District Manager with No Ethics


I know a DM who targets her reps for “false calls” to fire them, if your podmates doesn’t like you Or she doesn’t like you. I have seen her run people out two times that I witnessed (used to work for her). The real RUB is, she goes home after lunch and calls it a full day!! She pretends to be your friend to get information for her next target. I suspect she’s doing it again (moved to Specialty) with another rep and I can’t sleep thinking about this hypocrite. Who should I tell? This manager is a Big Brown Noser (successfully firing several people is a Manager Bonus) who works closely with HR. Any help is appreciated. It’s Not BdB, it’s a woman District Manager.


I know a DM who targets her reps for “false calls” to fire them, if your podmates doesn’t like you Or she doesn’t like you. I have seen her run people out two times that I witnessed (used to work for her). The real RUB is, she goes home after lunch and calls it a full day!! She pretends to be your friend to get information for her next target. I suspect she’s doing it again (moved to Specialty) with another rep and I can’t sleep thinking about this hypocrite. Who should I tell? This manager is a Big Brown Noser (successfully firing several people is a Manager Bonus) who works closely with HR. Any help is appreciated. It’s Not BdB, it’s a woman District Manager.

Go to HR and you will be marked. HR says no retaliation. That is true but for only 6 months. After that, all bets are off. And trust me, if a DM leaves after lunch, count your blessings. Do you really want them coaching you till 4 or 5? No thank you!

ALL DAY LIE! AZ Original.
Believe me, management knows that nobody works and full day and they are cool with it. Hell, in my 15 years here I have yet to see a manager work a full 8 hour day! If you’re targeted for personality issues with your POD mates or worse, your manager, get another job. Or try to transfer divisions (very hard at AZ, not much hope there).

Its not worth reporting HR won't do anything and you'll be targeted and pushed out...they don't care about sexual harassment either even when you have evidence to support it ... the harassers are only "talked to" that's their resolution

Its not worth reporting HR won't do anything and you'll be targeted and pushed out...they don't care about sexual harassment either even when you have evidence to support it ... the harassers are only "talked to" that's their resolution
This is not OK! Did you speak with a lawyer? The managers I know are mostly lazy, not willing to make any efforts to help, only “coach”. If your coaching includes harassment of any kind, find an employment lawyer. Don’t Go To HR or anyone within AZ!!! What the Fock?

I know a DM who targets her reps for “false calls” to fire them, if your podmates doesn’t like you Or she doesn’t like you. I have seen her run people out two times that I witnessed (used to work for her). The real RUB is, she goes home after lunch and calls it a full day!! She pretends to be your friend to get information for her next target. I suspect she’s doing it again (moved to Specialty) with another rep and I can’t sleep thinking about this hypocrite. Who should I tell? This manager is a Big Brown Noser (successfully firing several people is a Manager Bonus) who works closely with HR. Any help is appreciated. It’s Not BdB, it’s a woman District Manager.

Best bet is to warn her next potential victim. And, not in writing. Call. Tip them off. Encourage the person to guard his/her back and/or look for their next job and move on before she damages them.

Do not report it to her manager nor HR unless you want to be “managed out” of the company. AZ doesn’t do much to investigate. You could try to report anonymously through the ethics and compliance hotline, but still, managers like her are a dime a dozen. I doubt they care especially if she can justify her “decisions” (“fake call”).

She is where she is because AZ leadership from the top down either endorse her “style” or fall prey to her brown-nosing (extremely common.)

This is the culture in HQ as well as the field. It’s a political game of survival.

Best bet is to warn her next potential victim. And, not in writing. Call. Tip them off. Encourage the person to guard his/her back and/or look for their next job and move on before she damages them.

Do not report it to her manager nor HR unless you want to be “managed out” of the company. AZ doesn’t do much to investigate. You could try to report anonymously through the ethics and compliance hotline, but still, managers like her are a dime a dozen. I doubt they care especially if she can justify her “decisions” (“fake call”).

She is where she is because AZ leadership from the top down either endorse her “style” or fall prey to her brown-nosing (extremely common.)

This is the culture in HQ as well as the field. It’s a political game of survival.
DONT CALL COMPLIANCE HOTLINE! It’s Not safe! You will be tagged. Definitely warn your friend. HR Backs Managers 100+% Just Look what it took to get rid of BdB. This manager will probably get promoted, just like all the others. This company is crap, believe it

Best bet is to warn her next potential victim. And, not in writing. Call. Tip them off. Encourage the person to guard his/her back and/or look for their next job and move on before she damages them.

