Diversity! Diversity!

Diversity is important but the way GNE is going about it is ruining the hoped-for outcome. Stop cramming it down everyone's throats especially at such a difficult time in the company's history. Organic change is always the most lasting and effective. We're all for diversity but please....have the same sensitivity that you're demanding from the rest of us.

It is deeper than that. Unconscious bias. We tend to hire people who look, act and behave like us. This diversity thing is all about going beyond that. Obviously, this company is not ready for diversity yet.
Unconscious bias is a bunch of bs that the left came up with. How do you know what’s in someone’s subconscious? It’s your actions that matter. I would hire a black or brown person if they provide value to my organization. Same to a white person. But to force me to hire a minority for their skin color is bs. Bring me value over the other candidate, you win. I’m colorblind. You’re welcome.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character - Martin Luther King. We've got it backwards here, compadres!

This is just an excuse to get rid of all current employees for lower wage new FTEs. Doing so will not only save $s but up the PR points. Truth is Genentech's current POC employees aren't promoted as much or paid at same level as that of their W colleague. There is no such thing as unconscious bias in DNA. The rationale behind manager's decision on who they promote during calibration meetings will make you cringed. What matters to them is, did this person "made me look good" to get me promoted? Does not matter how insignificant the impact. They will put it on a deck and spin it like they found cure to COVID-19. While those who actually affect significant impact to efficiencies and bottomline gets passed on year after year.

It's sad that some of you are directing your hate on POC. I too believe that hiring should not be based on color of skin but on value that person brings. On the same vein recognition should also be based on measurable impact not about making someone look good. Don't hate on us POC, we get shafted way more that most of you. Been with the company for 16 years now, though not impacted by the change I have decided to leave the company. Nothing will change here as the culture of privelege, hypocrisy and looking good is so deeply rooted in all levels of management.

Wish you all the best. Stay strong, stay classy.

These clowns can't even get what diversity. Can you believe what Dean said on the call? We will get rid of current reps because we want to have more diversity. Not more women, LGBTQ,,,but more ETHNIC DIVERSITY>


Reverse discrimination!!


PLease fire Dean and replace with a ethnically diverse VP>

DNA is replacing all of the DNA that made the company great with inferior DNA, and eventually, there will not be enough of the original DNA to keep DNA afloat.

These clowns can't even get what diversity. Can you believe what Dean said on the call? We will get rid of current reps because we want to have more diversity. Not more women, LGBTQ,,,but more ETHNIC DIVERSITY>


Reverse discrimination!!


PLease fire Dean and replace with a ethnically diverse VP>

You've got it all wrong; you are not being laid off and replaced in in effort to provide more ethnic diversity. You are being laid off because the role that you currently serve in will no longer exist....FULL STOP.

Now comes the next part. As you know, brand new roles are being created, for which you, and all other internals, are free to apply for. The company would like to address obvious diversity issues within the company, while at the same time expanding the base of available candidates. The overall goal is to recruit the absolute best candidates in the INDUSTRY for these roles, and not be limited to only the best who are currently at the company. If we are all as good as we think we are, we will have no issue. After all YOU ARE "THE BEST" RIGHT?

So again, at the time of the layoff, none of our positions will exist, and we will simply have to compete against the best in the industry if we want to get one of the newly created positions. The are many minorities in the industry who are far superior to what we currently have now. The company needs to expand the pool of candidates, in order to capture as many as the best as possible. Then its game on, "may the best person win."

If you are a great rep, you should have no problem!

If you want to succeed in business, Warren Buffet says hire people with high energy, high intelligence, and high integrity.

Anything else is a miss!

Of course, he’s an old, rich, white man - what could he possibly know?

You've got it all wrong; you are not being laid off and replaced in in effort to provide more ethnic diversity. You are being laid off because the role that you currently serve in will no longer exist....FULL STOP.

Now comes the next part. As you know, brand new roles are being created, for which you, and all other internals, are free to apply for. The company would like to address obvious diversity issues within the company, while at the same time expanding the base of available candidates. The overall goal is to recruit the absolute best candidates in the INDUSTRY for these roles, and not be limited to only the best who are currently at the company. If we are all as good as we think we are, we will have no issue. After all YOU ARE "THE BEST" RIGHT?

