District Manager with No Ethics

Women? She? Don’t you mean birthing person, and aren’t you assuming pronouns? Bigot.
Actually, I took the biology elective for my women’s studies degree. It was by far the hardest class I had, but at least I can say “women”, and I think it’s still ok to say “women’s studies”, but I’ll check with HR just make sure. I mean “birthing persons studies is a real mouthful! Additionally, I think it’s ok to use the “she” pronoun for a non-specific or generic birthing person, but I will check in with the DEI folks to make sure this is ok. I don’t know, sometimes it can just be so confusing, but I feel so virtuous, so the confusion is well worth it!

Women? She? Don’t you mean birthing person, and aren’t you assuming pronouns? Bigot.

Bigot? Nah.... Just someone who won't crater to a bunch of loonies trying to redefine science. Now if in you are head you were born a man but in your head, you WANT to be a woman, by all means do what you have to do. Your life. Just don't expect me to change my own "feelings" or logic to ID with yours. Ain't gonna happen no matter how much diversity training we receive.

Bigot? Nah.... Just someone who won't crater to a bunch of loonies trying to redefine science. Now if in you are head you were born a man but in your head, you WANT to be a woman, by all means do what you have to do. Your life. Just don't expect me to change my own "feelings" or logic to ID with yours. Ain't gonna happen no matter how much diversity training we receive.
It will if You’re My Biotch! Get back to work and get that RX! bDb

Bigot? Nah.... Just someone who won't crater to a bunch of loonies trying to redefine science. Now if in you are head you were born a man but in your head, you WANT to be a woman, by all means do what you have to do. Your life. Just don't expect me to change my own "feelings" or logic to ID with yours. Ain't gonna happen no matter how much diversity training we receive.
Uhm…pretty sure that was sarcasm. Ok, I’m positive it was sarcasm.

Any justification they can find to cut people.

Just like the politicians they buy off, they want a group of elites and a great unwashed population of low paid serfs and peasants.

Makes me physically sick seeing what our "leadership" has become
Nothing But A Puppet ! Your “Manager” is the Puppet Mentality, My Unethical Manager is a Master, useless metrics and forced rankings make me undesirable. My Biotch manager is an AZ devotee, me too! AZ USA go suck a lollipop and live the AZ LIE! My manager is an Expert!

AZ people, you all crack me up. You have no respect for yourself. I hope when they bury you, they throw in the golden handcuffs you call carry by still working for this unethical, no integrity company. You just don't let life, and you don't even make that much for the handcuffs you all put yourself in.

Nothing But A Puppet ! Your “Manager” is the Puppet Mentality, My Unethical Manager is a Master, useless metrics and forced rankings make me undesirable. My Biotch manager is an AZ devotee, me too! AZ USA go suck a lollipop and live the AZ LIE! My manager is an Expert!
worth repeating!
Nothing But A Puppet ! Your “Manager” is the Puppet Mentality, My Unethical Manager is a Master, useless metrics and forced rankings make me undesirable. My Biotch manager is an AZ devotee, me too! AZ USA go suck a lollipop and live the AZ LIE! My manager is an Expert!

There is a manager who can’t write email to save their life. They use shadow writers or better yet have people on their team that proof the email when there are major things to communicate.