Do not report it to her manager nor HR unless you want to be “managed out” of the company. AZ doesn’t do much to investigate. You could try to report anonymously through the ethics and compliance hotline, but still, managers like her are a dime a dozen. I doubt they care especially if she can justify her “decisions” (“fake call”).

She is where she is because AZ leadership from the top down either endorse her “style” or fall prey to her brown-nosing (extremely common.)

This is the culture in HQ as well as the field. It’s a political game of survival.

I'd agree about going to HR or Compliance and getting "coached" & "managed" out..I'd try to find another position in the company where you are not managed by this person...unfortunately this happens far too often
especially if this person is productive in the company they get away with any and everything

Remember, HR isn't here to help employees, they are here to protect the company. Going to HR and expecting them to fairly investigate something or consider a bully an problem isn't going to happen. They see your complaint as a potential problem and have to figure out how it benefits the company to make it go away.

Remember, HR isn't here to help employees, they are here to protect the company. Going to HR and expecting them to fairly investigate something or consider a bully an problem isn't going to happen. They see your complaint as a potential problem and have to figure out how it benefits the company to make it go away.


I know a DM who targets her reps for “false calls” to fire them, if your podmates doesn’t like you Or she doesn’t like you. I have seen her run people out two times that I witnessed (used to work for her). The real RUB is, she goes home after lunch and calls it a full day!! She pretends to be your friend to get information for her next target. I suspect she’s doing it again (moved to Specialty) with another rep and I can’t sleep thinking about this hypocrite. Who should I tell? This manager is a Big Brown Noser (successfully firing several people is a Manager Bonus) who works closely with HR. Any help is appreciated. It’s Not BdB, it’s a woman District Manager.

sounds like Cynthia C-M in Boston. Maybe her maybe not. The bottom line is human resources is nothing other than an extended wing of management designed to protect the company. If you go to them with claims of retaliation or harassment etc., even with hard evidence, they will never admit culpability, especially in writing. Best case scenario is the perpetrator gets spoken to but then a target will be on your back. More often than not they will tell you they are conducting an “investigation” and that “their evidence” (which they won’t share) shows no wrongdoing. I have experienced this twice now and they are textbook gas lighters. What I did which got a manager fired is take a ton of notes, get hard written evidence and choreograph with at least 1-2 other representatives. Take it to the legal/compliance team not human resources and do it anonymously. Make sure you say the words that the person has become a “risk to the organization”. This is the best chance of keeping it away from human resources and have it taken at least halfway seriously

sounds like Cynthia C-M in Boston. Maybe her maybe not. The bottom line is human resources is nothing other than an extended wing of management designed to protect the company. If you go to them with claims of retaliation or harassment etc., even with hard evidence, they will never admit culpability, especially in writing. Best case scenario is the perpetrator gets spoken to but then a target will be on your back. More often than not they will tell you they are conducting an “investigation” and that “their evidence” (which they won’t share) shows no wrongdoing. I have experienced this twice now and they are textbook gas lighters. What I did which got a manager fired is take a ton of notes, get hard written evidence and choreograph with at least 1-2 other representatives. Take it to the legal/compliance team not human resources and do it anonymously. Make sure you say the words that the person has become a “risk to the organization”. This is the best chance of keeping it away from human resources and have it taken at least halfway seriously
Cookie Cutter AZ manager. They promote underperforming reps, call them managers and give them marching orders. Forget compliance; call an attorney. For the person who was sexually harassed (women do it too!) please contact an attorney. It’s your career and livelihood! Managers here are not employable in other companies. They know only how to suss out “Fake calls “ hahaha Fake expenses and check gas cards to mileage. All to “coach” you to success. Lower than a bottom feeder and absolutely a soulless job.

assume you are talking about the CBD.
Managers-CBD-EBD All Failed sales reps…ask
Them if they ever won any awards when they were territory reps (especially with no pods). What’s the answer? NO because the mediocre get promoted as they are the Biggest Brown Nosers. I have No Respect for my manager (never won on her own) or any upper managers. Wish they would Coach themselves, Not put us in danger and Stop the lack of support (Samples?) in this crap hole.

Managers-CBD-EBD All Failed sales reps…ask
Them if they ever won any awards when they were territory reps (especially with no pods). What’s the answer? NO because the mediocre get promoted as they are the Biggest Brown Nosers. I have No Respect for my manager (never won on her own) or any upper managers. Wish they would Coach themselves, Not put us in danger and Stop the lack of support (Samples?) in this crap hole.
Count yourself lucky. At least your CBD isn’t garish eyelash moron in West Texas.