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Discovery Labs is hiring!

I'm going to go for it. It has the "bones" of a great opportunity. Time will tell and I hope D Labs gives us enough time to effect some change.

Famous last words...you must be currently unemployed and desperate or very unintelligent. Do you really think a company who is burning through tons of cash and has been denied approval 4x by the FDA with investors angrily and anxiously waiting for results and profits will want to "give you time" to change the dynamics and thinking in the market place? They will want results FAST and will not be patient. This is one area that separates pharma reps from other sales people....

Famous last words...you must be currently unemployed and desperate or very unintelligent. Do you really think a company who is burning through tons of cash and has been denied approval 4x by the FDA with investors angrily and anxiously waiting for results and profits will want to "give you time" to change the dynamics and thinking in the market place? They will want results FAST and will not be patient. This is one area that separates pharma reps from other sales people....

Wholeheartedly agree. If you need a job then jump on it, do your best and see what happens. If you have a job, wait it out until you see the direction this will go. Sounds like a great sell until you have to actually try to sell it.

Can somebody please share the name of recruiters working on this project? Thank you!

All, keep the names of these contacts off this board. Dsco hr dept has plenty of resumes that are already in the hands of the recruiters. We don't need to overwhelm them with a bunch of calls from unqualified people that use CP for lazy networking.

All, keep the names of these contacts off this board. Dsco hr dept has plenty of resumes that are already in the hands of the recruiters. We don't need to overwhelm them with a bunch of calls from unqualified people that use CP for lazy networking.

Afraid of a bit of competition? Sure sounds like it.

All, keep the names of these contacts off this board. Dsco hr dept has plenty of resumes that are already in the hands of the recruiters. We don't need to overwhelm them with a bunch of calls from unqualified people that use CP for lazy networking.

How about you shut up? Who are you to tell everyone on this board what to do? If anyone knows the recruiters, let them be known. Don't allow someone to dictate what can be shown here, it's not their business. Sounds like you are afraid of someone better than you coming to Discovery and threatening your job.

To the disgruntled person that is telling people not to share info on here.... Get a life!! Well apparently if work here already then you have done your homework on the neonatal world and have figured out that this is going to be an uphill battle selling this against curosurf. Have you even read all the studies out there involving the number 1 competition?? Have you spoken to the neo's?? Well I have and put it this way there's a much bigger survival advantage with curosurf so for u to talk about this and to tell everyone you have already been hired as a rep... Well I call bs or they hired one stupid as rep!! You think you know so much about surfactants and the world of neonatology. I have news for you, you don't even have a clue!!! I work in a large level 3 and I deal with surfactant on a daily basis and I hope to god that your not our rep!

All, keep the names of these contacts off this board. Dsco hr dept has plenty of resumes that are already in the hands of the recruiters. We don't need to overwhelm them with a bunch of calls from unqualified people that use CP for lazy networking.

Someone should just share it to piss this little princess off... Lol! Has to be a chic that's worried about not getting a position. She's a little toooo uptight!Must have her granny panties on way to tight!!!!

Yes, around 28 to start. 7 reps per the 4 RBD's.

Be prepared to feel like you are operating in a pressure cooker every day on the job. Mgt will expect results VERY FAST with little to no excuses or push back as to why you are not hitting corporate objectives (sales goals). I would not touch this place unless I was unemployed.

With the big salaries they are paying they are going to expect big results! Hope DL hired experience neonatal reps. If not they have a huge learning curb when it comes to calling on neonatogist and I doubt this company has the time and money to wait on these relationships to be built. If the company is just looking for 5% of the surfactant market then u might succeed but as the market leader. Good luck! Hope DL went after the top surfactant reps out there that have the track record and relationships with the big teaching institutions.

I agree with many of these posts. I remember several years ago the recruiters were calling myself and a lot of my coworkers. I cant totally remember, but i think it was back in 2006! Surfaxin has been denied multiple times and this is a very conservative area of medicine. I have been burned on a couple of job choices in my past and sincerely always tell everyone that if you have the slightest reservations and see a fee red flags....dont do it. I sincerely dont think this will be a good opportunity. Just my 2 cents. In this day in age, we all have to watch out for each other.

With the big salaries they are paying they are going to expect big results! Hope DL hired experience neonatal reps. If not they have a huge learning curb when it comes to calling on neonatogist and I doubt this company has the time and money to wait on these relationships to be built. If the company is just looking for 5% of the surfactant market then u might succeed but as the market leader. Good luck! Hope DL went after the top surfactant reps out there that have the track record and relationships with the big teaching institutions.

The salaries aren't that big. Around $110 to $115. I would have taken a huge pay cut to come here.

No car, no matching 401K, MASSIVE territories, 2-3 overnights per week. UGHHH.

It will be interesting to see who jumps over to this place. There is really NO incentive from a sales persons perspective? Avg salary, no car, no 401k match, benefits are below avg from what I can tell, two product company, very high pressure situation, avgerage upper management team, burning through a ton of cash, and selling a drug that has been shot down 4x into a very conservative market place where the existing drugs work well with very little issues. Am I missing something? Why would anyone come here unless unemployed and they need a job?