So again, at the time of the layoff, none of our positions will exist, and we will simply have to compete against the best in the industry if we want to get one of the newly created positions. The are many minorities in the industry who are far superior to what we currently have now. The company needs to expand the pool of candidates, in order to capture as many as the best as possible. Then its game on, "may the best person win."

If you are a great rep, you should have no problem!
Ha ha ha ha - what makes you think THE BEST in the industry would even be interested in this train wreck? Believe me, they're not.

You've got it all wrong; you are not being laid off and replaced in in effort to provide more ethnic diversity. You are being laid off because the role that you currently serve in will no longer exist....FULL STOP.

Now comes the next part. As you know, brand new roles are being created, for which you, and all other internals, are free to apply for. The company would like to address obvious diversity issues within the company, while at the same time expanding the base of available candidates. The overall goal is to recruit the absolute best candidates in the INDUSTRY for these roles, and not be limited to only the best who are currently at the company. If we are all as good as we think we are, we will have no issue. After all YOU ARE "THE BEST" RIGHT?

So again, at the time of the layoff, none of our positions will exist, and we will simply have to compete against the best in the industry if we want to get one of the newly created positions. The are many minorities in the industry who are far superior to what we currently have now. The company needs to expand the pool of candidates, in order to capture as many as the best as possible. Then its game on, "may the best person win."

If you are a great rep, you should have no problem!

You've got it all wrong; you are not being laid off and replaced in in effort to provide more ethnic diversity. You are being laid off because the role that you currently serve in will no longer exist....FULL STOP.

Now comes the next part. As you know, brand new roles are being created, for which you, and all other internals, are free to apply for. The company would like to address obvious diversity issues within the company, while at the same time expanding the base of available candidates. The overall goal is to recruit the absolute best candidates in the INDUSTRY for these roles, and not be limited to only the best who are currently at the company. If we are all as good as we think we are, we will have no issue. After all YOU ARE "THE BEST" RIGHT?

So again, at the time of the layoff, none of our positions will exist, and we will simply have to compete against the best in the industry if we want to get one of the newly created positions. The are many minorities in the industry who are far superior to what we currently have now. The company needs to expand the pool of candidates, in order to capture as many as the best as possible. Then its game on, "may the best person win."

If you are a great rep, you should have no problem!

I hope the same rules apply to you!!!

If you want to succeed in business, Warren Buffet says hire people with high energy, high intelligence, and high integrity.

Anything else is a miss!

Of course, he’s an old, rich, white man - what could he possibly know?

Ah, I see. And American born straight white men interested in our industry are universally full of high energy, high intelligence, and high integrity...much more so than any other demographic, right?
Ive been here since the 90s, and that certainly was the implication, based on almost all hiring and promotions.
Please stop with the "why dont we only hire the best" BS. At no time in our history did we EVER do that. Ever!! Cronies, boot-lickers and the like always seemed to make their way to middle and upper management, both out in the field and inside. And look at where that's gotten us.
Last point. I dont know, but Im guessing that we have diversity push now only because we've been sued and lost many suits, brought on by "other than straight white men" that can prove that they were passed over because of their diverse background. So to repeat myself; please stop with the sanctimonious BS about how evil this diversity push is.

You've got it all wrong; you are not being laid off and replaced in in effort to provide more ethnic diversity. You are being laid off because the role that you currently serve in will no longer exist....FULL STOP.

Now comes the next part. As you know, brand new roles are being created, for which you, and all other internals, are free to apply for. The company would like to address obvious diversity issues within the company, while at the same time expanding the base of available candidates. The overall goal is to recruit the absolute best candidates in the INDUSTRY for these roles, and not be limited to only the best who are currently at the company. If we are all as good as we think we are, we will have no issue. After all YOU ARE "THE BEST" RIGHT?

So again, at the time of the layoff, none of our positions will exist, and we will simply have to compete against the best in the industry if we want to get one of the newly created positions. The are many minorities in the industry who are far superior to what we currently have now. The company needs to expand the pool of candidates, in order to capture as many as the best as possible. Then its game on, "may the best person win."

If you are a great rep, you should have no problem!

Yes, Q.

Ok just say it, your replacing one bias with another and two wrongs do not make a right. And this mindset bs is just replacing one boot licker with another boot kicker irregardless of ethnicity or gender. This is a headcount reduction with a whatever float your boat excuse.. we are going to lower healthcare cost...we can’t even contract AHR successfully.