to your employer and ask them for better training on spreading their talking points on our site. You're too obvious!
Let me save you the problem of posting another lie to cut and paste from your employer's talking point booklet:

"A friend of mine is an older white guy that has won numerous awards, and he cant find a job, anywhere! He's told by hiring managers that although he's the best candidate, they have to hire more women and POC!!!!"

Get this my friends who meet the inclusion parameters have turned down interviewing for a spot in the new Genentech. They have received a handful of calls to reconsider from HR. None of the want to be patronize

Eye roll.
1) Yeh. Like you have "diverse" friends
2) Old old OLD CP meme from conservative posters: "Im a POC/LGBTQ, and I am offended by diversity initiative...why do we deserve a handout?" and "My POC friend told me that once she heard about women in leadership program in the interview, she declined the offer cuz she knows that white males are always THE best candidate, and she didn't want to take the spot from a more deserving candidate..."
At the least you guys can be more creative. C'mon.

There's no such thing as diversity when you exclude mindsets that disagrees with yours. You welcome all for performance and skills do the job. Not because they are gay or black or whatever people identify nowadays.

This thread is for idiots and if Genentech is going hire half of the dopes, I will take the package sell my stock ASAP because this place will be all politicians that promise the world and deliver nothing..