District Manager with No Ethics

I know a AZ manager who never ever works! She's very shady and its so funny seeing her loser boyfriend crusing around in her Escape. Dude rolls around in it all the time. Lol. You know who you are? Go W

I applied to a position in the NE/NY market and have had a screening interview. People I know in the company have shared that I don’t want to be part of that region. Is that the GNR? And is the regional manager that bad if it is?

Decided to check in to see response(s). I appreciate the above post. Clearly the person in question decided to post. Based on what I heard, not surprised. Gives me some things to think about.

I know a DM who targets her reps for “false calls” to fire them, if your podmates doesn’t like you Or she doesn’t like you. I have seen her run people out two times that I witnessed (used to work for her). The real RUB is, she goes home after lunch and calls it a full day!! She pretends to be your friend to get information for her next target. I suspect she’s doing it again (moved to Specialty) with another rep and I can’t sleep thinking about this hypocrite. Who should I tell? This manager is a Big Brown Noser (successfully firing several people is a Manager Bonus) who works closely with HR. Any help is appreciated. It’s Not BdB, it’s a woman District Manager.

I know a DM who targets her reps for “false calls” to fire them, if your podmates doesn’t like you Or she doesn’t like you. I have seen her run people out two times that I witnessed (used to work for her). The real RUB is, she goes home after lunch and calls it a full day!! She pretends to be your friend to get information for her next target. I suspect she’s doing it again (moved to Specialty) with another rep and I can’t sleep thinking about this hypocrite. Who should I tell? This manager is a Big Brown Noser (successfully firing several people is a Manager Bonus) who works closely with HR. Any help is appreciated. It’s Not BdB, it’s a woman District Manager.

Welcome to Corporate America!

Just get out of AZ as quick as possible. It is a "crown" company. Weak.

Look for privately held companies with a track record of stability and success. They are out there. Good luck.

Welcome to Corporate America!

Just get out of AZ as quick as possible. It is a "crown" company. Weak.

Look for privately held companies with a track record of stability and success. They are out there. Good luck.
Mediocrity is celebrated here. So is babysitting. If it's a box that can be checked, it is highly valued.

She’s pretty much one of the worst here, and it’s pretty obvious why she’s in that role. She was a rep not very long ago, and I don’t think she’s ever even had a good year.
HR has protected her from the beginning. There’s more than enough bad press to get rid of this one, but she survives due the identity numbers game. Nobody in her region respects her, but that doesn’t matter. BG knew she was incompetent, but he played the numbers game too until it finally caught up with him. You have to wonder if this mess can last.

HR has protected her from the beginning. There’s more than enough bad press to get rid of this one, but she survives due the identity numbers game. Nobody in her region respects her, but that doesn’t matter. BG knew she was incompetent, but he played the numbers game too until it finally caught up with him. You have to wonder if this mess can last.
One of our region’s speaker compared her disease state knowledge to that is a 10th grader.

Mediocrity is celebrated here. So is babysitting. If it's a box that can be checked, it is highly valued.

My previous manager was the epitome of mediocracy. This manager has been around for many years. I think I heard talk that in the beginning of this manager's role as a DSM this individual did try to be a "good" manager. But this person eventually became as most DSMs...they realize that being a true leader requires them to grow, just like they expect their reps to grow. But that requires honest self-awareness and the insight that they may need to accept that just maybe they are not perfect and (at times) they are actually wrong in their decisions as a manager. However, that rarely (if ever) happens. Heaven forbid they be that honest. Their egos become too big over time. They drink the koolaid. They have been in the AZ system too long. Golden handcuff syndrome. Too much to lose. Not enough career time left to self-correct even if they have the guts or conscience to do so.