District Managers Listen Up


District Managers should be concerned as they will be reduced by 30 to 50%. We all know they are inaffective and with significant less representatives and an increase in reps per DM many will be gone. Unfortunately they will have the option to take an open sales position which will reduce the options for sales people. DM's it is your turn to burn and it will be harder for you to replace your income. DM's knew this was coming so they gave some sales people low ratings hoping to create an opening for themselves just incase. What goes around comes around and some of you DM's will experience what you deserve!!!!


District Managers should be concerned as they will be reduced by 30 to 50%. We all know they are inaffective and with significant less representatives and an increase in reps per DM many will be gone. Unfortunately they will have the option to take an open sales position which will reduce the options for sales people. DM's it is your turn to burn and it will be harder for you to replace your income. DM's knew this was coming so they gave some sales people low ratings hoping to create an opening for themselves just incase. What goes around comes around and some of you DM's will experience what you deserve!!!!

Aww, was your whiny ass fired so you you have to ramble and rant anonymously in an attempt for revenge? Fucking loser.

You sound scared. Is it because you have no other skills except sticking your foot in your mouth while trying to drink the AZ kool aid. Didn't notice you attaching your name to the post. Hey show us how smart you are with another 4 letter word and attach your name this time. RIGHT!!

Managers will NOT be given the opportuinity to take a sales rep position, no matter what they have been told. AZ will not pay a manager's salary to be a rep when there are plenty of qualified contract reps to do the job for a lot less.

Managers will NOT be given the opportuinity to take a sales rep position, no matter what they have been told. AZ will not pay a manager's salary to be a rep when there are plenty of qualified contract reps to do the job for a lot less.

Now there go making that mistake so many at AZ have made before. What is it you say? The idea that AZ's upper management has any business sense whatsoever! For example, if they did, why in the hell would they hire an entire sales group (CSA's) just to click to sample Nexium? Think about it for just one second! They "click" to leave says, never really discuss the drug and go on their merry way. How easy would it be to add a drop down box, just like we had for years, and let us go back to sampling Nexium?

Look for DM's to take the place of reps when possible during the layoff.

Very few drugs come around like Nexium, every office wants samples. Great door opener so you can discuss other drugs. That was stupid to take Nexium away from AZ reps as we were not spending time detailing it but it got us back most of the time. How smart to do have to be to understand what a great opportunity Nexium provided the reps, so take that away and spend additional money to have a contract sales person take that advantage away from us.

Legal has a heavy influence in the next round of layoffs. The hiring freeze is an elegant way of legally reallocating DSMs to the PSS role without there being a direct correlation (on paper) to a fired PSS. I would expect a 2 to 1 ratio, where one DSM salary trumps two PSS salaries. This saves money since DSMs don't earn twice the salary of two PSSs. The two downsized PSSs won't have to come from the same territory, but probably the same region as the RSD will be the one executing the plan.

To catch a thief, you need the truth. To catch a slippery thief, you need ammunition.

Very few drugs come around like Nexium, every office wants samples. Great door opener so you can discuss other drugs. That was stupid to take Nexium away from AZ reps as we were not spending time detailing it but it got us back most of the time. How smart to do have to be to understand what a great opportunity Nexium provided the reps, so take that away and spend additional money to have a contract sales person take that advantage away from us.

Sure. The samples get the rep in the door but then the rep doesn't discuss anything but rants about how he has great rapport with the offices, and the doctors are all friendly but the rep has less of a prescribing influence on the offices than he's worth.

Ten years as DSM and I never had a rep that could detail as good as I could. DSM's should go back as reps. Yes that would solve it.

Well, laaaaa-dee-fucking-da! Congratulations on your ability to spew a canned message that doesn't work. I'm sure your reps have their hands full cleaning up the bullshit you create to their accounts on each and every field ride.

Well, laaaaa-dee-fucking-da! Congratulations on your ability to spew a canned message that doesn't work. I'm sure your reps have their hands full cleaning up the bullshit you create to their accounts on each and every field ride.

Nope never. My reps brought me to their hardest places and let me at it. That is why my District is always number one. You on the other hand remind me of #2.

Ten years as DSM and I never had a rep that could detail as good as I could. DSM's should go back as reps. Yes that would solve it.

Then my opinion is that you weren't much of a DSM.

Your job is to coach and teach, not to sell in a call. If you are not good enough to recruit a talented rep, then coach them to be better than you, then you shouldn't be a dsm. You should stay as a rep where y9ou seem to be more productive.

A dsm should enhance the performance of their district, not ride in like a consultant.

There isn't a District in the company that is always #1. Bullshit. Odds are 100% that the rest of what you wrote is bullshit too.

You look real hard and you will find the #1 District for the last seven years. Of course with you mental capacity it will take you seven years to find the data. You are an embarrassment to yourself, as your wife tells me.

az is such a clown operation, when you are laid off make sure to keep the name off the resume, it will only hurt you

all az is at this point is running around with its tail between their legs, they operate in fear and have wasted any talent that was once here