District Manager with No Ethics

Are her initials IRMA?
1. Blow your chubby HCP customer
2. Marry your chubby HCP customer
3. Blow the dumbest director that ever worked at AZ
4. Get hired by AZ to be a DM with no documented success and zero experience
5. Blow your Chubby director
6. Get promoted to be sales ops with no success and no experience
7. Keep blowing said director while waiting for your next promotion opportunity.

you get the message

1. Blow your chubby HCP customer
2. Marry your chubby HCP customer
3. Blow the dumbest director that ever worked at AZ
4. Get hired by AZ to be a DM with no documented success and zero experience
5. Blow your Chubby director
6. Get promoted to be sales ops with no success and no experience
7. Keep blowing said director while waiting for your next promotion opportunity.

you get the message
Please stop with the frat boy silliness. It is evident that you are jealous of high achieving women. AZ still has a number of little boys that need to grow up.

They’re equally bad.
Integrity problems are the worst, but I just don’t understand why we have to promote women just to have more women in leadership roles. This example is a perfect illustration of what happens when we try to make numbers. This hasn’t been good since she came to AZ as a DBM. Why they doubled down and made her a CBD is even more head-scratching.